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Academy of American Poets 144

Adams, B. 228

Adams, R.M. 271

The Adventures of Catullus 82

Agenda 276

Allen, D.: The New American Poetry 250

L’almanacco dello Specchio 275

American Bible Society 21

American Booksellers Convention 14

American Literature 207

Anderson, B. 100

Anderson, D. 191, 198

Anti-Jacobin Review 92

Antonella, A. 15

Antonioni, M. 266

Anvil Press Poetry 277

Apter, R. 224225, 237

Apuleius 31

The Arabian Nights 158160

Arion 220

Ariosto, L.: Orlando Furioso 78, 79

Aristophanes 77, 78, 8081, 208

Arnold, M. 35, 201; On Translating Homer 100, 129141, 143146

Arrowsmith, W.: translation of E. Montale 277, 285286

Ashmore, J. 44

Athenaeum (English) 140141

Athenaeum (German) 104

Atlantic Monthly 209

Bailey, J. 201

Bakhtin, M. 72

Balestrini, N. 277

Ballerini, L. 277

Banks, T. 58

Barnard, M. 211; translation of Sappho 211213

Barnes, D. 265

Barthelme, D. 266

Bassnett, S. 36, 38

Bates, E.S.: Modern Translation 188

Baudelaire, C. 189190

Beckett, S. 265

Belsey, C. 150151

Beltrametti, F. 277, 278

Benjamin, W. 309

Berman, A. 20, 101, 110, 112

Bernart de Ventadorn 258