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Kathleen had already emerged from the stadium and was waiting outside when Avedissian finally managed to get round the perimeter through the throngs of people. 'We were too late,’ he said.

'Are you all right?' she asked anxiously.

Avedissian held her close, suddenly feeling the after-effects of the intense strain that he had been under. He assured her that he was. 'God, I need a drink,’ he muttered.

'Let's go back to the hotel,’ said Kathleen. 'Unless we're supposed to do something else?'

Avedissian shook his head in reply.

Avedissian lay flat on his back on the bed and let out a great sigh of appreciation for the air-conditioned quiet of the room. It was an island in the sea, an oasis in the desert. Kathleen brought him his drink and sat down on the edge of the bed to ask, 'What happened at the stadium?'

Avedissian told her and Kathleen exclaimed, ‘That was a crazy thing to do,’ when he told her about climbing out on the ledge.

'It seemed a good idea at the time,’ said Avedissian, but now he cringed at the thought of how the venture might have ended. 'God, I was so scared,’ he confessed.

Kathleen smoothed the hair back from his forehead in a gesture of affection and Avedissian looked up at her. 'You have gentle hands, my lady,’ he said softly. Kathleen bent down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

'When I looked down and…’

'Sssh…' whispered Kathleen and kissed him again.

This time Avedissian was aware of how warm her lips were. He responded by pulling her to him and searching her mouth with his tongue and was aroused by the fact that she did not pull away. He ran his fingers through her hair to cup her face between his hands and look at her questioningly. She just smiled.

Avedissian whispered, 'I want you.'

'I know,’ replied Kathleen softly. She got up from the bed but did not move away. Instead she started to undress, looking at Avedissian all the time as she did so. When she had finished she stood there and asked in a whisper, 'Do you still want me?'Avedissian held out his arms in reply and crushed her to him. 'I want you so much,’ he murmured.

As they lay in the silent aftermath, Kathleen opened her eyes and looked at Avedissian. He responded by leaning over and kissing her lightly on the shoulder.

'Post coitus omne animal triste,’ whispered Kathleen.

'After love… all animals are… sad?' was Avedissian's unsure translation.

Kathleen smiled and nodded.

'I didn't know you were a Latin scholar?'

There's a lot you don't know about me,’ said Kathleen.

'I want to know everything.'

Kathleen gave a shake of the head and whispered, 'There won't be time.'

'But we'll make time. When this is over we can…'

Kathleen put her finger on Avedissian's lips. 'Don't talk of the future,’ she said.

'But if I object to your preoccupation with the past and you object to mine with the future all we have left is the present,’ said Avedissian.

That's all we ever had,’ replied Kathleen distantly. 'Kiss me.'

Avedissian kissed her.

There was a fountain in the park. Avedissian and Kathleen chose to sit beside it where they could see people approaching from all directions and settled down to wait for Jarvis. They had got there at ten minutes to ten so that by a quarter past, when Jarvis had still not appeared, they were beginning to get anxious. Avedissian got to his feet for the second time and strolled round the fountain to check his watch once more when he returned.

'Do you think something has gone wrong?' asked Kathleen.

Avedissian shrugged his shoulders and sat down again.

They were joined on the bench by an old man who unwrapped a plastic bag and began feeding bread-crumbs to the birds, apparently oblivious of everything else around him. As the pigeons started to gather round their feet Avedissian indicated to Kathleen that they should get up and start walking. They walked slowly round the fountain, courting the outer edge of a fine spray mist and using it as an antidote to the morning sun that was already very hot.

‘There he is,' said Kathleen.

Avedissian looked and saw Jarvis walking towards them on the broad path that led up from the gate. 'About time too,’ he muttered.

'I'm sorry I'm late,’ said Jarvis. 'I had to make new arrangements.'

'About what?'

'About everything. The kidnappers contacted Innes early this morning and told him that the boy will not be handed over here in Chicago.’

‘Then where?'

'Kansas City.'

'Why the change?' asked Kathleen.

'Maybe something spooked them at the stadium or maybe it's just a last minute change of venue to stop anyone planning a sophisticated double-cross. Now there won't be time. The exchange will be made tonight.’

'So we go to Kansas City?'

'It's no big deal,’ said Jarvis. 'I've booked your flight and hotel. Here are your tickets.’

'How long will it take?' asked Kathleen.

'About an hour.’

'Do we all travel together?' asked Avedissian.

'I'm going first, you two travel later this afternoon. I'll contact you when you arrive.’

'Do you know where Innes is staying in Kansas City?' asked Kathleen.

The kidnappers told him to check in at the Plaza Hotel. Our team plan to get there first. The room should be bugged by the time I get there. Why do you ask?'

'No reason,’ replied Kathleen. 'Good luck.’

'The same to you. See you later.’

They watched Jarvis leave the park and hail a cab then Kathleen turned to Avedissian and said, 'Do you realise that by this time tomorrow it could all be over?'

'A nice thought,’ replied Avedissian. On impulse he stopped at a flower seller and bought a single red rose to give to Kathleen. She smiled and said, 'Another nice thought.’


Avedissian looked down at the great flat expanse of the mid-western United States and said to Kathleen, 'America's heartland.’

'Dorothy lived down there,’ said Kathleen.


'The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy lived in Kansas.’

'Of course, how stupid of me,’ replied Avedissian with mild sarcasm that made Kathleen smile. 'It was my favourite story when I was a child,’ she said. 'An aunt gave the book to me one Christmas and it made a lasting impression.’

'With me it was "The Billy Goats Gruff",’ said Avedissian.

'What an admission,’ said Kathleen.

The sun was shining brightly when their plane swept into Kansas City International Airport but the weather did not feel as nice as it looked when they got down on the tarmac and felt the high humidity. Kathleen saw Avedissian run his finger round the inside of his collar and agreed. 'It's sticky,’ she said.

Arriving as they had on an internal domestic flight they were through with airport procedure in a matter of moments and on their way into Kansas City by cab.

'You folks here for the convention?' asked the driver.

'Yes,’ replied Avedissian, not sure of what he was agreeing to but feeling that it might be the safest answer.

'You both doctors?'

So it was a medical convention, thought Avedissian, how fortunate.

'Just me,' he replied.

'You guys have cost me a fortune over the years and I've still got my bad back,' complained the driver over his right shoulder.

'Backs can be a problem,' agreed Avedissian unhelpfully.

‘That sign back there said "Missouri",' said Kathleen, changing the subject.

'Yes ma'am, Kansas City is half in Kansas, half in Missouri. Your hotel is in Missouri.'