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“Are you okay?” Jane looked up.

“I’m so close,” Jarvis sighed.

Jane raised her eyebrows and smiled. She plunged further down his mighty pole, bobbing up and down like the drill caged inside an oil derrick. The driver could contain himself no longer. He let loose the geyser that was stewing so intensely inside. He breathed and moaned for her. Jane let all the salty goodness rain down into her throat. After coming up for air, she wiped her mouth. Jarvis grabbed her forearms and helped her get steady on her feet again.

“Shall we?” She purred. “The night is young…”


A HAND helped to slip off Julia’s blue gown. Totally exposed, she allowed that hand to cup itself around her breast along with the other.

“Did you miss me?” Julia softly asked.

“You know the answer to that,” said Roger as he held her and brought her closer to him. He remained in his newly pressed tuxedo for a time. After stroking her cheeks, Roger bent Julia over the penthouse window that looked straight down into the heart of New York City’s nightlife. The city was theirs and they were about to show everyone what a truly passionate encounter looked like.

Julia and Roger had been seeing each other for the past few months. They met at the indulgent half-birthday party of Teresa, a mutual friend who was the husband of a magazine publishing executive. They had flirted over a champagne glass or two in between pretending to get along with the other sycophantic guests.

In a town fueled so fervently by gossip, their meetings since always took place at the Waldorf for fear of resurrecting themselves as lightning rods for rumors. Their relationship thus far was strictly casual, but oftentimes, Julia wondered if Roger had any regard for her beyond as a facilitator for sexual congress.

Roger smiled slyly as he undressed himself, his eyes drinking in the crevices of Julia’s perfect backside. The contents of his outfit dropped to the floor like snowflakes. When he was as natural as she, his powerful hands massaged her ankles and thighs. His tongue grew longer until it implanted itself between her lower lips. As she quivered, he pinched his bell curve and felt it grow as well.

Unbeknownst to Roger, Julia had another gentleman in mind. Her mind trailed back to the invitation that she extended over to Carmine. She could picture him a warmer, more considerate lover than Roger, who admittedly knew his way around her body quite well. But were it only Carmine’s tongue working its way inside of her…

Roger swiftly turned his lover around so she could face him. Julia peaked downward to witness his member bobbing up and down, cutting through the tension that had seeped into the air. He stretched out his arms and felt them quickly crack. In less than half the blink of an eye, Julia found herself airborne, her back up against the glass. Her legs coiled tightly around Roger, who was holding her above the ground by her sharpened hips.

She hadn’t felt this exhilarated since her first motorcycle ride with her college boyfriend some years before. Julia clasped her hands around the back of Roger’s neck. She yelped with delight as her tunnel popped up and down over the stiff pole so long that it seemed to provide even more support to prevent her from falling down. Where had Roger learned to do that? she thought. Who is his trainer? And more importantly, how can I get his number? These were the most coherent thoughts she could gather together as her body grew numb with pleasure.

Still, despite Roger’s control over her body, it was Carmine who appeared to possess control over Julia’s mind. After the orgasmic novelty of Roger’s newfound technique wore off, Julia screamed inside for a moment of authentic intimacy. If he slowed down his thrusting and carried her calmly to the bed so he could finish the two of them off, this encounter would become Heavenly.

If Carmine had the ability to make love this way, she was sure he would have the inner touch to grant this one request. Roger wasn’t one for inner touch, however. He wouldn’t be interested even if she requested it specifically. It was the fantasy of Carmine burrowing himself sweetly inside her that finally made her climax for Roger.

He lowered her down to the ground slowly. When Julia was on her feet again, she wobbled towards the sheets and collapsed. Roger used Julia’s absent interval to clean himself up and drape himself in the elements of the suit once again.

Julia was grateful for what Roger so consistently did to her. She knew full well that her girlfriends would sneer if she complained about nights like these. If you’re still walking after what a man does to you, he’s not trying hard enough, she could hear a few of them say, albeit in variations. Still, couldn’t there be more to these secret meetings than simple animal lust?

Roger’s Blackberry bleeped and flashed itself awake. He rolled his eyes and picked it up from atop the television set. He wondered why he was checking the message at all since he knew exactly who it was from.

“Stacy…,” he let out an exasperated chuckle.

“Another one of your…” Julia winked.

“Sort of. She takes things a little too seriously. I keep telling her I’ll call her, have her step inside the old office. I don’t know what she wants from me.”

Julia turned away. She imagined who Stacy was and couldn’t help but feel her pain. There was no use in taming Roger. Luckily, Julia learned that very quickly into their first few trysts.

“I’ll be out of town a week from today so we’ll have to take a leave of absence,” Roger coolly remarked.

“That’s fine,” Julia mused.

“The week after that?”

“Can’t do the week after that.”

Roger turned his head and looked at Julia for the first time since he was no longer inside of her.

“And why not?”

“I have an engagement with somebody else… you’re not jealous, are you?”

Roger scoffed. “I was only wondering.”

Julia waited for Jarvis in the lobby with baited breath. It wasn’t like him to be this late. And why wasn’t he answering his phone? Roger had disappeared into the blackness of the city. She felt quite alone at this moment. Finally, Jarvis pulled up in the limousine and rolled down his window.

“I’m so sorry, Julia. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s fine,” Julia forced a smile. “Take me home, please.”

Jarvis stepped outside and opened the back door for Julia. As she stepped in, she grabbed a whiff of her driver and noticed something unusual. He was glowing. Jarvis was always a pleasant man but he never appeared this over the moon in all the time that he worked for her. She pondered what he must have been up to as he drove on. There could only be one explanation.

“What were you up to?” Julia inquired. “While you waited…”

“Just drove around like I usually do,” Jarvis bluffed. “Taking in the sights and sounds of the Big Apple.”

“See anything interesting? Do anything interesting?”

“Interesting… this city is always interesting. And all those within it are quite interesting…”


ANOTHER day, another round of dishing out halal platters to the trendy yuppies of New York City. Rael aimed to keep his daydreaming to a minimum for once, but he was finding it increasingly difficult as he always found himself trapped in a sea of long-legged corporate angels. The city had failed to rob Rael of his sex drive but it had been a little bit of time before he had engaged in the company of another woman.

The day drove on at the same interminable pace. He tried to keep his fantasies at bay but to little avail. After one spurting of white sauce too many, Rael gave into his desires and made a sudden pact with himself:

“I’m going to ask out the next woman who comes here…”

Stacy would position herself accordingly whenever she knew that Roger was on the horizon. She would arch her back, cross her legs, and peel her skirt back a half-inch or two. She realized that their physical relationship was entwined with their business relationship and that it was never likely to blossom anymore, but a glance or acknowledgment here or there would’ve sufficed. At least if he finally called off everything — even if potentially risked her job — she would know where she stood with the man. Stacy always knew he was coming by his commanding, rhythmic footsteps that pulsed through his forever shiny wingtips.