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Alms to blind beggars, Jews’ attitude toward giving, 164:3.5 (1811.6) dependence upon, Jesus’ disapproval of, 165:4.7 (1822.2) disbursement of apostolic, Jesus’ interest in, 163:2.11 (1803.2) giving of, unrighteousness and the, 166:1.4 (1826.1) Jesus’ and Ganid’s distribution of, in Naples, 130:8.4 (1440.4) instructions as to the use of apostolic funds for, 140:8.13 (1580.8) Almsgiving instructions to the apostles regarding, 140:6.11 (1577.5) Pharisees’ devotion to, 147:5.2 (1651.6) seeking the Father’s favor by, 140:6.3 (1576.3) Alms-seekers professional, apostles’ attitude toward, 140:8.12 (1580.7) Aloofness not a characteristic of the Father, 5:1.1 (62.3) Alphabet(s) Dravidian import from Sumeria of an, 79:3.7 (881.7) in the evolution of language, 81:6.17 (908.6) the first, formulated by Fad, 66:5.9 (746.7) function of, in language, 195:7.21 (2080.6) Nebadon, number of basic symbols in, 44:4.4 (503.4) source of the Hebrews’, 74:8.9 (838.1) the third, Adamites’ production of, 76:3.8 (850.4) Uversa, number of basic symbols in, 44:4.4 (503.4) writing and the blue man, 66:5.10 (746.8) Alpheus twins attempt of, to protect the Master’s rest, 156:1.3 (1734.5) cheerfulness of, 153:0.3 (1707.3) faith of, in Jesus’ resurrection, 191:0.11 (2038.6) influence of, on millions of simple souls, 139:10.8 (1564.2) Jesus’ final admonition to the, 181:2.19 (1959.3) personal salutation to, 174:0.2 (1897.2) praise of the, 181:2.19 (1959.3) promise to, regarding their eternal future, 181:2.19 (1959.3) welcome of, to his staff, 139:10.8 (1564.2) the morontia Jesus’ talk with the, 192:2.13 (2049.4) noncommittal attitude of, toward making Jesus king, 152:2.5 (1700.6) rating of the minds of, 139:10.6 (1563.7) reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 172:5.11 (1886.3) return of the donkey by the, 172:4.1 (1883.3) service of, for Jesus on way to Jerusalem, 172:3.9 (1882.2) serving of the Last Supper by the, 179:3.10 (1940.2) shock of, at talk of Jesus’ coming death, 158:7.1 (1759.3) and Thomas’s depressions, 139:8.10 (1562.4) work of, at the Bethsaida camp, 148:0.1 (1657.1) Alpine characteristic nature of the central European races, 80:9.7 (898.2) forests, extensive spreading of the, cause and effect, 80:3.8 (892.2) Nordic, or Mediterranean, impossibility of classifying white people as, 80:9.15 (899.2) Alps effect of climate on ice and snow of, 64:4.8 (721.6) presence of dislocated ice-age plants and animals on the, 61:7.16 (702.6) southern, dolomite limestone of the, origin of, 60:1.4 (685.6) Altar(s) of Baal, overthrowing of, by Samuel and Elijah, 97:2.1 (1064.2) carpets to the church, a modern-day wedding custom, 83:4.7 (925.3) family hearth as an, among Andites and Aryans, 94:1.1 (1027.2) fires, origin of use of, 83:4.6 (925.2) present-day Hindus’ method of kindling, 92:2.2 (1004.5) in the Jerusalem temple, adornment of, during ceremony of the feast of tabernacles, 162:4.4 (1794.3) location of, 125:1.4 (1378.6) pouring of water and wine on, during ceremony of the feast of tabernacles, 162:4.4 (1794.3), 162:6.1 (1795.5) waving of sheaves at, during ceremony of the feast of tabernacles, 162:4.4 (1794.3), 162:6.2 (1795.6) maintenance of, as part of the Roman religion, 98:3.4 (1080.6) of the Nazareth family, the Lord’s Prayer an evolution of, 126:3.3 (1389.6) one element embraced by religion as a social institution, 92:1.3 (1004.1) similarity of, in Christian and Mithraic places of worship, 98:6.3 (1083.3) slaying of Galileans while worshiping at the, 185:1.5 (1988.4) Zechariah between the sanctuary and the, 175:1.22 (1908.6) stone, Canaanite belief in, retained by the Israelites, 88:2.3 (969.1) really fetishes, 88:2.3 (969.1) scriptural statement about construction of, 92:2.2 (1004.5) swearing by the, vs. the gift on the alter, Jesus’ statement about, 175:1.16 (1907.8) war, one function of the ark of the Hebrews, 88:2.5 (969.3) Alter ego concept, evolution of the, 91:3.3 (997.1) a definition, 91:3.1 (996.7) divine, man’s attempt in prayer to conceive of the Adjuster as a, 91:3.7 (997.5) prayer and the, 91:3.2 (996.8) Altruism Andonites’ lack of, 63:4.3 (714.1) continued survival of, spiritual faith’s contribution to the, 101:3.14 (1108.13) vs. egoism, 103:2.7 (1131.6) false, in sympathizing with unsalvable abnormals, 52:2.12 (592.5) fire’s encouragement of, 69:6.3 (777.6) human, vs. kindness of Havona creatures, 3:5.17 (52.3) racial conditions essential to development of, 64:6.34 (726.6) idealism of, source of the, 103:5.1 (1133.6) of the individual, on worlds in light and life, 55:6.1 (630.4) opportunities for exercise of, on even normal worlds, 52:2.12 (592.5) parents’ and children’s learning lessons of, 84:7.28 (941.9) requisites for, 3:5.7 (51.6) Altruistic drive, personality unification and the, 103:2.10 (1131.9) impulse(s), every human being’s conflict between his self-seeking and his, 103:2.4 (1131.3) importance of man’s knowing the true source of his, 103:5.8 (1134.6) man’s, the Thought Adjuster’s attitude toward, 103:2.7 (1131.6) origin of man’s urge to be, 103:2.10 (1131.9) prayers, 91:4.3 (998.1) Alvoring Nebadon a neighbor of, 32:2.12 (360.1) Amadon association of, with Van in garden project, 73:2.4 (822.8) vs. Caligastia in loyalty, 67:3.9 (757.2) chairman of Adam and Eve reception committee, 74:2.5 (829.7) chief of Adam’s guard of honor, 74:4.3 (832.3) and his comrades, effect of the performance of, 67:8.5 (762.4) departure of, for Jerusem with Melchizedek receivers, 74:5.2 (833.2) identity of, 67:3.7 (756.8) inquiry of celestial beings for seven years regarding the loyalty of, 67:8.3 (762.2) inspectors of, work of, 73:5.4 (825.1) a leader of the Amadonites, 67:6.3 (759.6) length of Urantian life of, 67:6.4 (759.7), 67:6.8 (760.3) loyalty of, to Van, 67:3.9 (757.2) rating of, in Salvington records, 67:8.1 (761.8) reason for devotion of, to the will of the Father in Paradise, 67:3.7 (756.8) translation of, to Jerusem, time of, 67:6.8 (760.3) tree of life’s service to, length of, 67:6.4 (759.7), 73:6.5 (826.2) Vanite tradition of translation of, 77:4.11 (860.6) welcome of Adam and Eve by, 74:2.1 (829.3) Amadonite(s) ancestry of, 73:1.3 (821.6) culture of, 73:1.7 (822.4) of immortality status, translation of, 67:6.3 (759.6) of mortal status, careers of, 67:6.3 (759.6) Nodites and the, 73:1.0 (821.4–822.4) and northern Nodites, 77:4.10 (860.5) number, source, and composition of the, 67:6.3 (759.6) racial origin of, 73:1.3 (821.6) significance of the term, 73:1.3 (821.6) on Van’s council, reason for, 67:6.2 (759.5) Amalgamation of Adamic and Planetary Prince centers, time of, 51:6.4 (587.2) racial, and bestowal of Adamic blood, 51:5.0 (585.5–586.4) Amatha illness of, 145:2.16 (1631.4) Amathus apostles’ last week at, 141:6.0 (1592.3–1593.1) apostles’ three-day sojourn at, 147:6.3 (1654.2) apostolic group’s three-week sojourn at, 141:3.1 (1589.2) Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers at, 166:2.1 (1827.6) the seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1) Amaziah identity and fate of, 97:9.22 (1074.4) Ambassador(s) ad interim, Solitary Messengers as, 23:2.23 (260.3) chosen, Jesus’ designation of the twelve as his, 157:4.5 (1747.3) and emissaries of special assignment, Solitary Messengers as, 23:2.22 (260.2) of the Father’s kingdom, apostles the, 140:3.14 (1571.1) a distinct class of men, 140:3.1 (1570.2) of Jesus, the apostles as, 182:1.4 (1964.1) Jesus’ prediction of Simon Zelotes’ eventual labor as his, 181:2.11 (1957.1) of the kingdom, apostles the, 141:6.4 (1592.6), 165:5.3 (1823.3) apostles’ growing realization of their task as, 152:6.5 (1705.5) chosen, Jesus’ last mortal rendezvous with his, 178:3.5 (1935.1) David’s rebuke to the, 190:1.3 (2030.2) disillusionment of, 152:6.1 (1705.1) Jesus’ choosing of twelve men as, 153:5.4 (1715.4) disciple-apostles’ ordination as, 138:10.11 (1547.11) presentation of his apostles to the Father as, 140:1.1 (1568.4) Peter’s realization of his failure as an, 184:2.11 (1981.5) realization that he was still an, 191:1.4 (2039.4) worldly honors should not be sought by, 179:3.9 (1940.1) local universe, appointment and function of, 33:6.4 (371.6) Melchizedeks as, 35:1.4 (385.3) of Paradise to Nebadon, local universe jurisdiction of, 33:5.3 (371.1) of Paradise Trinity in Nebadon, 33:5.0 (370.6–371.2) of Seven Master Spirits, creature-trinitized sons as, 22:8.5 (252.1) spiritual, Daynals as, 20:8.1 (231.1) of a spiritual government, Jesus’ and the apostles’ business to be, 139:11.9 (1565.6) of a spiritual kingdom, the apostles’ calling as, 138:7.1 (1543.4) tribal, initial exchange of, 74:5.8 (834.2) the Trinitized, 22:6.0 (248.6–8) Unions of Days as, 21:1.4 (235.3) Vorondadeks as, 35:5.5 (390.2)