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The car suddenly and immediately grew silent in spite of the music. Deafeningly so.

Uh-oh, Kristi thought to herself as her natural and overblown sense of paranoia came barreling suddenly to the fore. "What is it?"

With the most serious look she'd yet seen from him, Mark turned to her. "We simply can't go on in such blatant violation of safety. Please allow me to fasten your seat belt"

Before she could respond, Mark had unbuckled his own seat belt and leaned over across her body, his fingers groping for the belt. As she felt him begin to draw the belt over her she realized her mouth was still smiling a bit in surprise.

For whatever reason, she sucked in her slight stomach; almost as if how the seat belt fit would in some rare respect reflect on her weight or femininity. On hearing the sudden intake of air, Mark at that very moment looked up at her, his face mere inches from hers.

Panicking, Kristi realized that some sort of comment was needed here, if not actually expected. Without having an idea of what she would say, she opened her mouth a bit in preparation, assuming whatever came out would be sensible. In the same fraction of a second, Kristi wondered if there were enough heels in her closet to redeem herself.

But instead she felt a warm softness on her as Mark's lips touched hers. She realized from the tentativeness of the kiss that Mark we as nervous now as she had been earlier in the night. She kissed back, hopefully letting him know that everything was okay.

Feeling her response, Mark kissed her more fervently but still well within the bounds of what one would normally expect on a first date. Finding herself wanting just a bit more — though not that much more, Kristi reached up and let her fingers run up Mark's neck until she could let her nails dig ever so slightly into the back of his head. She let her mouth open a bit, knowing that any man would take that hint.

And so he did, and for the slightest of moments their tongues touched. Against her will, Kristi felt herself getting a bit away from herself and pulled away.

"The seat-belt?" she asked, finding herself looking at Mark from under her extremely long lashes.

"Oh, yes. Sure," Mark stammered a bit, obviously flustered more than a little.

Damn it man, Kristi found herself thinking to herself. If Mark apologized as it appeared he would it would really take the special feeling she had all the way down to nothing.

"That was unexpected, but very nice," she said, just to allay any of his potential lingering concerns.

With a wry smile that made her want to ask what was on his mind, Mark slipped the car back into gear and pulled out into traffic. He still hadn’t shared where exactly they were going. It seemed to Kristi like they were headed back toward the coffee shop where Mark had picked her up.

“We're just a few minutes from the coffee shop,” Mark said, almost as if reading her mind. “But my place is on the way. Might I interest you in a drink? It also has a great view of the city skyline, which is beautiful at this hour.”

Kristi readily agreed, though hoping she wasn’t sounding too eager in her response. Surely anyone could tell that the invitation was almost certainly for quite a bit more than a mere drink and a pretty view. She’d hadn’t committed to more, at least not consciously. Seeing Mark’s hand draped casually over the center console, she reached over in the dim light of the dashboard and took it in hers.

Without much more ado they arrived at Mark’s apartment, though Kristi likened it more to a penthouse, though surely the city sported nothing with such a high-brow label. In size it was fairly modest, occupying half of the top floor of a twelfth floor building overlooking the harbor and, in the distance, the lights of downtown twinkled in the night.

As Mark opened the door with a flourish and motioned for Kristi to precede him in, she gasped audibly at the interior. Everything that fronted the water was fronted by wonderful French doors, all of which were open, permitting a cool breeze to waft through the space, bringing with it the exotic aroma of the sea. The light of a crescent moon cast everything in a soft, pale, and somewhat green-tinged light.

“How lucky could one man be,” a voice came from somewhere within and off to the left, follow by some brassy horns.

“Dino?” she asked, although she already knew the answer. “I wouldn’t expect a young pup like you to enjoy Dean Martin!”

“First,” Mark said, fighting back a laugh, “If I am a pup, then so are you, given that you are only a few years older than I am. And I do like all of The Rat Pack, though Frank not so much. He's always struck me as a bully. Drink?” he said, nodding in the direction a little bar on wheels in the corner under a framed poster for the movie Rio Bravo, with Dean Martin, of course.

After getting her a glass of white wine and himself a stiff vodka tonic, Mark led Kristi out onto the balcony, which was much more secluded than one would expect. Dean began singing Houston, and they continued getting to know each other, enjoying the company and the view. They both had another drink as Dino continued to croon softly underneath their conversation. Kristi knew they were barely speaking over a whisper they were so close, but it seemed like his voice captivated her.

It was during Everybody Love Somebody Sometime that Mark leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. This time she wasn’t surprised and the faint hint of lime mingled with the vodka made her lips tingle.

“Let’s consider that our first kiss,” Mark said, “that one in the car was just impulse. This one… this is the one I want to remember.”

“Both,” Kristi whispered and pulled his head down, taking his head in her hands. Pulling him in, she kissed him hard and felt his hands take her waist and pull her into him.

Their mouths opened almost simultaneously and Kristi could taste Mark’s desire and feel the growing bulge in his pants against her waist. She lifted one leg, bending it at a perfect right angle at the knee. Not only did she most always do this when in the middle of a very steamy kiss, but she also wanted to give Mark the opportunity to support her weight more and bring him still closer to her.

They continued to kiss fervently and Kristi felt Mark’s hands reach down and softly cup her ass, which also served to guide his now obvious arousal directly over her sex. The feel of it over the tops of her thighs gave her a thrill of anticipation and excitement. She wrapped her leg around him, giving him even more opportunity as the move served also to inadvertently hike up her skirt a bit as well. She could feel the fabric tighten under her buttocks.

She realized Dino had started another song, then realized that she no longer cared of the music of the ocean breeze. She wanted to be had.

She pulled away briefly to fumble with his belt, finally getting it unbuckled to Mark’s bemusement. She finished unfastening his pants and reached inside, finding immediately his swollen cock and while stroking it gently with one hand used her other hand to reach around and shimmy Mark out of his pants, letting them fall around his ankles.

Dropping to her knees, Kristi helped him out of his shoes and such until Mark was just in his shirt. With his cock again in her hand, Kristi gave it a quick kiss as she let her nails brush against his shaft. She took him into her mouth, hearing Mark moan with satisfaction.

“No,” he said. At first she wasn’t sure she had heard this. What man said no to a blowjob? But then he said it again.

“Am I doing something wrong, Mark?”

“Not at all,” he said, looking down on her with tenderness mingled with lust. “But I want tonight to be about pleasing you.”

He took her hand and helped her stand, then kissed her again. Electricity flowed through her as the raw energy of him filled her with an aching need. His fingers lifted her skirt and finding her panties, gave them a teasing tug.

“These will need to go,” he cooed, and in a moment Kristi saw her pale blue lace boy shorts tossed aside in the pale light.