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I convinced myself this was the case and slowly pulled myself out of the limo. The increased weight on my heels made them scream out in pain, I really wasn’t the type of person to wear heels, or dresses for that point. I preferred trainers and jeans any day to the back breaking heels and long dress. I felt the weight shift slightly as my maid of honour and best friend lifted the long train of my dress.

Sparing a quick smile for her we walked towards the entrance. The castle was grand and far too elaborate for my liking, but then this is what was expected when you have a bit of money to spend on your wedding. Although even I couldn’t deny that it was beautiful when illuminated by thousands of small white fairy lights. The same bouquets that were in the church lined the way to the large castle doors as the sun began to set behind it. It made for a spectacular view amongst the countryside surrounding the castle.

We reached the entrance and the butler pulled the large wooden door open for us to enter. As soon as it was open loud thumps came from within. The music echoed off the walls, they had obviously started the party without us. Not that I minded too much but it would have been nice if they had waited for me to arrive. I made my way down the large hall through the main lobby.

The walls were decorated with medieval paintings and wall hangings, adding to the effect. We were supposed to be staying here tonight, along with some of the guests who wanted to; then tomorrow we would head off to our honeymoon. Of course we had booked the largest bedroom, overlooking the grounds outside, it was one of the reasons I had chosen this place.

I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not William would be staying here tonight, but then it was doubtful that he even knew the reception was here. The noise got louder as we approached the door to the function room; it was almost unbearably loud when I pushed the heavy wooden frame open. The party was in full swing and most people were already up on the dance floor, dancing along to some kind of rock music George had obviously chosen. I looked around the room but I couldn’t find him, he must be talking to some guests.

I walked in and a few people came up to me muttering congratulations for the wedding. I barely listened to them, brushing them off quickly by saying I was looking for my husband. It wasn’t quite a lie, but I was also looking for someone else; someone with the brightest eyes I had ever seen. Neither men met my line of sight; the large amount of people hid them well. I perched myself in the nearest seat I could find; my bridesmaid had made their excuses and left to find their partners for a dance. I would normally have happily joined them but I didn’t quite feel up to it.

Two hands encased my face, covering my sight. I jumped in my seat, not expecting the sudden contact. This caused the man behind me to let out a small laugh, covering me in his alcohol coated breath. I wrinkled my nose at the disgusting smell and turned to see who it was. My husband stood behind me, clearly already steaming drunk from the free bar. I couldn’t hide my disgust as he stumbled out a greeting to me; each word was soaked in alcohol. He had always liked a drink, by far his worst feature.

I pushed him away and headed back out the way I had come in. I didn’t want to be anywhere near him when he was in this state, let alone dance with him. It was probably his brother’s fault; they always managed to get him drunk. I’d have thought they would have some kind of control on his wedding day.

Not even trying to hide my anger I stormed from the room, not even noticed by my friends and family. Once in the cool and quieter lobby I leant my back against the wall. The stone was cold against my back, calming me almost instantly. Today definitely hadn’t turned out how I had dreamt it to be in many different ways. I closed my eyes, letting my body relax against the tight constraints of my white dress.

Someone cleared their voice, disturbing my peace; I opened my eyes curious to whom it was. Before me stood William, dressed handsomely as he had always done; he looked just how I remembered him. I had to shut my eyes and re-open them just to make sure he was actually here. Still not convinced when he remained where he was I reached out my hand, touching the soft warm skin of his cheek. I removed my hand quickly when I realised I wasn’t dreaming and he was actually here.

“Hello Charlotte,” he said slowly, clearly trying not to scare me. I was stunned, I hadn’t seen him for so long and here he was.

“William,” I whispered gently, letting the name I hadn’t used in years run off my tongue.

“I’m sorry for running; for leaving you, I had no choice,” he said. Sadness was so clearly in his face, edged into every detail. I had no words to say to him; I had dreamt conversations, imagined them but now I just didn’t know what to say to the man I had loved for so long.

“I wasn’t going to speak to you. I saw the wedding announcement in the paper and I knew I just had to come, to see if it was true. But then you saw me and you looked so sad; I could never leave you that way. I just couldn’t resist,” he breathed. I struggled to take the words in, to make sense of what he was saying; he had left me before, why not again.

“I never left you; I was always close but I just couldn’t see you. You wouldn’t understand and I can’t tell you,” he said as if reading my thoughts like he used to. I nodded slowly and then ran, straight back in to the room I had just come from.

My eyes darted around wildly, trying to find George, to get the comfort that he always gave me. He had been there years later when I was still broken; he saved me from William once before and he needed to do it again. I had never told him about William but he had always known there was something missing in me; something that he had tried so hard to fix over the time we had been together. When I couldn’t find him I collapsed down into a seat putting my head in my hands; wiping away the tears. I had run because that’s what he had done; it’s the only thing that we knew how to do to each other.

I moved my feet under me to make myself more comfortable, only to collide with soft flesh. My eyes darted open and I looked down at the sight beneath me. On the floor was a heap of skin and fabric that stank of alcohol. I leant down to inspect it closer; my husband was passed out under the table at our own wedding. I was even more fuming than before now; my emotions were in overload, I had had more than enough to deal with today without this. I stormed from the room, taking a different exit again this time.

The party was still going on around me; nobody had noticed the absence of the bride and groom. They were too distracted by the free food and alcohol. I slammed the exit door behind me, not caring if it hit anybody and looked around at my surroundings. Luckily, even though I had only been here once before, I knew where I was. I took the nearest flight of stairs to my bedroom; it was obvious that George wouldn’t be joining me anytime soon. I highly doubted he would even make it to bed that night; what a wedding night this would turn out to be I laughed humourlessly to myself.

I reached the room within a few minutes and pushed open the door; the room was large and exquisitely decorated in gold. The walls held golden tapestries and antique furniture filled the room. A strong scent radiated from the large open fire that had already been lit, covering me in the delicious wood scent. I breathed it in before heading over to the corner and kicking off my heels.

Thankfully my bags had been brought up and I had something to change into. I huffed again at the irony of my wedding night, we had waited this long to consummate the marriage. Despite George’s drinking he felt strongly that we should wait until we were married to have sex. So I was frustrated and alone, I was going to need a release before I went to sleep.

A small noise from the other section of the room interrupted my thoughts. I dropped my bags to go investigate the source of the disturbance, curious to who was in my room. Stood in front of a second fire place, warming his hands was William.