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Dahl cleared his throat noisily. “And may I address the brand new elephant in the room?” He paused. “All those things Webb was spouting? Are any of them true?”

Drake didn’t like to think too hard about them, and assumed the rest of the team needed some time to ponder. “Let’s chat later,” he said. “I need some air.”

Almost in silence, they trooped along the corridor and found a way to the museum’s entrance. Fresh air helped revive Drake and he was soon casting around, wondering what the next move might be.

Then Alicia surprised them all by pushing her way into their midst. “Look, guys,” she muttered. “I’m apologizing here. I don’t know how,” she shrugged. “But I’m sorry my relationship with Beau helped keep his cover.” She drew a heavy breath. “That’s it.”

Drake smiled at her. The new and improved Alicia Myles, and even more startling with each passing day.

Mai ignored the apology and turned to Hayden. “We won’t be able to rely on Sabrina anymore. If she’s still alive.”

“I know.” Hayden bit her bottom lip and looked over at Lauren. “I seem to remember a snippet of conversation, do you?”

“Yeah. Webb’s a talker, all right. He told Sabrina the next clue will be found ‘where he died’, or something like that. Obviously that doesn’t mean Webb, but the crazy obsession he lives and breathes — Germain.”

“I dunno,” Smyth grumped. “Sounds like a long shot.”

“Oh great,” Lauren said. “Now you don’t believe a thing I say.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t believe. I said—”

“You’re both right,” Hayden interrupted quickly. “Webb was referring to Germain but he rambles and fantasizes and builds all his castles in the air. It’s a leap. But…” She gave them a small smile.

“We see if it matches the merc’s list,” Yorgi said.

“And,” Dahl said, “it is what he told Sabrina so I’m inclined to believe. She has become a true and believable asset.”

“Calm down,” Kenzie muttered. “Don’t forget the ole lady.”

Dahl frowned. “Eh?”

“Yer main squeeze.” She effected an accent. “The old battle axe.”

“You probably know her as ‘boo-bear’,” Alicia put in.

“Oh, you mean Johanna?”

The two laughed.

“Maybe he’ll never get out of London,” Kinimaka offered.

“He will find a way behind our backs,” Mai said with a sly glance over at Alicia. “The slippery ones always do.”

Drake almost gulped, but luckily the Englishwoman was still feeling a little humbled and brooding over all that she had said, and most likely her relationship with Beau. How many times would she replay their conversations through the next weeks and months? Drake ignored Mai and found himself thinking about all that Webb had said.

Some gigantic bombshells dropped.

And such personal information. But then the man who boasted of private footage of Hayden Jaye — ex-CIA and at the top of her game — no doubt had the resources to breach any wall, delve through any record. Our personal worlds were there for all to see if a despicable individual knew where to look.

“Shouldn’t be hard to find out where Saint Germain died,” Drake extended the option.

“Already done,” Lauren said. “The merc said northern Germany and there’s a place there called Eckernförde. On the coast of the Baltic Sea. The town’s history contains an interesting anecdote. The Count de Saint Germain was buried in Eckernförde near the Saint Nicolai church. His grave was destroyed in 1872 by a storm surge.”

Even Smyth had to affect a wry grin. “Convenient,” he said. “No body.”

“It all adds to the conspiracy and the legend,” Lauren said. “No remains. No proof he died at all.”

Mai snorted. “Do not tell me you are buying into this immortal nonsense.”

“Me?” Lauren drawled. “I’m from Manhattan and believe absolutely nothing that I’m told. I just paint the pictures, darlin’.”

“I imagine this Eckernförde is a big place,” Dahl said. “Maybe Webb thinks the old grave site is intact? He would go there.”

“And what was Germain doing in Germany?” Kinimaka said. “From what we know of him he always seemed to travel with purpose, not by whim.”

Hayden turned her nose up at the London drizzle. “So unless there are any objections we’re out of this murk.”

“And quickly,” Drake urged them. “Maybe this time, with the manhunt slowing him down, we can actually get ahead of Webb. I don’t believe we should wait. Fact is, even with measly resources he’ll be able to fly anywhere in the world.”

“So let’s go.” Alicia was the first to move. “Because I know one big, fat penis with whom I want to set a very special date.”


The German town of Eckernförde was a popular coastal town, well-liked by tourists. The team flew to Hamburg and then choppered toward the coast, lines of communication always open for word of Webb or Sabrina or even the new Secretary of Defense, Kimberly Crowe. But the wires remained silent, as did most of the team.

Dahl quietly evaluated Webb’s words.

I know one of you is a lesbian. One of you is embarrassed all the time. And one of you is dying. I know that. I know one of you killed their parents in cold blood. One of you who is missing is far from what you believe. One of you will die by my hand in three days’ time just to wring those tragic emotions from those who remain. One of you cries themselves to sleep.

It struck him that most if not all of these statements were true. Yes, Webb would profit from sowing unease among the team, but despite all his terrible flaws he wasn’t known for lying. He had no reason to concoct such wild yarns. Some of it didn’t even matter, but there were a few profound statements there that Dahl wanted to make sense of. In addition, he was worried about Sabrina. Despite her crimes, her past sins, she had been forced into helping the team.

“You look like you’re moping.” Kenzie nudged his knee with hers. “Thinking about the old ball and chain?”

Dahl shrugged. Johanna hadn’t figured in his thoughts today. “Maybe,” he said. “And Sabrina. I feel for them both.”

“Well at least now we know who the lesbian is.” She chortled at him and flicked eyes at Drake, who couldn’t hide a smile.

“Don’t encourage her,” Dahl stretched his legs out as the chopper cut through the clouds. “What happens to Sabrina Balboni will be on us.”

“Not on me,” Kenzie blurted. “I am but a follower and she a nasty criminal.”

“She actually never hurt anyone,” Drake said. “Unlike you, Bridget.”

“I only kill in retaliation,” she said. “Or for revenge.”

“Sweet.” Drake turned away as Alicia tapped his arm.

Dahl tried again with Kenzie. “Then let somebody in. There’s a real, caring person hidden deep within you. I know. Let her out, even for just a minute.”

“You’re wrong, Dahl. Inside me there’s only ashes. Barren emotions. And longing. I long for a redo.”

“A redo?”

“In life. I want to go back to before. Do it all again differently. I want my family to be alive.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You can’t possibly know what it’s like.”

The Swede skimmed over recent near misses. “I agree. I can’t physically stomach contemplating it.”

“So where would I find my heart?”

Dahl swallowed drily, unable to answer. Drake came to his rescue in inimitable fashion.

“Dudes, just follow the unwritten Matt Drake rule. When you’re talking and start sounding too much like Taylor Swift, it’s time to end the conversation.”

The helicopter descended toward Eckernförde, seeking out a helipad. The team were operating under Interpol’s dominion, but locals would always be around. Sometimes they were helpful, most times not.