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Adonia location and activities of, 79:1.4 (879.1) Adopted seraphim possible future of, 31:4.1 (348.6) Adoption the ceremony of, 70:3.7 (787.7) of Joseph’s ancestor into Davidic line of descent, 123:0.5 (1356.2) the practice of, vs. killing or enslavement of captives, 69:8.3 (779.2) Adoration of God vs. fear of God, 149:6.5 (1675.6) man’s, reasons for, 149:6.6 (1675.7) supreme, types of, on Paradise, 27:7.3 (304.1) Adriatic the Greek empire’s extension from the Indus to the, 195:1.7 (2071.7) Adulation a true believer’s rightful attitude toward, 156:5.19 (1740.6) Adult associates, the youthful Jesus’ preference for, 124:2.6 (1369.2) happiness, vs. child happiness, 140:5.7 (1573.9) Adultery(ies) a definition, 140:6.5 (1576.5) evolving mores regarding, 82:4.4 (917.7) recognition of, as a form of stealing, 82:4.3 (917.6) source of, 153:3.5 (1712.5) woman taken in, 162:3.0 (1792.5–1793.4) Adulthood Jesus living the life of, 129:4.5 (1425.4) Advanced life ripening of post-Teacher Son planet for, 52:7.7 (599.3) worlds, length of life on, 49:4.6 (564.8) prevalence of sex equality on, 49:4.4 (564.6) Advancement of Havona inhabitants, extent of, 3:5.16 (52.2) personality, assurance of the possibilities of, 75:8.7 (846.6) Advancing mortals of temporary sojourn on Salvington, work of, 37:10.5 (416.5) Advent of Adam and Eve time of Van’s proposal regarding, 73:2.2 (822.6) Adventure Adamic stock’s stimulation of the spirit of, 81:3.8 (904.4) Andites’ interest in, 78:5.8 (873.4) contribution of, to extension of mating bounds, 82:5.9 (919.5) curiosity-mother of, 36:5.9 (402.6) of divinity attainment lies before you, 32:5.8 (365.4) an endless career of, death the beginning of, 14:5.10 (159.6) the eternal, Adjuster’s preparation of the mortal for, 108:5.6 (1192.1) Adjuster’s presence with man throughout, 40:7.3 (449.1) of finding God, 155:6.16 (1733.4) of God and man, 5:1.12 (64.3) mortal survivors’ journey on, 46:3.3 (522.3) no creature can be coerced into, 5:6.12 (71.7) and supreme, of will creatures, 1:0.6 (21.3) of finding God the Father, 3:6.8 (53.6), 39:9.3 (442.1) in the flesh, man’s greatest, 196:3.34 (2097.2) imaginative, achievement the child of, 28:6.18 (316.5) individual, present marriage an, 83:2.1 (923.1) latent, impossible of satisfaction in a single lifetime, 195:5.10 (2076.1) mortal-ascension, glories awaiting pilgrims on worlds of, 43:6.8 (493.1) mortal’s love of, reason for, 14:5.10 (159.6) personality, confidence in the possibilities of, 75:8.7 (846.6) of post-Andite races, danger in, 84:8.4 (942.5) reasonable, the necessity of the enjoyment of, for religious growth, 100:1.5 (1094.7) of space, the supreme, 32:0.3 (357.3) a supreme, of Havona races, 31:1.4 (346.5) human, a definition, 155:5.10 (1729.5) of mortals of time and space, 1:0.6 (22.3) of time, the Paradise ascent the, 143:1.6 (1608.3) testing, following Jesus a, 155:3.2 (1727.2) thrilling, trying to do the will of God a, 155:6.11 (1732.4) time-space, of the Infinite, 4:1.12 (56.4) tonic of, disappearance of, from pilgrims’ careers, 14:5.7 (159.3) the ultimate, 31:10.0 (352.8–354.6) the universal, the drama of creation, 8:1.1 (90.5) the Urantia, 65:4.0 (734.5–736.3) urge for, youthful robbery and the, 187:4.5 (2009.4) Adversaries fear of Jesus by his, reason, 173:2.8 (1892.5) Jesus’ technique of dealing with his, 173:2.7 (1892.4) Adversity and disappointment, evangelists’ baptism of, 155:2.2 (1726.5) insurance against, 163:2.11 (1803.2) Jesus’ discourse on, 151:0.1 (1688.1) prediction of coming, 177:5.2 (1927.3) Jews’ belief as to God’s displeasure and, 166:4.3 (1830.3) meaning of, as explained in story of Job, 148:6.0 (1662.3–1664.4) a prerequisite to feeling many truths, 48:7.18 (557.2) Advice to James and John by Jesus, 137:1.6 (1525.3) Jesus’ abstention from asking man’s, 141:7.12 (1594.6) not proffered by Unions or Faithfuls of Days, 33:5.4 (371.2) unsolicited, Jesus’ attitude toward offering, 129:1.9 (1420.6) when to give, 48:7.16 (556.16) Advisers counselors and, of the second Havona circle, function of, 26:10.0 (295.3–296.3) regarding the conquest of predatory animals, of the Planetary Prince, 66:5.7 (746.5), 67:4.1 (757.4) Technical, 25:4.0 (279.2–281.1) Advisory cabinet, secondary, of each Supreme Executive, selection of members of, 17:1.8 (199.2) Commission of Interuniverse Ethics and Self-government, 18:7.1 (213.3) -control body of Urantia, membership, 76:6.3 (853.4) council, Adam’s conference with the, 74:3.3 (830.6) of superuniverse government, 15:11.2 (179.12) for Urantia administration, 67:6.5 (759.8) Uversa, ascending pilgrims’ term of service on, 15:11.2 (179.12) Aegean islands one Andite invasion of Europe by way of the, 80:4.1 (892.4) region, decline of culture in the, cause, 80:7.6 (895.6) Aesthetic appreciation, relation of, to attainment of cosmologic levels of thought, 56:10.5 (646.6) qualities, the Jewish religion’s deficiency in, 97:10.5 (1076.2) Aesthetics the artist’s God of, 5:5.3 (68.6) Affectation a definition, 48:7.17 (557.1) Jesus’ freedom from, 100:7.2 (1101.6) Affection(s) of Adam for Eve, 75:5.2 (843.4) of the Adjusters, mortal’s discerning of, on the mansion worlds, 110:7.7 (1213.2) of Andonic females for their children, 63:4.3 (714.1) the apostles’, for Matthew, 181:2.13 (1957.3) character of God’s, for man, 2:5.10 (40.2) corrective, earthly children’s inability to perceive father’s, 142:2.4 (1597.4) devotion of, the cross’s portrayal of, 188:5.11 (2019.4) divided, gospel messengers’ restrictions as to, 163:2.3 (1801.6) of the divine parents, demonstration of, 8:4.1 (94.3) of a dog, a spornagia characteristic, 46:7.7 (528.5) dual, Jesus’ manifestation of, 140:5.2 (1573.4) enemies’ derision for Jesus’, for Lazarus, 168:1.8 (1844.7) fatherly, a definition, 140:5.1 (1573.3) exercise of, by spirit-discerning mortals, 140:5.5 (1573.7) man’s showing forth the beginnings of, 140:5.1 (1573.3) father’s, of God, 4:3.5 (58.3) Father’s infinite, unfolding of the, 6:3.3 (75.8) Ruler of universe of universes manifests a, 3:6.7 (53.5) of Havona Servitals and Graduate Guides, vs. human love, 25:1.6 (274.3) Jesus’, James’s admiration for, 139:3.6 (1553.2) of John Mark’s parents, for one another, 177:2.2 (1921.6) Judas’s gradual loss of, for Jesus, reason, 177:4.11 (1926.4) man’s, for Jesus, 149:2.14 (1672.3) merciful, of the Original Son, 9:1.8 (100.2) of Morontia Companions for one another, 48:3.4 (545.5) mutual, insurance against evil, 160:2.9 (1776.3) personal, influence of, 160:2.4 (1775.5) in present choosing of life partners, 83:2.5 (923.5) relation of goodness to, 171:7.2 (1874.5) sorrowful, Jesus’ expression of, for his accusers, 185:2.16 (1990.12) true, supreme measure of, example, 180:1.3 (1944.6) of Urantia aborigines, 63:4.3 (714.1) Afflicted humanity assembling of, at Zebedee’s home, 145:3.6 (1632.5) of Jericho, apostolic ministry to, 141:8.1 (1595.2) mortals, effect of, on Jesus, 145:3.7 (1632.6) Affliction(s) of children, not for punishment of parents, 148:6.10 (1664.2) common, of the ten lepers, 166:2.1 (1827.6) the greatest, 48:7.14 (556.14) human, Nathaniel’s perplexity over the reason for, 148:5.1 (1661.3) not a deliberate act of God, 148:5.3 (1661.5) the three forms of, 141:4.4 (1590.7) man’s unjustified blaming of God for his, 148:5.3 (1661.5) not the frown of God, 166:4.10 (1831.1) not God’s arbitrary punishment for wrongdoing, 148:5.3 (1661.5) purpose of, 148:5.0 (1661.3–1662.2) the righteous man’s many, 131:2.10 (1445.4) of soul, not a requisite to security in the kingdom, 147:8.5 (1656.6)