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Affront to God the shedding of innocent blood, 4:5.4 (60.3) Afghanistan Badonan’s cultural center in, 79:0.1 (878.1) Africa Andonites’ nonentry into, 63:5.1 (715.1) central, dispersion of indigo Saharans to, 80:2.2 (890.6) connection of Europe with, by Sicilian land bridge, 64:1.5 (718.7) of South America with Europe via, 59:5.11 (681.3) Devonian red sandstone in, 59:4.7 (678.8) effective gospel work of Alexander and Rufus, Simon’s sons, in, 187:1.10 (2006.3) first step of evolution of the frog into the reptile in, 59:6.8 (683.5) glacial deposits of early trilobite era in, 59:1.16 (674.2) gravitation of inferior Sangiks to, 64:7.3 (726.10) high elevation of, in the past, 59:5.4 (680.6) indigo man’s occupation of, 64:6.25 (725.6) inundation of, in the past, 59:4.5 (678.6) natives of, and their fetish stones, 85:1.4 (945.2) north, coal formation during Carboniferous period in, 59:5.20 (682.3) northern, eventual occupation of, by descendants of the Andites, 81:3.8 (904.4) Nodite penetration of, 80:1.2 (889.4) Salem missionaries’ spread of Trinity teachings throughout, 104:1.4 (1144.1) submergence of, by Mediterranean, 61:4.2 (698.4) orange man’s trek toward, 64:6.11 (724.1) present-day, practice of "a life for a life" in, 90:3.6 (990.1) and the rainbow, 85:4.2 (947.1) rise of, out of Pacific Ocean, 57:8.21 (662.8) secondary Sangik peoples’ migration to, 64:7.3 (726.10) separation of, from Europe, 57:8.23 (663.1) Simon Zelotes’ evangelistic work in, 139:11.11 (1565.8) Simon’s death and burial in, 139:11.11 (1565.8) sinking of, in the past ages, 59:1.15 (674.1) southerly movement of, 58:4.3 (668.1) southern green tribes’ entry into, 64:6.18 (724.8) trek of indigo race in, 78:3.7 (871.3) African life implantation, influence of, in human ancestry, 62:0.1 (703.1) Pygmies, prereligious praying of, 91:0.5 (994.5) tribes, backward, recent practice of human sacrifice by the, 89:6.2 (980.7) certain modern, cannibalism among, 89:5.4 (979.3) many, belief of, regarding the soul and the spirit, 111:0.4 (1215.4) present custom of, of killing innocent tribesmen, 88:4.7 (971.1) present-day religious beliefs of many, 92:6.1 (1010.5) supposed descent of, from the hyena, 74:8.5 (837.4) African Bushmen ability of, to recognize the difference between self-interest and group interest, 103:3.1 (1132.1) culture of, 68:5.3 (768.3) no individual names among the, 88:5.5 (971.7) primitive state of, 70:3.2 (787.2) Africans the great slave race, reason for, 69:8.5 (779.4) present purchase of wives by, 83:3.1 (923.7) Agaman a member of the women’s corps, 150:1.1 (1678.5) Age(s) of Adam, third planetary epoch, 74:2.8 (830.3) of advanced mammals, 61:2.0 (694.7–696.4) of biological tribulation, 59:6.0 (682.7–684.2) of birds, 60:3.0 (688.8–691.3) of choice, of Adam’s children, 75:6.3 (844.5) to come, apostles’ following of Jesus in the, 180:3.5 (1947.4) apostles to see Jesus in the, 180:0.3 (1944.3) revelation of the glory of the better way in the, 166:3.4 (1829.1) of early mammals, 61:1.0 (693.4–694.6) early reptilian, 60:1.0 (685.3–687.1) of earthquakes, 57:8.0 (660.3–663.4) of the elephant and horse, 61:3.0 (696.5–698.2) eternal, and chain of mortal life, 39:4.13 (435.6) and experience, 181:2.5 (1955.6) of ferns, time of, 59:5.2 (680.4) of fishes, 59:4.0 (678.2–680.2) of frogs, 59:5.0 (680.3–682.6) the ice, 61:5.0 (699.2–702.9) the invertebrate-animal, 59:2.0 (674.7–676.4) Jesus the terminator of an, 136:1.3 (1509.5) the kingdom the concept of an, 170:5.15 (1865.5) the later reptilian, 60:2.0 (687.2–688.7) of light and life, advancing achievements of, 55:3.12 (626.1) certificate of a planet’s admission to the, 55:1.1 (622.1) definition, 55:0.1 (621.1) epoch of Teacher Sons the vestibule to the, 49:5.27 (567.7) of evolutionary worlds, and release of Adamic citizens, 31:5.2 (349.2) the golden ages, 55:3.0 (624.7) and midwayers’ planetary sojourn, 77:9.4 (866.3) a phase of the kingdom, 170:4.6 (1863.4) vs. pre-Planetary Prince age, 55:3.1 (624.7) pursuits of seraphim of the future, and, 39:7.1 (440.1) the sixth phase of a Creative Spirit’s career, 17:6.9 (204.5) of miracles, vs. age of machines, 195:6.6 (2077.2) of moral responsibility, and reception of Adjusters, 52:5.6 (596.4) a reason for class distinctions, 70:8.12 (793.4) of spiritual striving, preliminaries to an, 72:12.5 (820.3) termination of, by bestowal Sons, 20:6.6 (229.5) an, at conclusion of Michael’s bestowal, 120:2.4 (1328.1) the volcanic, 57:7.0 (658.9–660.2) work modification based on, 69:3.4 (774.3) Aged among primitive men, choice of death by the, reason, 86:4.7 (953.6) Agencies of the Conjoint Actor, a function of the, 9:0.4 (98.4) Aggrandizement personal, folly of prostitution of divine talents for, 136:6.9 (1519.2) of self, Jesus’ refusal to use his universe endowments for, 136:9.6 (1522.5) Aggression external, China’s lack of, results, 79:8.1 (887.1) positive, the apostles’ display of, 143:1.9 (1609.1) Aggressive race, absence of any, to the north of China, 79:6.12 (885.9) type of Morontia Companions, 48:3.4 (545.5), 48:3.11 (546.4), 84:6.5 (938.9) Aggressiveness sagacity a valuable adjunct of, 181:2.15 (1958.2) Agility increased, a mammalian survival advantage, 61:1.7 (693.10) replacement of animal size by, 61:2.5 (695.3) Agitator(s) dangerous, a Capernaum opinion about Jesus, 154:4.3 (1719.6) machinations of, prevention of, a prerequisite of freedom, 70:12.8 (798.7) Simon Zelotes a fiery, 139:11.1 (1564.6) Agni a god of the Aryans, 94:4.6 (1031.7) identity of, 94:1.4 (1027.5), 104:1.2 (1143.5) significance of, in monotheism in India, 94:1.4 (1027.5) Agondonters characteristics of, 50:7.2 (579.1) functional grouping of, 50:7.2 (579.1) identity of, 50:7.2 (579.1) Agrarian reformer Elijah’s start as an, 97:3.6 (1065.3) Agricultural ages, sun worship in the, 85:5.2 (947.5) base, dependence of social developments on an, 68:5.13 (769.5) stage of civilization, basis of, 68:5.9 (769.1) toil, not a penalty for sin, 66:7.19 (751.14) Agriculture appearance of, time of, 52:2.8 (592.1) Cain’s choice of a career in, 76:2.1 (848.1) Caligastia and Adam as teachers of, 68:5.9 (769.1) Chinese developments in, 79:8.2 (887.2) and commerce, the chief activities of the Andite tribes, 81:3.1 (903.3) of Dalamatia school graduates, 66:7.18 (751.13) development of, a motive of Dalamatia teachers, 66:7.1 (750.3) domestication of animals and development of, 81:2.10 (901.13) early attention of the Chinese to, 79:8.2 (887.2) effect of, on women, 84:3.10 (934.9) an essential to modern national life, 71:1.5 (800.7) exaltation of, in Eden, 73:3.5 (823.5) the genesis of private ownership of land, 69:9.14 (782.1) improvement in methods of, 84:3.10 (934.9) influence of, on man’s material comfort, 81:5.2 (905.7) introduction of, into the Nile delta, 80:1.2 (889.4) land-man ratio as affected by, 68:5.10 (769.2) and the Roman state, 71:1.13 (801.1) slavery and private ownership as related to, 81:2.13 (902.3) and sun worship in southern Europe, 80:9.13 (898.8) teaching of, in the continental nation, 72:4.1 (812.3) universality of, on atmospheric worlds, 49:4.5 (564.7) weakness of, 68:5.11 (769.3) in the west Garden schools, 74:7.2 (835.5) yellow man’s home life based on, 64:6.14 (724.4) Agriculturist(s) attitude of, toward chance and luck, 86:1.5 (951.1) enslavement of male captives as, consequences, 84:3.8 (934.7) and horticulturist stage, transit from hunter and herder stage to, 52:3.3 (593.2) the peace-loving type, 68:5.11 (769.3) teachers and students in Prince’s schools as, 50:4.3 (575.4) Ahab Elijah’s reproof of, 123:5.12 (1363.5) Ahab of Ephraim battle of, with Shalmaneser III, 97:9.18 (1073.8) Jesus’ parents’ story of, 124:6.3 (1374.3) murdering of the Naboths by, 97:3.6 (1065.3) Ahura-Mazda a concept of Zoroastrianism, 98:5.3 (1082.4) identity of, 95:6.2 (1049.5) Ai ambush of, a typical picture of ancient practice, 69:8.3 (779.2)