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“So I’m supposed to show up and play nice so everyone thinks we’re all good and those few fans who are boycotting him for my sake will go out and buy the record.” Tobias took another drag of his cigarette and laughed shortly. Josie sat back, making herself relax in the chair.

“That’s about the size of it, yes.” Tobias put his cigarette out and folded his hands together, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

“What did he threaten you with to make you come here?” Josie thought a moment about whether or not she should tell him. It might speed things up; on the other hand, it would open her up to his mockery. She supposed that her ego could tolerate his shrewd and sharp wit-as long as she kept her end of the bargain.

“Adam told me that if I didn’t at least try to get you to come and maintain appearances, he would withdraw his support from the label signing me,” she said calmly. Tobias raised an eyebrow at that-not in surprise, but in interest, she thought. She hadn’t noticed it before, but his eyebrows were very finely arched, and looked as if he kept them groomed.

“That is certainly a threat to dangle in front of someone so hungry for a contract,” Tobias conceded in a dry tone. He stood. “Do you want a beer?” Josie shrugged.

“Sure.” Tobias padded across the apartment, his bare feet making no noise. Josie watched him, thinking to herself that if things had been different-if she hadn’t encouraged Nick to pursue a solo career, if Tobias hadn’t construed it as a betrayal, if a dozen things had gone more smoothly-that she might have been attracted to him, might have even asked him out.

When she had first met him, she had been struck by Tobias’ masculinity, his off-beat attractiveness. There was something muscular about him, something intimidating and at the same time beautiful, like watching a panther move through high grass after prey. When he fixed that dark gaze on a person, it was difficult to maintain a train of thought.

Tobias came back into the living room with two opened beers, extending one to Josie with an air that was polite, if not exactly pleasant. She accepted it and took a long pull, waiting for him to continue the conversation. He watched her and there was something unsettling about the way his gaze was locked onto her movements. Josie had never been able to read Tobias well-he was always throwing off her assumptions about him. She had heard from one of his ex-girlfriends that his unpredictability, while frustrating in a relationship, had added a pleasant spontaneity to their sex life. She tried to stifle the thought.

“So, in return for showing up to this party, what do I get?” Tobias sat back on the couch, apparently totally relaxed. Josie recognized the way he was sitting as his equivalent of the stillness of an alligator before it strikes. You could be in the water right above an alligator and never know it until it sprang up from below and dragged you down.

Josie always felt oddly uncomfortable around Tobias-even before the bad blood that had sprung up between them. Moments like this were the reason why. There was something about the musician’s gaze that made her feel naked, exposed. She had sometimes had the feeling that when she spoke to Tobias, part of his mind was dealing with the situation at hand-keeping up his end of a conversation, engaging in strategy to gain the upper hand in an argument-while another part of him was cataloging every anatomical feature of her body.

“The label will back off on the issue of your solo work. You can work with the producer of your choice through Adam directly, or you can move on to another label with his blessing.” The label knew full well that the material Tobias had in reserve would sell well, but in the wreckage of the band’s commitments and agreements and contracts, they also knew Tobias was looking to start over elsewhere.

Part of why they had made so much trouble for him was that the label wanted to keep its grip on the potentially highly lucrative material. Josie had told Adam that she would have to have a substantial deal to offer Tobias in exchange for his playing along. Adam-tired of the months of back-and-forth between Tobias’ representation and the label-had agreed. Even if they couldn’t hold on to Tobias, they had Nick and his material which was something.

Tobias raised an eyebrow at this, picking away at the label on his beer bottle absently. He seemed to consider a moment and laughed, looking away from his hands and back at Josie. The impact of his sudden glance in her direction was almost like a blow. She tried to swallow against a suddenly dry throat as imperceptibly as possible, but she was sure he had seen. Those eyes didn’t miss much, she thought as her heart pounded. She forced herself to maintain eye contact, to keep her hands relaxed.

“He’ll have to do better than that,” Tobias said quietly, taking another pull from his beer. He reached out and picked up his pack of cigarettes without looking at it, steadily watching Josie, waiting for her to show a weakness. His thick but curiously nimble fingers found a cigarette in the pack and he brought it up to his lips and lit it.

Josie took a deep breath and brought a pack of her own cigarettes out of her purse. Tobias helpfully pushed the ashtray closer to the middle of the coffee table, making it accessible to Josie as well. She figured, if he was going to smoke in his apartment, she might as well, too.

“What more do you want?” she asked, bringing a cigarette to her lips and lighting it quickly. She took advantage of the action to look away from Tobias for a moment, collecting herself. Even looking away from him, she could feel his gaze still on her; feel the dark brooding intensity of him across from her.

Josie took a long drag of smoke and forced herself to relax into the chair. She wondered if he felt as tightly wound, sitting sprawled on the leather sofa, as she felt leaning back in the chair. Tobias smiled slowly. He flicked an ash off into the ashtray, the smile, his gaze, not wavering from her face for a long moment. Oh great, Josie thought, he’s going to absolutely fleece the label. To some degree, she could understand the impulse. She steeled herself, preparing herself as best as she could to not react to an outlandish demand.

Tobias took a long drag of smoke and kept his gaze on her until Josie felt the urge to move, to squirm. She made herself stay still. She knew he was psyching her out, that he was waiting for her to say “Well?” or make some kind of movement. He was enjoying making her nervous, of course.

“I want you,” he said simply, maintaining the eye contact a moment longer before leaning in to flick another ash into the ashtray. Josie felt her own cigarette slip in her fingers as her hands went slack with shock. She blinked a few times and took a pull of smoke into her lungs, trying to sort through the simple phrase he had just uttered.

“What do you mean, you want me?” she asked finally, telling herself to stop imagining things and focus on what he was likely to really want from the exchange-a way to further torment Josie, to punish her for what he saw as her part in breaking up his band.

“Just what I said,” Tobias replied. “I want you to be my label representative.” He paused. “I also want you to spend the afternoon here.” He paused a moment, and the sardonic smile returned to his face. “Have a few drinks, answer my questions. Your choice. Do it or I won’t show up to that stupid fucking event no matter what threat you make.” Josie thought for a long moment. She drained the last of her beer in a long swallow, setting the bottle down. She took her cell phone out of her purse and dialed out.