Jimmy Flower smiled. "That's Rowena. She came right home from the parade, she said, and went to bed with cotton in ber ears. Didn't wake up until around quarter past one. As soon as she took the cotton out of her ears she heard her mother screaming, went downstairs, found her all alone having a conniption fit. Rowena said she'd had a late night the night before, and that's why she slept so soundly."
Mary drew a sharp-pointed tail on her devil and started surrounding him with the flames of hell. The District Attorney couldn't take his bulging eyes off the picture of Rowena. It was a studio portrait. Rowena had been wearing a low-cut gown apparently, and the photographer had snipped off the gown, so that it looked as if ... boy. "Anybody see her coming home?"
"We can practically track her from point to point. When Rowena Goss goes by, people take notice. She must have driven up to the house at about 11:05. She was last seen on Barrett's Mill Road driving toward her house with the top down on her white convertible by a college boy on a bicycle and the fathers of three families driving home from the parade. The families didn't remember her, but the fathers all did."
Homer Kelly pointed out that Rowena had no particular motive for doing away with her father that anybody could think of, beyond of course his general hatefulness, and the company passed on to the contemplation of Rowena's sister Edith. The contemplation was less pleasant. Edith's introverted blank eyes looked furtively out at them from under her beetling brows. Her hair was gathered back unbecomingly at the base of her neck, and a piece of straggling ribbon showed.
"Edith drove her mother home from the festivities, and then she says she went for a long nature-walk around Annursnac Hill. She came in around quarter of two just as we were driving out with Charley. Had her hands full of pussy willows."
"Any motive, in her case?"
"Well, old Goss picked on her, I understand, more or less the way he did on Charley. Less savagely, maybe."
The D.A. scribbled some more on his sheets of paper. "Aaalll right," he said, picking up a clean one. "Now, the Alcott Club. You say the members of this club had good reason to have it in for Ernest Goss because he was going to publish some scandalous letters from Louisa May Alcott and people like that. Right? And the letters haven't turned up? Say, let me stick that on my other sheet." He scrabbled among his papers, found the one marked queries, and added, "Letters—where are they at?"
Homer got up and started walking around, one hand roughing up his cowlick. "Do you remember the argument Mary overheard, when Ernest Goss said something about a decision he had made? How he wasn't ashamed of it, he was damned happy about it, or some such phrase? Now suppose his 'decision' was the decision to publish the letters? The visitor might have been anyone in the Alcott Association. It might even have been a woman, threatening him with some sort of weapon. Suppose it was Teddy Staples. He failed, obviously, to persuade Ernie to abandon his scheme, so later on he boldly crashed the dinner party. He was getting desperate. Felt he had to hush those letters up, so people wouldn't laugh at his Henry Thoreau. But he failed again, and Ernie threw him out. So next day Teddy killed him. Now if this was the case, then the rider on Charley's horse might have been Teddy. Or more likely, Teddy came by the way of the river and the rider was more or less an innocent bystander. Well, this would mean that there were three of them there at the bridge—Teddy, Ernie Goss, and maybe Charley Goss. Charley could have brought the musket, Teddy could have fired it. Then Charley galloped away, without the musket, and was seen by the Boy Scout. In the meantime Teddy ran to the bridge and hid under it while Arthur Furry gamboled over the bridge and discovered the body. Then Arthur rushed off to alert the countryside and Teddy simply paddled off, with the musket lying in the bottom of his canoe, the letters in his pocket. By the time the mob arrived on the scene he could have been safely around the bend. What's the matter with that?"
Mary found herself just as unhappy with Teddy for a murderer as she had been with Charley. She couldn't picture him lurking under the bridge like the wicked troll while Arthur Furry frisked over it like the Little Billy Goat Gruff. She shook her head, scowling at her notes.
The D.A. was speaking. "You found no trace of the gun, though, at Teddy's house? Nor any letters?"
Jimmy Flower groaned. "We even got the skindiver into the act again, in the river there at Fairhaven Bay by Teddy's house. No such luck. And that confounded hat wasn't there either."
The District Attorney yawned. His head was going around and around. What he wanted more than anything else was a can of cold beer. He usually had one about this time of day and then took a little shut-eye while Miss O'Toole held the fort. Wistfully he pictured the shining can, with the moisture condensed on the outside, and the punkshing sound of the can opener and the foam bubbling up through the opening. But it was out of the question. It would put him right to sleep. He shook his head and said drowsily, "Where's the ballistics man? He shown up yet?"
He had. His name was Lieutenant Morrissey, from the Department of Public Safety. He was ushered in by Miss O'Toole, with a long skinny case in his hand. Inside it was a musket very much like the one that had presumably killed Ernest Goss. In a small box in his pocket was the musket ball that had been found in Goss's body. Lieutenant Morrissey handed the musket around, pointing out its parts, explaining how the flintlock mechanism worked. He obviously enjoyed handling the old piece. He held the musket so that the District Attorney could peer sleepily into the muzzle.
"See?" said Lieutenant Morrissey. "No rifling. Smooth bore. Nothing to leave a trace on a projectile. So even if we had the musket we couldn't be dead certain that the ball was fired from it. It takes rifling to leave identifying marks. The round musket ball doesn't fit closely either, like a modern cylindrical projectile. This ball is about 60 caliber, and this particular musket I have here is 70 caliber. They always had room to spare. What you did was, you wrapped the ball in a patch, to make it airtight in the bore."
The D.A. made a heroic struggle to sound intelligent. "What happens to the patch? I mean when you fire it?"
"It flies out along with the ball. Here it is." Lieutenant Morrissey showed them a blackened piece of thin leather, cut roughly round. "This is apparently one of a bunch of them that Ernest Goss had in the drawer along with the black powder Incidentally, all of the balls that Philip Goss made up the night of the 18th of April are missing."
"Humph," said the D.A., leaning his heavy head on his hand.
"What about the other guns in the collection?" said Homer. "Could this ball have been fired from one of them?"
"We looked into that, and of course that's possible. One or two of them had a big enough bore. The pocket pistol did, and the duelling pistol. But they were all clean as a whistle inside, and not one of them had lost its flint. And then what would the fowling piece be missing for?"
"And don't forget," said the D.A., making a supreme effort, "that the dying man said 'musket.' " That clinched it, as far as he was concerned.
Lieutenant Morrissey was all finished, so he packed up his gun and left, opening the door wide for someone else to come in.
"Hello, there, Mr. Campbell," said the D.A. "Come right in and make yourself at home. We're all ready for you. This is Lieutenant Morrissey's colleague from the Department of Public Safety, Mr. Robert Campbell. Anything he doesn't know about fingerprints you could write on your thumbnail. Ha ha, say, Mr. Campbell, how about that? Anything you don't know about fingerprints you could write on your thumbnail. Ha ha. Say, that was pretty sharp." (The District Attorney felt himself waking up again.)