all-encompassing, vs. the Paradise Father, in Brahman philosophy, 94:2.6 (1029.4)
all-pervading, the Brahman concept as an, 94:3.2 (1030.2)
analysis of the concept difficulty regarding the, 106:8.22 (1172.7)
as ancestor of all things, 56:9.4 (644.6)
attempts at grasping techniques of, by ascendant personalities on Paradise, 27:6.2 (302.6)
contrast between the concept of God and the, in Buddhism, 94:12.2 (1040.6)
Deity, Lao-tse’s concept of, 94:6.6 (1034.1)
man’s inability to wholly grasp the concept of an, 115:3.2 (1261.6)
origins, a philosophic concept of the I AM, and understanding of, 105:1.2 (1152.5)
Paradise Father, the personal concept of the, 56:9.5 (644.7)
performances of, and masters of philosophy, 27:6.5 (303.3)
personality, focalization and power mobilization of the, 0:9.3 (13.1)
philosophy’s presentation of the idea of an, 102:3.11 (1122.7)
possibility of consistent dogmatism from an, 102:7.8 (1127.2)
relation of, to unfathomable unpredictables, 12:6.6 (136.4)
theories regarding the character of the, 106:8.16 (1172.1)
Universal I AM the cause and source of the, 56:9.5 (644.7)
attainment of the value of the, 31:9.10 (352.3)
of infinite reality, 0:3.1 (4.13)
of Infinity, the beginnings of reality, 105:3.9 (1156.6)
the premise of reality, 105:3.1 (1155.5)
reality’s predication on the existence and relationships of the, 105:3.10 (1157.1)
level, reality on the finite level, vs. reality on the, 94:3.8 (1031.1)
spirit dominance on the, 42:12.13 (484.1)
level of reality, characteristics of, 0:1.13 (2.13)
existentially attained by Paradise Deities, 0:1.13 (2.13)
meanings, unification of, 0:10.1 (13.4)
meaning-values, impossibility of revealing, in a subabsolute cosmos, 106:6.1 (1167.6)
the only eternal and existential reality, 115:1.3 (1260.4)
personality realities of the I AM, the Second Source and Center the, 105:3.3 (1155.7)
reality, definition, 0:4.8 (7.6)
enlarged appreciation of, 14:4.22 (158.3)
of God, 3:2.15 (48.7)
identification, 105:2.1 (1153.6)
scientific suggestion of the, 101:2.7 (1106.6)
without beginning, 105:2.1 (1153.6)
of universe reality, Paradise includes, 0:4.11 (7.9)
values, uncertainty regarding, 0:10.1 (13.4)
Absolute(s)-the Seven Levels
level, concepts of, by children of ultimate destiny, 130:7.8 (1439.6)
indistinguishability of the three energies on the, 3:2.5 (47.3)
no time nor space on the, 106:9.3 (1173.4)
a postulate of three phases involved in a concept of the, 115:3.5 (1262.2)
ultimacy of space potential on the, 130:7.6 (1439.4)
relationships, diversity of, and co-ordinate existences, 104:3.4 (1146.6)
the seven, certain relationships between, 104:3.1 (1146.3)
existential realities of the, not perceivable by experience, 106:2.7 (1165.4)
the externalization of the seven prime relationships of the I AM, 105:2.0 (1153.6–1155.4)
the infinity of, 105:3.2 (1155.6)
total reality in the, 104:3.5 (1146.7)
the six co-ordinate, the Father’s relation to, 104:3.13 (1147.5)
Absolute(s)-the Supreme and the Ultimate
Actual and Potential, relation of the, to the Supreme, 115:7.4 (1266.5)
basis for supremacy, 115:2.0 (1261.1–4)
conditioning of, in the Supreme, 56:9.1 (644.3)
co-ordination of, in the Ultimate, 56:9.1 (644.3)
a finite universe’s dependence on the, 102:7.1 (1126.1)
God the Ultimate’s capacity for functional association with the, 106:4.4 (1167.1)
involvement of the, in the growth of the Supreme, 115:6.3 (1265.4)
quest of the, the logical sequence to the attainment of the Ultimate, 118:2.2 (1296.4)
relation of absonites and finites to the, 115:1.3 (1260.4)
the Supreme’s growth dependent upon the actualities of Deity and Paradise, and the, 115:6.3 (1265.4)
Absolute(s)-the Three and the Absolute Trinity
the three, about, 0:11.0 (13.6–15.6)
absolute finality of all reality realization in the, 106:8.21 (1172.6)
full unification of, prerequisite to the, 106:8.17 (1172.2)
a function of the Ultimate in connection with, 12:6.13 (137.3)
the infinity of, 106:7.3 (1169.2)
limitless possibilities of, difficulty of conceiving of the, 106:7.1 (1168.6)
not all deity, consequences, 106:5.4 (1167.5)
not trinity, 106:5.4 (1167.5)
some characteristics of, 106:7.3 (1169.2)
union of, significance, 106:7.9 (1170.2)
three eternal phases of the Seven Master Spirits not associated with functioning presences of, 16:1.4 (185.4)
Trinity, assumed developments of the, in the cosmos-infinite, 106:6.3 (1168.2)
description of, 0:12.7 (16.4)
identity of the, 106:8.11 (1171.4)
levels of the function of, 0:12.7 (16.4)
unification of, doubtful, 0:12.8 (16.5)
result of, 0:10.1 (13.4)
unifying of the divinity and other-than-divinity phases of the, 106:8.11 (1171.4)
triunities the basic association of, 105:4.9 (1157.10)
Unqualified and Deity, functional unification of, in the Universal Absolute, 56:1.2 (637.4)
see also Deity(ies) Absolute; Universal Absolute; Unqualified Absolute
absonity not, 30:1.92 (332.38)
actualization of Deity on level of, 0:3.22 (6.2)
of Conjoint Creator, limitations of, 9:4.3 (102.3)
Creator Sons share Father’s, 4:4.4 (58.9)
of Deity, and expression of God’s personal will, 10:0.1 (108.1)
of eternal Isle, dependence of power agencies on the, 9:3.7 (101.7)
experiential-Deity expansion on level of, 0:11.2 (13.7)
Father’s divesture of direct manifestations of, 10:3.6 (111.4)
the Father’s escape from limitations inherent in, 10:0.1 (108.1)
God’s, extent of, 4:4.5 (59.1)
limitation of, 4:4.4 (58.9)
Infinite Spirit’s, sensing the, 8:2.4 (92.5)
inherent in Deity unity, 10:0.3 (108.3)
limitation of the three persons of Deity in, 10:3.4 (111.2)
of Master Michaels, to the part of infinity concerned in their origin, 21:6.1 (241.5)
of monota and space potency, 42:10.1 (480.4)
of the oneness of Paradise Deity, 56:5.1 (640.5)
of the Original Personality, 130:4.2 (1434.1)
of Paradise, relation of, to attributes of Third Source and Center, 9:1.2 (99.1)
of the Paradise Trinity, 56:9.4 (644.6)
personal, of the Father, 10:3.8 (111.6)
of personality, bestowal of, on Eternal Son, 10:3.7 (111.5)
reason for God’s ability to modify manifestations of his, 4:4.2 (58.7)
relation of, to primordial-force reaction to transcendental causation, 42:2.8 (469.8)
of the Son, and transcendence of time and space by spirit energies, 7:1.2 (82.1)
of sovereignty, inherence of, in the Paradise Trinity, 116:2.3 (1269.7)
Trinity, ascending mortals’ remotely possible contact with, 10:4.7 (113.1)
volitional, the Father’s, 4:4.4 (58.9)
personality, Universal Father’s escape from, 9:0.1 (98.1), 10:0.1 (108.1), 10:3.7 (111.5)
the Son’s escape from, 7:5.4 (86.5)
administrators, function of, in a settled superuniverse, 55:12.3 (636.4)
administrators of Havona level of architects, function of, 31:9.4 (351.5)
approach to Deity, and outer-space universes, 0:8.12 (12.3)
architects, attitude of, toward the master universe, 106:7.7 (1169.6)
the eventuation of the plan of evolution by the, 106:3.1 (1165.6)
attributes of Transcendentalers, 31:8.1 (350.4)
beings, comprehension of Paradise Trinity by, 0:9.2 (12.5)
Havona’s capacity as a training universe for, 14:6.41 (163.3)
as substitutes for finaliters in seventh-epoch planetary service, 55:4.19 (628.7)
Universal Father’s superpersonal function in, 0:2.5 (3.18)
Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme not, 55:12.3 (636.4)
differential of personal experience, adjustment to, by Paradise residents, 44:8.5 (508.3)
and finite(s), mustering forces of, 31:10.10 (353.6)
relation of, to the absolute, 115:1.3 (1260.4)
function, of the Deities, 0:1.12 (2.12)
of Supreme Being, 0:8.11 (12.2)
grandeur, tasting of, by wisdom, 55:6.5 (631.1)
Havona mind’s relationship to the, 42:10.7 (481.4)
Havona-life group, 14:4.5 (156.10)
level(s), function of senior Master Architect on the, 31:9.1 (351.2)
how attained, 0:9.1 (12.4)
personal Deity on the, 0:9.1 (12.4)
of reality, characteristics of, 0:1.12 (2.12)
of service, possible attainment of, 21:6.3 (242.2)
of supercreature attainment, 0:7.10 (11.4)
Master Architects’ existence on seven levels of the, 31:9.2 (351.3)
mind, man’s avenue of approach to, 56:8.1 (643.4)
ministers, planetary arrival of, 55:4.10 (627.8)
planetary function of, 55:4.10 (627.8)
overcontrol of Paradise Trinity, probable relation of master universe unification to, 10:8.2 (116.3)
Paradise Trinity’s attitude toward the, 10:5.5 (113.6)
peoples, and operation of transcendental energy, 42:2.18 (471.2)
personality focalization and power mobilization of the, 0:9.3 (13.1)
primary supernaphim not, 27:0.1 (298.1)
qualities, a reality of transcendental level, 105:7.4 (1160.2)
quest for the attainment of the Universal Father, 117:7.17 (1293.1)
realities, Paradise, actualization of, 0:9.1 (12.4)
reality mobilization of, 31:10.10 (353.6)
relative realities, 0:4.8 (7.6)
significance of Havona functioning in future universe ages, 14:6.41 (163.3)
spirit, and ultimate reality, 1:3.5 (25.5)
superconsciousness of the Paradise Father, 5:5.11 (69.6)
supernal, of Architects of the Master Universe, 31:9.1 (351.2)
-superpersonal values, and God the Ultimate, 0:2.17 (4.11)
techniques, approach to Deity by outer-universe inhabitants by, 56:7.8 (643.2)
transcendence of, by Deity, 10:8.3 (116.4)
transcendentalers’ functioning on seven levels of the, 30:1.93 (333.1)
unification of first experiential Trinity, how signalized, 0:9.1 (12.4)