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Everything about the country was strange to her and just like that, the two clicked. They remained friends all through high school and college and at some point, they were even roommates. “So, hot stuff over there,” Mischa said gesturing at Ash who was now getting a drink at the other end of the counter. Candice turned around and looked at Ash. He smiled and gave her a little wave with his fingers.

“What about him?” she asked after turning back.

“Could this be the big break?” Mischa asked. Candice squinted.

“I don’t follow,” Candice said as she took a sip of her drink. Mischa rolled her eyes.

“Oh please, Candice,” Mischa said. “I haven’t seen you warm up to a guy since Lance and we both know it’s been more than a couple of months,” she added.

“A couple of months since what?” Candice asked looking at Mischa hoping she was not talking about what she suspected. Mischa smiled and pointed at her cunt. “What? No!” Candice said crossing her legs.

“Really? Mischa said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “When was the last time you and Lance did the nasty before you guys broke up?” she asked. Candice felt herself flush. Mischa had her cornered.

“Fine it’s been a while,” Candice said giving up. “But that doesn’t mean anything,” she added as she stole another glance at Ash. She felt a pang of jealousy when she saw him talking to an attractive brunette.

“Yeah right,” Mischa said. “One night stands are normal and the two of you were practically dry humping out there,” she added. Candice was still looking at Ash and the brunette so she never noticed Mischa signaling Ash over.

“Shit, he’s coming over,” Candice said in a hushed whisper. Mischa smiled.

“I know. I called him over,” she said as she stood up. Candice looked at her confused.

“Wait, what?? Why? Where are you going?” she asked not sure what question she wanted answered first.

“My friend might have had a drink too many and she needs a ride home,” Mischa said when Ash got to where they were.

“What? You’re my ride,” Candice said looking at her confused. Mischa smiled and shook her head.

“Not anymore,” she said as she grabbed her purse. “Call me,” she said quickly before walking off. Candice stared at her in disbelief. Did she really just do that?

“Guess I’m the chauffeur,” Ash said. Candice looked at him wondering whether to scream out in anger or just stay cool.

“Yeah, guess you are,” she said. “Let’s go,” she said picking her own purse up. She needed to get home. She would deal with Mischa later, maybe in the morning. Ash smiled as they walked out. “Wait, how much have you had to drink?” she asked stopping abruptly. Ash smiled.

“Nothing actually. Just club soda,” he said.

“Who comes to a club and doesn’t drink?” Candice asked looking at him. He smiled at her.

“I like having a clear mind when I’m meeting people,” he said.

“How do I know you’ll take me home and not end up in a ditch without a kidney?” she asked. He smiled at her and reached into his pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and looked at Candice.

“What’s your friend’s number?” he asked. She grabbed the phone from his hands and punched in Mischa’s cell number.

“”It’s ringing,” she said. “Put it on speaker,” she commanded still eyeing Ash suspiciously.

“Done,” he said as he put the phone on speaker mode. “What’s her name?” he asked.

“Mischa,” she said leaning against his Audi.

“Mischa Kazkov,” Mischa said.

“Mischa, my name is Ashford Morgan. I am taking Candice home,” Ash said. “How far is her place?” he asked.

“About fifteen minutes away,” Mischa said.

“Okay please call her in twenty minutes just to be sure she is not lying in a ditch missing a kidney,” he said smiling at Candice.

“Okay,” Mischa said before Ash hang up. Candice could tell by the tone of her voice that she was confused at what Ash had just told her. Ash opened the car door for her and waited for her to get in before he walked around and got into the driver’s seat.

“Address?” he asked after he turned the ignition on.

“4126 Boulevard Drive,” she said in a small voice. He smiled at her and began backing out of the parking lot. The entire ride was a bit intense with them driving in silence. Every so often, she could tell he was looking at her bare thighs but chose to ignore him. “We’re here,” she said when they finally got to her building. Ash smiled and pulled over in front of the building. He pulled out a card from his coat pocket and gave it to her.

“I’d love to see you again, Candice,” he said. “If you let me, of course,” he added. She smiled and took the card before finally getting out of the car. She smiled as Ash drove away but suddenly felt that it was the wrong thing to do. She looked at the card and got her phone out of her purse. She quickly dialed the number and put the phone to her ear while eyeing the Audi that was still within viewing range. “Go for Morgan,” he said when he picked up.

“It’s Candice, Candice Aiken,” she said as the Audi came to a screeching stop.

“Hey Candice. It’s been a while,” Ash said. Candice smiled at his humor.

“I was thinking that maybe you’d like to come up for a night cap,” she said.

“Be there soon,” he said. She smiled when she saw the Audi doing a quick u-turn and driving back to where she was. She smiled at him as he got out of the car. “I was hoping you’d do that,” he said smiling. The two of them walked up to her apartment where Candice busied herself preparing some iced tea for him as he looked around her living room. Her place was tastefully furnished, nothing too expensive, just good value for her money. “I love your place,” he said as Candice came into the room with two glasses of iced tea.

“Thanks,” she said as she handed him a glass. He took it gratefully and took a seat as she kicked her heels off. She sat down next to him without a word. She hated the awkward silence. There was something that pulled her to this man that she couldn’t get her finger on. “Music?” she asked suddenly.

“Sure,” Ash said with a smile. She walked to the counter where she put her iPod speakers and plugged it in. She quickly shifted through her playlists. Nothing seemed appropriate.

“Perfect,” she thought as she stumbled upon a Sade mix. “Fuck,” she thought as ‘The Sweetest Taboo’ blared on the speakers. She tried touching the ‘next’ tab but Ash was already behind her.

“Don’t. I like Sade,” he said as he began swaying to the music. “Why did you invite me over, Candice?” he asked as he put his hands on her thighs again. He pushed his nose into her neck and inhaled her hair. “You smell heavenly,” he said in a whisper.

“Because… I don’t know… I just wanted to,” she said. He turned her around and held her against him. She could feel his body, each cube on his six pack.

“I think I know,” he said as he brought his head down. She stood still wanting to push him away but all she managed to do was stand on tip toe and let him claim her. The two stood in the middle of the room, lavishing each other with kisses, letting their lips explore each other’s mouths. Maybe Mischa was right. She needed to get laid. After all, it had been thirteen months, more than just a couple of months.

“This is the alcohol talking,” she scolded herself as she pulled away from him, panting. He looked into her eyes that burned alive in passion. “This is not me,” she said in a small voice.

“This isn’t me either,” he said. “But there is something about you, Candice Aiken, something… I don’t know what it is,” he added.

“You don’t know me,” she said. “How could you possibly know anything about me?” she asked.

“You’re right. I don’t know you but I saw you five months ago at Club Clues and I have been there everyday since then hoping to run into you again,” he said. Candice felt herself melt. “No one has had such an effect on me without talking since my… late wife,” he said quickly. Candice felt her heart go out to him.