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“I imagine so. I’ve been doing it at one time or another for the last ten years. I’ll see Harvey and have the rooms made up.”

“When you get them placed, have Harvey bring me a diagram showing where their rooms are. And tell him to keep it under his hat. I want to be able to reach anyone anytime. Now, is there anyone closely connected with the household we’ve missed?”

He thought a moment. “Oh, Miss Grange. She went home this afternoon.”

“Where was she during the kidnapping?”

“Why . . . at home, I suppose. She leaves here between five and six every evening. She is a very reserved woman. Apparently has very little social activity. Generally she furthers her studies in the library rather than go out anywhere.”

“Okay, I’ll get to her. How about the others? Have they alibis?”


“Just checking, York. Do you know where they were the night before last?”

“Well . . . I can’t speak for all of them, but Arthur and William were here. Alice Nichols came in about nine o’clock then left about an hour later.”

This part I jotted down on a pad. “How did you collect the family . . . or did they all just drift in?”

“No, I called them. They helped me search, although it did no good. Mr. Hammer, what are we going to do? Please . . .”

Very slowly, York was starting to go to pieces. He’d stood up under this too calmly too long. His face was pale and withered-looking, drawn into a mask of tragedy.

“First of all, you’re going to bed. It won’t do any good for you to be knocking yourself out. That’s what I’m here for.” I reached over his shoulder and pulled a velvet cord. The flunky came in immediately and hurried over to us. “Take him upstairs,” I said.

York gave the butler instructions about putting the family up and Harvey seemed a little surprised and pleased that he’d be allowed in on the conspiracy of the room diagram.

I walked to the middle of the floor and let the funeral buzz down before speaking. I wasn’t nice about it. “You’re all staying here tonight. If it interferes with other plans you’ve made it’s too bad. Anyone that tries to duck out will answer to me. Harvey will give you your rooms and be sure you stay in them. That’s all.”

Lady sex appeal waited until I finished then edged up to me with a grin. “See if you can grab the end bedroom in the north wing,” she said, “and I’ll get the one connected to it.”

I said in mock surprise, “Alice, you can get hurt doing things like that.”

She laughed. “Oh, I bruise easily, but I heal fast as hell.”

Swell girl. I hadn’t been seduced in a long time.

I wormed out through a cross fire of nasty looks to the foyer and winked at Richard Ghent on the way. He winked back; his wife wasn’t looking.

I slung on my coat and hat and went out to the car. When I rolled it through the gate I turned toward town and stepped on the gas. When I picked up to seventy I held it there until I hit the main drag. Just before the city line I pulled up to a gas station and swung in front of a pump. An attendant in his early twenties came out of the miniature Swiss Alpine cottage that served as a service station and automatically began unscrewing the gas cap. “Put in five,” I told him.

He snaked out the hose and shoved the nose in the tank, watching the gauge. “Open all night?” I quizzed.


“On duty yourself?”

“Yup. ’Cept on Sundays.”

“Don’t suppose you get much to do at night around here.”

“Not very much.”

This guy was as talkative as a pea pod. “Say, was much traffic along here night before last?”

He shut off the pump, put the cap back on and looked at me coldly. “Mister, I don’t know from nothing,” he said.

It didn’t take me long to catch on to that remark. I handed him a ten-spot and followed him inside while he changed it. I let go a flyer. “So the cops kind of hinted that somebody would be nosing around, huh?”

No answer. He rang the cash register and began counting out bills. “Er . . . did you happen to notice Dilwick’s puss? Or was it one of the others?”

He glanced at me sharply, curiously. “It was Dilwick. I saw his face.”

Instead of replying I held out my right hand. He peered at it and saw where the skin had been peeled back off half the knuckles. This time I got a great big grin.

“Did you do that?”


“Okay, pal, for that we’re buddies. What do you want to know?”

“About traffic along here night before last.”

“Sure, I remember it. Between nine o’clock and dawn the next morning about a dozen cars went past. See, I know most of ’em. A couple was from out of town. All but two belonged to the upcountry farmers making milk runs to the separator at the other end of town.”

“What about the other two?”

“One was a Caddy. I seen it around a few times. Remember it because it had one side dented in. The other was that Grange dame’s two-door sedan. Guess she was out wolfing.” He laughed at that.


“Yeah, the old bag that works out at York’s place. She’s a stiff one.”

“Thanks for the info, kid.” I slipped him a buck and he grinned. “By the way, did you pass that on to the cops too?”

“Not me. I wouldn’t give them the right time.”


“Lousy bunch of bastards.” He explained it in a nutshell without going into detail.

I hopped in and started up, but before I drove off I stuck my head out the window. “Where’s this Grange babe live?”

“At the Glenwood Apartments. You can’t miss it. It’s the only apartment house in this burg.”

Well, it wouldn’t hurt to drop up and see her anyway. Maybe she had been on her way home from work. I gunned the engine and got back on the main drag, driving slowly past the shaded fronts of the stores. Just outside the business section a large green canopy extended from the curb to the marquee of a modern three-story building. Across the side in small, neat letters was GLENWOOD APARTMENTS. I crawled in behind a black Ford sedan and hopped out.

Grange, Myra, was the second name down. I pushed the bell and waited for the buzzer to unlatch the door. When it didn’t come I pushed it again. This time there was a series of clicks and I shoved the door open. One flight of stairs put me in front of her apartment. Before I could ring, the metal peephole was pulled back and a pair of dark eyes threw insults at me.

“Miss Grange?”


“I’d like to speak to you if you can spare a few moments.”

“Very well, go ahead.” Her voice sounded as if it came out of a tree trunk. This made the third person I didn’t like in Sidon.

“I work for York,” I explained patiently. “I’d like to speak to you about the boy.”

“There’s nothing I care to discuss.”

Why is it that some dames can work me up into a lather so fast with so little is beyond me, but this one did. I quit playing around. I pulled out the .45 and let her get a good look at it. “You open that door or I’ll shoot the lock off,” I said.

She opened it. The insults in her eyes turned to terror until I put the rod back under cover. Then I looked at her. If she was an old bag I was Queen of the May. Almost as tall as I was, nice brown hair cut short enough to be nearly mannish and a figure that seemed to be well molded, except that I couldn’t tell too well because she was wearing slacks and a house jacket. Maybe she was thirty, maybe forty. Her face had a built-in lack of expression like an old painting. Wearing no makeup didn’t help it any, but it didn’t hurt, either.

I tossed my hat on a side table and went inside without being invited. Myra Grange followed me closely, letting her wooden-soled sandals drag along the carpet. It was a nice dump, but small. There was something to it that didn’t sit right, as though the choice of furniture didn’t fit her personality. Hell, maybe she just sublet.