"I do not propose to discuss my son. His faults I lay at Arthur's door. No, I am not sorry I killed Arthur. I am, on the contrary, glad.
"I visited the Grange on Monday on purpose to discover what Arthur meant to do about Geoffrey's unfortunate entanglement. When I found that he had disowned the boy, I knew that a clear duty lay before me, and I did not shirk it. It was time that I made myself known to Arthur, for although he had divorced me I am still Geoffrey's mother, and have a right to concern myself with his future.
"I left the terrace at 12.30 on Monday. I would not permit Arthur's wife to accompany me. I knew that Arthur was in the study, and I chose to approach it from the garden so that people should not know I had gone to see him, a circumstance they must have thought peculiar. I wish to say that I had no intention of killing him. No such thought had so much as crossed my mind. I meant only to plead with him on Geoffrey's behalf. Julia Twining had promised to do what she could, but I had no faith in her power of persuasion. I thought if I threw myself on Arthur's generosity, perhaps, after so many years, he would listen to me.
"He was writing at his desk when I entered the room. I went in through the front windows. He was surprised to see me; I could see he was in one of his evil moods, though he was polite enough to me, in a surly fashion.
"When I told him who I was he did not at first believe me. He thought I was mad. When I convinced him he said, "You Theresa? You Theresa?" and burst into one of his loud, ill-bred horse-laughs.
"I did not mean to quarrel with him. I thought I had sufficient control over myself. Perhaps if he had not laughed as he did, I could have kept my temper. And yet I don't know.
"I am not going to recount what passed between us. But I do most solemnly assert that I tried to remain calm, that my only object was to intercede for Geoffrey. I had not realised, even with my knowledge of Arthur, that he hated the boy. I saw it then, of course. I cannot bring myself to write down the things that he said. His taunts at me I hope I could have borne with equanimity. What he said of Geoffrey — wicked, venomous sneers, on purpose to wound me — no mother could have borne.
"We did not talk for long, I think not more than ten minutes. I saw that I had only done harm; he would not listen to me. He told me I could go, and pretended to ignore me, and to go on with his work.
"I was standing beside his chair with my hand laid on his desk. I implored him to be reasonable. He laughed again, that jeering laugh I knew so well. I cannot explain what happened to me. It was all over in a flash. Every wrong I had suffered at his hands, all that past misery and bitterness came up before me, and there he sat, prosperous, self-satisfied, mean to the soul, revenging himself on my child — It is no use; I can't describe it. The knife was by my hand. He was not even looking. I snatched it up in a moment's Fury, perhaps I should say madness, and struck him with it. lf I were asked I could not say whether I meant to kill him. I think I did, At that moment. Anyway I am glad now that I did. People will say that I am a murderess. I am sure I do not care what they say.
"He fell forward over the desk. The blood spurted from the wound in the neck. Some of it spattered my sleeve. I put my scarf over it, and ran out of the room.
My knees were shaking. I could hardly grasp what I had done.
"I got on my bicycle and rode home. There was blood on my gloves. I burned them in the kitchener when the servants had gone to bed.
"I thought no one would ever find out. I thought the police would suppose the murderer to have been some unknown person from outside. It did not occur to me that my action would put others in danger, even Geoffrey. When the Inspector came down from London I began to be afraid. He was not like our local police. He saw too much. He found out things about every one. I knew then that in the end I should have to come forward. Naturally I should not permit even such creatures as that designing Mexican or Mrs. Halliday to bear the blame of what I had done.
"That is all that I have to say, except that it is true that I saw Geoffrey just as I described. I have known since I told the Inspector that I saw Geoffrey at ten to one that he would find out the truth."
Major Grierson laid the last sheet down, and dabbed violently at his nose. "Shocking! Shocking!" he said. "Poor soul! I do not know when I have been so — er — upset. One should not say it, but really, Harding, one cannot but be — er — glad that she ended it as she did."
The Superintendent said sourly: "I ought to have gone myself. Of course, I suppose Mr. Harding will explain to them up at the Yard how he came to let a thing like that happen. I only hope he doesn't get dropped on for it."
"Come, come — er — Superintendent! Mr. Harding could not have suspected her of concealing poison about her — er — person."
"Ah, that's where it is, sir," said the Superintendent loftily. "You have to be prepared for things like that. That's what I could have told the Inspector. However, it's for him to write his report as he sees fit."
Harding got up. "You're quite right, Superintendent, and I think it's time I started to do it."
The Chief Constable followed him out. Before he got into his car he said, glancing momentarily at Harding: "I'm not — er — asking whether you meant to let it — er — happen as it did. I can only say that I am — er — thankful. A terrible case! Quite appalling! I trust you won't get into — er — trouble, Harding."
"Not very serious trouble, sir, I think. I'm leaving the Force in any case."
"Indeed? Well, I must say I am glad to — er — hear it. Now what about that meeting of ours? Can I — er -persuade you to come out and dine — er — tonight?"
"Thanks very much, sir, but I'm afraid I can't manage it tonight," said Harding. "Some other time, if I may."
"My dear fellow, it won't take you all the — er — evening to write up your report!" expostulated the Major.
Harding reddened slightly. "No, of course not, but I've got to go up to the Grange this evening sir and,"
"To the Grange? But what in the world for?" asked the Major, bewildered.
"Oh, just to clear up a — a small matter arrising from the case," said Harding.
The "small matter", with whom he had previously held a somewhat protracted conversation over the telephone, met him on the doorstep of the Grange when he drove up shortly before nine o'clock. She expressed a desire to be informed whether he was on duty or off.
"Off," said Inspector Harding, demonstrating the truth of this statement by taking the lady in too his arms.
Miss Fawcett protested feebly. "Supposing somebody were looking?"
"I don't mind if there are dozens of people looking," said Inspector Harding brazenly.
Miss Fawcett tucked her hand in his arm in a companionable way, and proceeded to stroll with him into the garden. "I'm glad it's all over," she said. "I'm awfully sorry for Mrs. Chudleigh, though I can't say I ever liked her. Still, one can't be surprised at her having got curdled and bitter. Mrs. Twining's here. She's been telling us the whole story. She came on here from the Vicarage. She says Mr. Chudleigh is quite dazed. It's ghastly for him. I wish you needn't have found it out, John, though naturally I'm proud of you for having been so clever."
"Clever?" repeated Harding. "Did you say clever? I ought to have been on to it two days ago."
"Well, I think it was distinctly bright of you," said Dinah. "What did put you on to it?"
"The bicycle. If Mrs. Chudleigh left this house on her bicycle at twelve-thirty she would have been home by twelve-forty-five. Only if she had been walking could she have seen Geoffrey where she did at ten to one. Either she was lying, and never saw him at all, or she left here considerably later than you all said she did. That discrepancy in the time was what finally put me on to her. What originally gave me the idea of the General's first wife was that slip of paper, coupled with something Geoffrey said. Do you remember finding me with Chambers's Dictionary, in the morning-room? You asked me if I was doing a crossword. I was looking up the proper names beginning with T."