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The Center for Sex Positive Culture, Seattle, WA, sexpositive-culture.org

Charlotte Area Power Exchange (CAPEX), Charlotte, NC, capex.info

Chicago Hellfire Club, Chicago, IL, hellfire13.org

The Exiles, San Francisco, CA, theexiles.org

The Group With No Name, Austin, TX, gwnn.net

LA-RAWW, Los Angeles, CA, laraww.com

Lesbian Sex Mafia, New York, NY, lesbiansexmafia.org

LRA, Chicago, IL, lra-chicago.org

MOB, Boston, MA, mobnewengland.org

National Leather Association (has local chapters in Arkansas, Atlanta, Colorado, Columbus, Central Florida, Dallas, Houston, Indianapolis, Oklahoma City, Northern Nevada, and Philadelphia), nla-i.com

New England Leather Alliance, Boston, MA, nelaonline.org

Portland Leather Alliance, Portland, OR, portlandleather.org

Society of Janus, San Francisco, CA, soj.org

TES, New York, NY, tes.org


Beat Me in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, beatmeinstl.com

Beyond Leather, Fort Lauderdale, FL, beyondleather.net

Beyond Vanilla, Dallas TX, beyondvanilla.org

Black Beat, Baltimore, MD, blackbeatinc.org

Desire, Palm Springs, CA, desireleatherwomen.com

Fetish Fair Fleamarket, Boston, MA, fetishfairfleamarket.com

Folsom Fringe, San Jose, CA, folsomfringe.com

Great Lakes Leather Alliance Weekend, Indianapolis, IN, greatlakesleather.org

International Ms. Leather, San Francisco, CA, imsl.org

International Mr. Leather, Chicago, IL, imrl.com

Kinkfest, Portland, OR, kinkfest.org

Kinky Kollege, Chicago, IL, kinkycollege.com

Leather Leadership Conference, leatherleader.org

Master/slave Conference, Washington, DC, masterslavecon-ference.org

South Plains Leatherfest, Dallas, TX, southplainsleatherfest.com

Southeast Leatherfest, Atlanta, GA, seleatherfest.com

Shibaricon, Chicago, IL, shibaricon.com

Thunder in the Mountains, Denver, CO, thunderinthemoun-tains.com

Tribal Fire, Oklahoma City, OK, tribalfireokc.com

Twisted Tryst, various locations, twistedtryst.com


BDSM Event Page, thebdsmeventspage.com

FetLife, fetlife.com

Hanky Code, leathernjonline.com/hanky.htm

Kink Academy, kinkacademy.com

Kink Aware Professionals, https://ncsfreedom.org/resources/kink-aware-professionals-directory/kap-directory-homepage.html


LAURA ANTONIOU (lantoniou.com) is the author of the well-known Marketplace series of erotic novels, now being published by Circlet Press; they are all being converted to e-books as well. She has also edited the groundbreaking Leath-erwomen anthologies and several other collections of fiction and nonfiction. Her first book, The Catalyst, now renamed Cinema Erotica, is now available as an e-book through Ravenous Romance; the fiction she has written under her gay male pseudonym, Christopher Morgan, is being released under her real name as well. She travels around the world leading workshops for the alt-sex community, ranging from gentle introductions to role playing to weekend-long intensives on BDSM protocols. Follow her at her website or find her on Facebook, Fetlife, and other online communities.

PATRICK CALIFIA (née Pat Califia, prior to a gender transition from female to male) has been writing about sex practically since this activity was invented. SRSLY. He is the author of a dozen or so nonfiction and fiction books that explore the issue of sexual variation, the parameters of gender, and confronting the repression and social control of pleasure. He currently lives with his cute boy (six years and counting) and three fluffy, vogueing, caption-worthy kittehs, and hopes to welcome an Empowered Femme of Color to the household once everybody has moved from California to Florida. Patrick is currently doing research on FTM sexuality and working on a sex manual to accompany publication of the questionnaire data. But if you see him at a party, please don’t ask him how the new book is coming!

BARBARA CARRELLAS (barbaracarrellas.com) is the author of Urban Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Twenty-First Century and Luxurious Loving: Tantric Inspirations for Passion and Pleasure. She is the founder of Urban Tantra®, an approach to sacred sexuality that adapts and blends conscious sexuality practices from Tantra to BDSM, and the cofounder of Erotic Awakening, a pioneering series of workshops focusing on the physical, spiritual, and healing powers of sex. Barbara was named Best Tantric Sex Seminar Leader in New York City by Time Out New York for her Urban Tantra® workshops. Barbara delights in blurring the lines between sacred and profane, enlightened and perverted, mystical and scientific, pleasure and pain. Barbara’s most recent endeavors are her Urban Tantra® Professional Training Program (which, in its first year, graduated participants from 12 countries) and her new book, Ecstasy Is Necessary, a practical guidebook for ecstatic explorers (Hay House, 2012). Barbara is a proud graduate of the Coney Island Sideshow School with a double major in fire eating and snake handling.

EDGE is an author, mentor, teacher, and hard-core player from Florida with 20 years of experience in the scene. As his name and online moniker would suggest, he enjoys a wide range of edge play activities, from breath control to weaponsex, though he also has a passion for stogie scenes, clean Japanese rope bondage, and prolonged, intimate inner thigh beatings.

FIFTHANGEL (fifthangel@artofbdsm.com) has spent many of his nonworking weekends traveling throughout North America teaching at BDSM events for the last 11 years. He has written two books, The Finer Points of Pain and Pleasure, a how-to guide for using pressure points in BDSM scenes, and Your Pain, My Pleasure: Inside the Mind of a Sexual Sadist, as well as many magazine articles and interviews. FifthAngel and his wife, Katie, live a power-balanced, monogamous marriage that is very much SM oriented. Edge players in all aspects of their lives, they enjoy vertical rock and ice climbing, blasting zombies at the gun range, and whitewater rafting. When not dangling by a rope off the side of a mountain, they are at home on their five-acre farm on the outskirts of Denver, where they care for a growing family of animals.