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“Mr. Jacobson?”

“Yes. I, um, I was in Romania doing liaison work with our U.N. forces.”

Kevin let the vague explanation slide and got right to the heart of the matter. “Did you have any advance knowledge of Mr. Zaric’s kidnapping and arrest?”

Jacobson was clearly uncomfortable. “Uh, what do you mean by advance?”

“Did you have any knowledge that Mr. Zaric would be kidnapped before it took place?”

“Madam President,” Stone whined, rising to protect his witness. “Mr. Anderson is using his cross-examination to re-litigate pretrial motions which have already been decided. This is irrelevant to the issue of the guilt of the accused.”

Judge Orozco was about to speak when Judge Davidson chimed in. “Mr. Stone, didn’t the prosecution represent in connection with that motion that it had no advance knowledge or participation in the kidnapping of Mr. Zaric?”

“That’s possible, Your Honor. I don’t quite recall all the pretrial litigation. Mr. Anderson filed a number of frivolous motions.”

Judge Davidson ignored the swipe at Kevin. “Mr. Jacobson, did you have advance knowledge of Mr. Zaric’s kidnapping?”

Jacobson looked down. He slowly raised his head and looked at the judge. “Yes, Your Honor.”

Judge Davidson turned to Kevin. “You may continue, Mr. Anderson.”

“Did Mr. Stone have advance knowledge of Mr. Zaric’s kidnapping and arrest?”

Jacobson shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Stone burst to his feet. “That is completely irrelevant and an unwarranted personal attack by counsel,” he shouted, sounding indignant.

Judge Orozco was back in charge. “Objection overruled.”

All eyes returned to the witness box. “Yes,” Jacobson answered. “He knew.”

“Did he help plan Mr. Zaric’s apprehension?”

Kevin looked over at Bradford Stone. He was agitated, whispering to Charles Oswald. Jacobson looked over at them before answering to give them time to object.

Finally, it was Oswald who rose. “Madam President, we must respectfully object to this line of questioning as being privileged internal communications and going into matters of attorney work product.” He sat down quickly.

Judge Orozco smiled. “You’ll pardon us if we don’t share your new-found concern for attorney work product. Mr. Jacobson, did Mr. Stone help plan the arrest of the accused?”

Jacobson shot one last look at the prosecution table. “Yes.”

“Your Honors,” Kevin said, “I again renew my motion to dismiss the case against Mr. Zaric and request a full evidentiary hearing on the legality of his arrest.”

Judges Orozco and Davidson looked over at Judge Linares, who was reviewing a ream of papers in front of him. Judge Linares looked up.

“Mr. Stone, I have your response to the motion in front of me,” Judge Linares said. “It appears that you clearly led the Court to believe that the United Nations had no advance knowledge of or participation in Mr. Zaric’s kidnapping and arrest.”

Stone rose, his arrogance gone for the moment. “I apologize if the court read our response in that fashion. I seem to recall that the main thrust of that response was that a person was not entitled to dismissal even if the arrest was illegal. In any event, we have not used any evidence seized in connection with the arrest and therefore the legality of the arrest is irrelevant.”

Judge Linares did not respond immediately. He appeared to be studying the papers in front of him.

Judge Davidson broke in. “You are correct, Mr. Stone. The legality of the arrest is not relevant to the issues at this trial. Mr. Anderson, your motion is denied.”

Kevin mustered every ounce of restraint to keep from slamming his fist in frustration.

Judge Davidson glared over at the prosecution table. “But that’s strike two, Mr. Stone.”

Kevin was furious. How could they keep getting away with this? He took a deep breath and tried to maintain a professional demeanor. He wanted to scream.

“Let’s take a thirty minute recess,” Judge Orozco said.

After the judges left, Kevin slumped in his chair next to Diane. “I can’t believe this! These morons are ready to lock me up when I am accused of doing something wrong, and they won’t do a thing to Stone who’s been caught in two lies to the Court.”

Diane patted his hand sympathetically. “You’re doing the best you can.”

“This is not a fair trial!”

A guard approached Kevin from the back of the room. “Your client would like a word with you.”

Kevin got up and followed the guard to the interview room just outside the courtroom. When he got inside and the guard had shut the door, Draga sprang to his feet. He punched his right fist out, then his left, like he was shadow boxing. “One, two,” he shouted. “You got him on the ropes. You’re killing him. This is better than a heavyweight fight, Kevin. I love it!”

Kevin couldn’t help but laugh, even though he was still angry. “My biggest fan, thank you. But I can’t believe these rulings. These judges will tolerate all kinds of crap from the prosecution.”

Draga started hopping around the room with his hands together in front of his stomach. “What are you doing?” Kevin asked.

“I’m hopping like a kangaroo. Should I do it in the courtroom and let them know what I think of this kangaroo court?”

“No, thank you. My, you are animated today. What did you have for breakfast?’

“I just love going to the prizefights, Kevin.”

“Well, we may be landing a few punches, but the referees are the ones who’ll declare the winner. And I don’t like our referees.”

“Any more news on your daughter?”

“Her whole school is out in Utrecht hunting for her right now. Hundreds of kids and grown ups.”

“That’s really something.”

“And the police expect Golic to fly in tomorrow.”

“Will they arrest him?”

“I don’t think so. I think they’ll follow him to Ellen.”

“Listen, I need to make some arrangements for my family,” Draga said. “Will the CIA stuff come up tomorrow?”

Kevin took a deep breath. “I’m not going to use it.”

Draga’s eyebrows arched in surprise. “Why not?”

“It’s complicated, but in the end it comes down to integrity. I took on the responsibility of being your lawyer. And I have to act in your best interests.”

“But what about your daughter?”

“All my life, I’ve believed that if I did the right thing, everything would work out. So, I’ve decided to do the right thing. I’m praying that it works out for Ellen.”

Draga put his arm around Kevin. “You are the most courageous, honest person I’ve ever met.” He squeezed Kevin’s shoulders then pulled back. “I’ll never tell another lawyer joke for as long as I live.”

Kevin smiled.

Draga was grinning as well. “I like your attitude, Kevin. And I think you are right. If you do good, good will be done to you. I wish I had lived by that rule, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“You gave me permission to use the CIA evidence despite the consequences to you and your family. I haven’t seen that kind of character in anyone around here.”

“Well, let’s go kick some butt.” Draga pumped his arms once again.

“I’ve got some good news for you, sports fan,” Kevin said as he knocked on the door for the guards.


“I think I might have strike three on Bradford Stone.”


“Mr. Jacobson,” Kevin began when court resumed. “I’ve had the usher place defense exhibit 5 in front of you. It’s displayed on the screen as well. Do you see that document?”


“And from sitting in this courtroom during the entire trial, you know what this document is, don’t you?”