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Air angels of, in Hebrew theology, 85:4.2 (947.1) belt, primitive planetary, penetration of, by meteors, 57:7.10 (660.2) upper, of Jerusem, vs. that of Urantia, 46:1.6 (520.2) breather(s), carbon dioxide inimical to existence of, 59:2.9 (675.8) the prereptilian frog an, 59:6.8 (683.5) true scorpion, 59:3.11 (677.8) -breathing amphibians, arthropods, 59:5.5 (680.7) on gas-contraction and solid-accretion worlds, 41:10.3 (466.2) mankind’s onetime worship of the, 85:4.1 (946.8) mechanisms, of Material Sons, speed of, 46:2.4 (521.1) navigators, ancestry of, 65:2.12 (733.2) evolution of, into land dwellers, 49:2.16 (561.15) intervention of, between water and land types, 49:2.16 (561.15) relation of an elemental mortal type to, 49:2.15 (561.14) resistance, mechanical developments used in seraphic transport for overcoming, 46:2.8 (521.5) and treetops, early civilization’s beginnings in the, 49:2.17 (562.1) types, mortal, percentage of, in Satania, 49:2.18 (562.2) Akkad onetime chief of the city-states, 78:8.9 (876.6) Alabama coal layers in, number of, 59:5.17 (681.9) Alaska activity of volcanoes in, during late Carboniferous period, 59:5.20 (682.3) to Mexico, outcroppings of ancient fossil-bearing rocks from, 58:7.4 (670.6) Alchemists of space, secondary dissociators the, 29:4.35 (328.4) Alchemy vs. chemistry, 81:2.9 (901.12) Alexander, of Alexandria identity of, 130:3.9 (1433.4) Alexander, son of Simon of Cyrene a gospel teacher in Africa, 187:1.10 (2006.3) Alexander the Great and antagonisms between Jews and Samaritans, 143:4.2 (1612.2) carrying of Greek civilization to the East by, 195:1.10 (2072.3) march of, Christian missionaries’ use of path of, 194:4.13 (2068.3) spread of Hellenistic civilization by, 195:1.7 (2071.7) Alexander’s mole apostles’ daily entrance to Tyre by way of, 156:4.2 (1737.3) Alexandria advancement of the kingdom in, 167:0.3 (1833.3) the anticipated coming headquarters of Jewish culture, 128:5.3 (1414.1) bestowal of Spirit of Truth at Pentecost in, 194:3.17 (2065.5) chief attractions of, 130:3.4 (1432.4) commercial importance of, 130:3.2 (1432.2) comparison of, educationally, with Galilee, 124:0.1 (1366.1) conditions in, in second century after Christ, 195:3.10 (2074.5) destruction of last copy of Andrew’s record by fire at, 139:1.9 (1549.7) faith of the gospel teachers of, in the resurrection of Jesus, 190:0.4 (2029.4) Jesus’ recollections of his associations in, 136:8.4 (1520.5) visit to, 130:3.0 (1432.1–1433.5) Joseph’s and Mary’s departure for, 122:10.4 (1354.3) library at, onetime greatest in the world, 130:3.4 (1432.4) Ptolemy the founder, 74:8.12 (838.4) visits to, by Jesus and Ganid, 130:3.4 (1432.4), 131:7.1 (1451.1) museum, character and importance of, 130:3.7 (1433.2) Nazareth family’s mistaken belief as to Jesus’ residence in, 129:3.4 (1423.6) as possible effective headquarters for Jesus, 123:0.3 (1355.3) results of translation of Hebrew scriptures into Greek at, 121:6.2 (1338.5) the resurrection message carried to, 190:1.8 (2031.2) Rodan of, 160:0.0 (1772.1–1782.5) vs. Rome as a field for Jesus’ study of mankind, 132:4.3 (1461.1) Simon’s journey to, 139:11.11 (1565.8) size of, 130:3.8 (1433.3) sojourn of the child Jesus in, 123:0.1 (1355.1) workers sent from Abner’s center at Bethlehem to, 162:9.2 (1798.3) Alexandrian appearance, of the morontia Jesus, 191:6.0 (2044.2–5) believers, gift of, to Jesus, 123:0.3 (1355.3) reaction of, to morontia appearance of Jesus, 191:6.4 (2044.5) empire, extent of, 133:5.1 (1476.3) Jews, fear of, concerning the fate of Palestine, 128:5.3 (1414.1) Jesus’ meeting with a group of, 128:5.2 (1413.7) proposition of, to Jesus regarding school of philosophy, 148:8.2 (1666.1) Algae fossils of, in the Proterozoic rock, 58:7.2 (670.4) lime-secreting, distributions of, during late invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.11 (676.2) of the limestone age, 59:2.3 (675.2) All -knowingness, God’s free will directed by his, 2:4.3 (38.3) -merciful Father, vs. the Almighty King, 149:6.7 (1676.1) -night conference, of Adam and loyal Edenites, 75:6.2 (844.4) meditation of Jesus, over launching his mission, 137:5.3 (1532.1) -pervading spirit, and universal and divine mind, 8:5.1 (95.4) -powerful One, 1:1.4 (23.1) -souls’ feast, annual, former custom of holding an, 87:3.4 (960.8) truth, purpose of the Spirit of Truth to lead all believers into, 194:2.7 (2061.5) -wise Judges, adjudication of destinies of rebellion-distressed personalities by the, 54:6.1 (618.4) Allah advantage of clear-cut concept of, in competing with Buddhism, 94:2.8 (1029.6) identity of, 94:2.8 (1029.6) the one and only Deity in Islam, 95:7.6 (1051.4) Allegiance Jesus’ admonition to the Alpheus twins about their, 192:2.13 (2049.4) only outward, a result of miracle working, 136:8.2 (1520.3) Satan’s proclamation as to, 53:4.1 (604.3) Allegory(ies) danger of turning a parable into an, 151:2.7 (1691.2) Jesus’ advice against use of, in teaching, 151:3.3 (1692.2) vs. parables, 149:3.1 (1672.4) Alliances social, economic, and political, religion’s need to be free from, 99:3.9 (1089.1) Alligators nonprogressive descendants of frog family, 65:2.10 (732.8) Almighty abiding under the shadow of the, 131:2.10 (1445.4) achievement of the completion of Deity by the, 116:6.6 (1275.6) anger of the, Jesus’ refusal to acknowledge belief in the, 125:0.6 (1378.1) dependence of the, on the Supreme, 116:1.2 (1269.1) evolution of, physical control of, in relation to superuniverses’ equilibrium, 116:5.12 (1274.2) God the, 96:5.7 (1058.5), 116:0.5 (1268.5), 131:10.6 (1454.3) and God the Sevenfold, 116:2.0 (1269.5–1270.11) the growth of the, dependence of, on the Absolutes, 118:10.2 (1304.4) King, vs. all-merciful Father, 149:6.7 (1676.1) origin of, 106:3.2 (1165.7) overcontrol, of the grand universe, nature of the, 116:1.4 (1269.3) and the Paradise Deity, 116:3.0 (1270.12–1271.4) place of mortals’ achievement of power comprehension of the, 56:6.4 (641.5) power, destiny of, 106:2.4 (1165.1) power prerogatives of the, dependent on God the Sevenfold, 115:4.7 (1264.6) relation of the spirit-personal qualities of the Supreme to, 106:5.2 (1167.3) of Supremacy, evolution of the, 56:6.2 (641.3) a Semite appellation for Deity, 96:1.9 (1053.7) and sevenfold controllers, 116:5.0 (1273.5–1274.7) the shadow of the, man’s abiding under, 131:2.10 (1445.4) source of power of the, 0:8.10 (12.1) sovereign, of the supercreations, 31:10.18 (354.4) the supremacy of the, dependence of, on the Father, Son, and Spirit, 118:10.2 (1304.4) Supreme, about, 116:0.0 (1268.1–1277.1) appearance of the, at the end of the present universe age, 106:3.2 (1165.7) augmentation of time-space sovereignty of, 21:3.23 (239.5) completed evolution of the, 116:1.2 (1269.1) Conjoint Actor’s conjoining of the power of the, with spirit person of God the Supreme, 115:4.7 (1264.6) co-operation of the personalities of time and space with the, 116:6.6 (1275.6) creature experience a phase of that of the, 116:1.1 (1268.6) a definition, 116:0.4 (1268.4) evolution of, as the overcontroller of the physical power of the grand universe, 116:5.15 (1274.5) factualization of the, through the Supreme Creator Personalities, 116:2.14 (1270.11) the form of the yet unformed, 117:6.1 (1287.6) functions of the, relation of, to those of the Trinity, 118:10.2 (1304.4) growing control of the, physical control in the superuniverses a part of the, 116:1.1 (1268.6) and Paradise Trinity, regard of, for the whole, not for the part, 118:10.11 (1305.6) perfection the destiny of the, 116:0.4 (1268.4) power prerogatives of, 56:6.2 (641.3) present incomplete status of the, 116:0.4 (1268.4) realities of, and trinitization efforts of finaliters, 22:7.12 (251.2) relation of, to Supreme Being, 0:8.10 (12.1) relation of triune Paradise Deity to, 0:7.7 (11.1) significance of, 22:7.11 (251.1) source of the power of the, 116:2.14 (1270.11) and the Supreme Creators, 116:4.0 (1271.5–1273.4) transcendental, God the Ultimate’s possible future manifestation as the, 118:2.4 (1296.6) unification of power potentials of the, with spiritual nature of the Supreme, 14:6.24 (161.11) universe power presence of the, appearance of, 116:2.1 (1269.5)