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The Urantia Book


Enhanced Edition

Contents include:

The Urantia Book

Publisher Page

Titles of the Papers

Contents of the Book

Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV


Definition of Terms

Pronunciation Guide

Adopted Corrections

This digital publication is an enhanced edition of The Urantia Book. It contains the Standard Reference Text of the book plus some additions intended to enhance study.

The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book | Index | Definition of Terms | Pronunciation Guide | Adopted Corrections


— Index A — Aaron and the Golden Calf, Peter’s sermon on, 146:1.1 (1637.3) Abaddon identification of, 53:1.5 (602.2) relation of, to Lucifer rebellion, 53:1.5 (602.2) Abandonters evolutionary complements of, 40:10.4 (452.4) origin of, 37:9.12 (415.4) permanent citizens of Uversa, 37:9.12 (416.4) teaching the superuniverse tongue by, 55:6.6 (631.2) univitatia’s comparison with, 43:7.4 (493.5) Abel and Cain, 76:2.0 (848.1–849.3) career chosen by, 76:2.1 (848.1) crying out of the blood of, 86:5.15 (955.3) influence of unfavorable surroundings on, 76:2.6 (848.6) offerings to the priesthood by, 76:2.2 (848.2) taunting of Cain by, regarding his parentage, 76:2.4 (848.4) regarding sacrifices, 76:2.2 (848.2) see also Cain Abila Nathaniel’s and his associates’ labors at, 159:4.1 (1767.3) twenty-four apostles’ labor in, 144:7.1 (1626.2) Ability(ies) administrative, of Those High in Authority, 22:3.1 (246.2) to comprehend, the mortal passport to Paradise, 26:4.15 (290.5) a definition, 171:8.10 (1876.7) executive, of Those High in Authority, 22:3.3 (246.4) God-given, folly of prostitution of, for personal gain, 136:6.9 (1519.2) governing, of those High in Authority, 22:3.1 (246.2) human, the three sources of, 44:8.2 (507.7) an inheritance, 160:4.11 (1779.3) to know and be known, indigenous to Deity, 6:6.2 (78.5) to learn, an endowment of mind, 65:7.6 (739.2) lowly origin no handicap to recognition of, 44:8.3 (508.1) natural, a prerequisite to leadership, 156:5.7 (1739.2) nonaccountability for what is beyond one’s, 171:8.10 (1876.7) vs. skill, 160:4.11 (1779.3) and skill, an essential of temporal life, 160:4.5 (1778.8) special, not an arbitrary gift, 44:8.2 (507.7) Abimelech identity of, 93:9.3 (1022.6) people of, Abraham’s contact with, 93:9.4 (1023.1) Ablutions of water, three, ghosts’ placation by, 104:0.2 (1143.2) Abner activities of, following Passover, 147:2.4 (1648.6) and Andrew, alternating presiding officers of joint meetings, 144:6.3 (1624.14) Andrew’s association with, 144:6.3 (1624.14) and associates, influence of, in consolidating sentiment, 162:1.6 (1789.5) Jesus’ labors with, in Bethlehem, 162:9.1 (1798.2) joining of, with Jesus and the twelve, 162:9.4 (1798.5) opening of synagogues to, 156:6.7 (1741.7) associates of, wholehearted acceptance of the kingdom by, 162:9.3 (1798.4) baptism of Abraham the Sanhedrist by, 148:8.1 (1665.4) of believers by, 167:3.6 (1836.5) celebration of Passover by apostles of John with, 147:2.3 (1648.5) chief of John the Baptist’s supporters, 144:6.1 (1624.12) death of, 166:5.7 (1832.3) a devout believer in Jesus, 144:7.4 (1626.5) and disciples, arrival of, at Magadan, 163:0.1 (1800.1) disagreements of, with early church leaders, 166:5.4 (1831.7) familiarity of, with Perean district, 165:1.3 (1818.1) head of the Philadelphia church, 166:5.3 (1831.6) of the seventy, 163:1.1 (1800.3) identity of, 135:2.4 (1497.6), 165:0.1 (1817.1) inevitable isolation of, 166:5.5 (1832.1) influence of, on Eastern version of Jesus’ message, 195:1.11 (2072.4) on Urmia faculty, 134:6.15 (1491.9) Jerusalem believers brought to Jesus at Bethany by, 152:7.2 (1706.3) Jesus’ farewell to, 171:3.2 (1870.5) last message to, 182:2.5 (1966.5) last request of, and promise to, 178:2.4 (1933.1) pleas to Andrew to manifest devotion to, 181:2.18 (1959.2) knowledge of, of plot to kill Jesus, 178:2.4 (1933.1) and Lazarus, Nathaniel’s joining, in Philadelphia, 193:6.4 (2058.3) Lazarus a strong supporter of, 168:5.3 (1849.7) a lifelong believer in, and teacher of, the gospel, 166:5.7 (1832.3) no New Testament account of, reason, 166:5.3 (1831.6) partial observance by, of ceremonial hand washing, 167:1.3 (1834.1) presence of, at Jesus’ tenth morontia appearance, 191:4.1 (2041.4) relation of John the Baptist with, 135:2.4 (1497.6) removal by, of headquarters from Hebron to Bethlehem, 159:6.4 (1771.5) and selection of the seventy, 163:0.1 (1800.1) sending out of the seventy by, 163:1.6 (1801.3) teaching of, in Philadelphia synagogue, 166:5.1 (1831.4) visit of, to the Nazarite colony, 142:8.1 (1605.3) work of, on the third preaching tour, 150:0.4 (1678.4) Abnerian emissaries of teachings of Jesus, overwhelming of, by Islam, 171:1.6 (1869.2) kingdom of heaven, Philadelphia the center of, 171:1.6 (1869.2) Abode(s) eternal, of God, 11:0.1 (118.1) existence of many, in Father’s and Son’s universes, 178:3.4 (1934.6) in the Father’s universe, mortals’ future traversal of, 180:6.3 (1951.4) in the future life, Jesus’ spirit as a guide through the, 181:1.2 (1953.4) of individuals and working groups, constructors of, 44:3.2 (502.1) morontia or spirit, individual expression in construction of, 44:3.2 (502.1) sharing of inhabitants of, in planning their, 44:3.2 (502.1) settled, Jesus’ lack of a, 154:7.2 (1723.5) supreme, God’s habitation in the, 131:4.2 (1448.1) Abomination prayer’s being an, occasion of, 146:2.3 (1638.3) Aborigines belief of, regarding caves and mountains, 85:1.5 (945.3) of India, the so-called, identification of, 79:2.2 (879.8) Urantia, Eskimos the sole survivors of, 61:6.3 (700.4) Abortion early practice of, 68:6.9 (770.6) and infanticide, extermination of primitive clans by, 68:6.9 (770.6) Abraham an ancestor of Joseph, 122:1.1 (1344.4) appearance of the three celestial beings to, 93:6.7 (1021.3) attitude of, toward the birth of Isaac, 93:6.5 (1021.1) and the beginning of Jewish national history, 136:1.1 (1509.3) Biblical genealogy of, 77:2.11 (857.8) bosom of, in the Nazarite allegory, 169:3.2 (1854.6) change in personality of, after Melchizedek’s departure, 93:9.3 (1022.6) a "chosen" individual, 93:5.1 (1018.6) children of, freedom of, according to Jesus, 162:7.2 (1796.4) possible loss of the Father’s kingdom by the, 156:1.8 (1735.4) repudiation of covenant of, to be light-bearers of truth, 175:3.2 (1910.1) treatment of truth by, 162:7.3 (1796.5) works of Abraham done by the true, 162:7.3 (1796.5) concern of, about his lack of a son, 93:6.1 (1020.4) a convert to the Salem teachings, 93:3.1 (1016.3) conversations of, in Old Testament, with Melchizedek rather than with God, 93:9.7 (1023.4) covenant of, results, 130:3.4 (1432.4) death of, reference to, 162:7.5 (1797.2) a descendant of the Hittites, 80:8.2 (896.7) devout children of, longing of, for the "consolation of Israel," 135:6.2 (1501.5) establishment of a military capital at Hebron by, 93:5.11 (1019.8) halfhearted belief of, in the Melchizedek covenant, 93:4.5 (1017.7) the heavenly Father’s love for, 142:2.3 (1597.3) influence of, on the improvement of the Salem colony, 93:6.8 (1021.4) interpretation by, of the three concentric circles, 93:3.3 (1016.5) introduction of the tithing system by, 93:3.1 (1016.3) justification of, by faith, 150:5.3 (1682.5) Machiventa Melchizedek’s arrival in the times of, 76:5.6 (852.5) sojourn at Salem in the days of, 45:4.16 (514.6) visit to Urantia in days of, 51:3.9 (584.2) marriage of, to his half sister, 82:5.4 (918.4) Melchizedek receivers’ interest in the ancestors of, 93:5.3 (1018.8) covenant with, 93:6.0 (1020.4–1021.4) incarnation during time of, reason for, 35:4.5 (389.4) and the Most High God, 142:3.4 (1598.5) not the racial father of all the Hebrews, 96:2.3 (1055.1) not to be looked on with disdain, 155:6.10 (1732.3) reaction of, to Melchizedek’s departure, 93:9.2 (1022.6) reconciliation between Melchizedek and, 93:6.8 (1021.4) rejoicing of, to see Jesus’ day by faith, 162:7.5 (1797.2) relation of the Jews to, 130:3.4 (1432.4) sacrificial offering of, 93:4.14 (1018.3) and Sarah, facts regarding the ages of, 93:9.8 (1023.5) selection of, by Melchizedek, 93:5.0 (1018.6–1020.3) a shrewd business man, 93:6.8 (1021.4) Siddim military victory of, 93:5.13 (1020.2) sojourn of, in Egypt, 93:5.7 (1019.4) as a spiritual leader after Melchizedek’s departure, 93:9.4 (1023.1) status of, among the Egyptians, 95:3.5 (1046.1) as the successor of Melchizedek, 93:9.4 (1023.1) temporary severance of relationship between Melchizedek and, 93:5.11 (1019.8) three-time display of cowardice by, 93:9.3 (1022.6) and times of Machiventa Melchizedek, 66:8.5 (753.1) tracing of, back to Noah, 78:7.3 (874.8) unbelieving Jews’ reaction to Jesus’ statement about having seen, 162:7.6 (1797.3) willingness of, to sacrifice Isaac, 89:6.8 (981.5)