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"They finally caught me, just as I was about to kill the captain. They threw me overboard, into the phlogiston. I cannot describe the sensation when I finally succumbed to the flow. I floated there for I don't know how long, until I was found by the Spelljammer.

"They tell me I'm lucky. Once they brought me aboard- I have CassaRoc to thank for that-I thawed out quickly. I must not have been out there for very long. I don't feel very lucky. 1 still see them in here." She rubbed her forehead. "I still hate them. And my father… I cant ever be sure what happened to him.''

Teldin glanced at CassaRoc. "We intercepted a report from a neogi messenger," CassaRoc said. "One of their mages had spotted something in the Flow. It wasn't long before our own scouts made out her shape not far off the port bow. We intercepted her before the neogi could, and we took her to the Tower of Thought.'' He laughed. "A few of my ales brought her around soon enough."

Teldin watched Cwelanas and felt pride, mingling with awe, at her strength during the trials she had lived through. Something nagged at him, though, the sheer coincidence of her reappearance as his quest was coming to an end. Coincidence?: he wondered. Cwelanas was stronger than he had ever known, and he knew now that she was supposed to be here, at journey's end, to help fulfill his still unknown destiny. No. It was not coincidence. It was verentbestae.

He pulled her to him and held her gently in his arms. "I will get you out of this, Cwelanas," he said. "We will get out of this together."

Chaladar again cleared his throat, this time louder. CassaRoc Stood. "All right, we get the point, paladin." 'To Teldin he said, "Sorry, Cloakmaster, but it looks like your reunion will have to wait. We have to get you out of here. It would be best if we could smuggle you out, but it looks like we'll have to take our chances outside, and probably make a run for it." He turned to his companions. "Any ideas?"

No one answered the warrior. He looked questioningly around the room. Suddenly, the little warrior with the slingshot stepped away from the bar, sloshing his ale onto the floor. His mouth agape, he pointed toward Teldin.

"Emil?" CassaRoc said. "Emil. are you bewitched, son?"

Emil blinked and scratched his head. His eyes were wide with confusion. "CassaRoc, sir, look at him. Look!''

CassaRoc turned and faced 'Teldin. 'What in the name of the gods..!"

The Cloakmaster was standing beside Cwelanas, and as the warriors in the room watched silently, his face shifted its features. He became shorter, thinner, and his apparel changed hues and texture to resemble a plaid cloak and ill-fitting clothes.

Emil jabbed his finger toward Teldin, "Its me, sir! He's j-j-just like me!"

CassaRoc, suspicious, scrunched up his face and looked Teldin over. "Is this a spell of some kind?" he asked. "Are you a magic-user?"

Teldin smiled and looked at his now puny body. He had deliberately chosen the least dangerous warrior in the room in order to appear unthreatening. He knew that his shape-shifting ability was sometimes feared, but he hoped that this display would prove his good intentions, his trust in CassaRoc s people. And he hoped it wasn't misguided.

"No, it is not a spell," 'Teldin said. "It is merely another property of the cloak. Ishow this to you to prove my trust, tor I am grateful for your rescue today. Now, if your Friend Emil here doesn't mind-"

"Emil the Fierce!" Emil said, a wide grin on his face. 'Oh. I am honored you chose me to imitate, Mr. Cloakmaster, sir. You don't know what this means to me, you really- "

CassaRoc quieted him with a gesture. "You're talking like one of those gnomes, son. Now slow down."

"Okay, sir, okay."

“Now, Teldin, what do you suggest?”

Teldin thought for a moment. "It might be best it we stagger this, try nol to call attention to ourselves in one large group. Let's try to get to the tower in threes and fours. “I`ll go out as Emil- "

"Oh, yessir, yessir, you bet, this sure is- "

Teldin and CassaRoc exchanged a glance, CassaRoc rolled his eyes at Emil and said softly, "Don't ask."

Teldin continued. "I'll go out in the first group, with you, CassaRoc. A larger group will follow, tightly protecting someone in the middle, someone with my build. Chaladar can lead them, and maybe make those who are watching us believe that I'm with them. Perhaps a little subterfuge will confuse them.

"The neogi aren't that smart," CassaRoc said.

Teldin adjusted his cloak, now a duplicate of Emil's brown, plaid cloak, around his neck and wondered if he looked as ugly as he felt. He turned to Cwelanas. "How do I look?" he asked.

Cwelanas smiled softly. "It might work, Teldin. You better stay low, though. Even with your cloak concealed, its magic can still be detected."

"Rest assured," Chaladar said, "the scum will be out looking for you."

CassaRoc said, "Cwelanas, go on ahead. Let my boys in the Tower of Thought know we're coming. They'll be ready for us."

Cwelanas nodded sharply and faced Teldin again. She kissed his cheek. Across the room, Emil blushed. "Be careful," Cwelanas said, and she hurried out the door.

Mostias murmured to CassaRoc, "Now, about that tab… "

Cwelanas reported as she had been told, and the first group from the centaur tower, including the disguised Teldin Moore, made it safely across the great starboard wing of the Spelljammer to rendezvous with three of CassaRoc's men at the edge of the ship's long landing field.

The group crossed in front of the council chambers and entered the great open market beneath the ship's stores. Here merchants hawked their meager wares and curios; weapons and armor were made and repaired; clothing and footwear were tailored to order.

The market was neither as extensive nor as bustling as had been most markets Teldin had toured, but it was certainly more friendly than most. At least a half dozen humans waved to him, greeting him as Emil or "little adventurer"- a term Teldin quickly came to despise, and he wondered just how Emil could put up with it. But, knowing Emil, he mused, how could they put up with him?

Then he remembered how valiantly Emil had fought against the neogi, and he realized that, though Emil's body was small, his courage and honor more than made up for it.

The band of warriors passed a booth full of charms and crystals. The men hardly noticed an old woman sitting in the stall who gasped as they walked by. They did not know that Teldin had been spotted, and quite easily, at that; the magical qualities emanating invisibly from his cloak had been detected by the old woman, who had seen the cloak's energies fanning out behind him in the shape of a great manta, glowing with all the colors of the spectrum.

As Teldin's company left the market and headed straight for the Tower of Thought, Teldin was also identified by an elf loitering near a stall that sold exotic desserts. "Did you see that?" the elf said. The shopkeeper, a stout man used to eating a large percentage of his own wares, twisted his fat bulk out of the booth to watch the warriors turn toward the tower. "What? 1 don't see anything."

The thief ran off with an armful of pastries and sweets, and he headed straight for his quarters at the Elven High Command. It's true. It's true! he thought. The Cloakmaster legend is true! The Dark Times are almost upon us! The elf knew he had to report to Lothian Stardawn that he had seen the one called the Cloakmaster enter CassaRoc's tower, and that the stories about the cloak were true: for with a simple magical charm that he had stolen from his grandmother two decades earlier, the elven thief had seen a cape of energy swirling around Teldin Moore as though it were a thing alive.

Oblivious to all this, Teldin paused as CassaRoc opened the great door to the Tower of Thought and invited him in.