Actualizing Deity
about, 0:7.1 (10.6)
God the Supreme the, 0:2.15 (4.9)
material, an attribute of cosmic-mind endowment, 16:7.5 (193.4)
activities along the Mesopotamian rivers of the progeny of, 78:2.1 (869.10)
activities of, in second garden, 76:3.2 (849.5)
and Adamson, descendants of, mingling of, in Mesopotamia, 81:1.7 (901.2)
administration of, 74:5.0 (833.1–834.2)
age of, evolution of civilization since the, 81:6.44 (912.1)
arrival of, results of spreading the news of the, 74:2.4 (829.6)
association of stories of, with those of creation, 74:8.1 (836.14)
attitude of, toward his erring mate, 75:5.1 (843.3)
ben Adam, identity of, 76:3.3 (849.6)
bestowal of, Urantia races as affected by the, 34:7.1 (382.1)
blood of, most human races sharing, 80:1.5 (890.1)
contribution of, to biologic status of Urantia races, 78:1.1 (868.3)
death of, 76:5.5 (852.4)
effect of, on cultural level of the Adamites, 78:2.4 (870.2)
on his people, 76:3.2 (849.5)
default of, date, 78:0.2 (868.2)
on Urantia, 31:5.2 (349.2)
descendants of, nondesire of, to admix with the darker colored peoples, 79:2.3 (880.1)
as descending Sons, non-Adjuster indwelt, 52:3.2 (593.1)
discouragement of, emphasis on, by Serapatatia, 75:3.6 (841.6)
dispersion of the pure-line posterity of, 81:6.1 (906.6)
errors of judgment of, result, 74:8.14 (838.6)
expected return of, 92:5.6 (1008.8)
the Father’s bestowal of, 176:2.3 (1914.4)
a gardener, 69:2.5 (773.6)
Jews’ assumption that the first man was, 74:8.10 (838.2)
length of the life of, 76:5.5 (852.4)
limitations of culture of, 78:2.4 (870.2)
miscarriage of plans in the mission of, 81:0.1 (900.1)
vs. Moses, on divorcement, 140:6.6 (1576.6)
of Nebadon systems, origin of original, 37:9.9 (415.1)
not the cause of a curse, 75:8.3 (846.2)
not in Joseph’s direct lineage, 122:1.1 (1344.4)
original Material Son of Satania, 51:0.1 (580.1)
perfect, erroneous belief of man’s origin from, 148:4.7 (1660.6)
planetary, 51:0.0 (580.1–588.5)
and posterity, subjection of, to local universe ascension scheme, 73:6.8 (826.5)
presence of, a basic factor in the civilization of the violet race, 78:2.4 (870.2)
profitable results of the mission of, 51:0.3 (580.3)
pure-line descendants of, and the red men of the Americas, 79:5.9 (884.3)
return of, to Eden home, Eve’s reaction to, 75:5.7 (843.9)
revival of pottery making during the times of, 81:2.19 (903.1)
the second, Paul’s doctrine of, 140:8.24 (1582.5)
title of, held by Michael, 93:10.7 (1025.3)
and the second dispensational roll call, 189:3.3 (2024.5)
and secondary midwayers’ appearance, 77:0.2 (855.2)
second-garden burdens of, 76:1.4 (847.6)
sin of, Jewish teaching concerning the curse of, 136:1.4 (1510.1)
a Son of God, 155:6.10 (1732.3)
sons and daughters of, choice of planetary natives to be parents of the blended race by the, 51:5.2 (585.6)
spiritual depression of, 76:2.3 (848.3)
status of the races on arrival of, 78:1.1 (868.3)
the task of, vs. those of other Nebadon Sons, 75:1.6 (840.2)
teachings of, about the mansion worlds, 86:4.6 (953.5)
thirty-day wanderings of, 75:5.5 (843.7)
traditions of, and ideas of original sin, 89:4.5 (978.2)
and the Trinity concept, 142:3.6 (1598.7)
of Urantia, difficult mission of, 51:3.9 (584.2)
on Urantia advisory council, 45:4.11 (514.1)
violet race after days of, 78:0.0 (868.1–877.3), 81:0.2 (900.2)
Adam(s) and Eve(s)
about, 74:0.0 (828.1–838.7)
arrival of, on Urantia, 74:2.0 (829.3–830.3)
attitude of, toward Serapatatia, 75:3.2 (841.2)
character of the progeny of, 78:2.2 (869.11)
complemental character of, 51:1.3 (580.6)
conjectured possible return of, 93:10.7 (1025.3)
conscious of being indwelt by Adjusters, 76:5.2 (852.1)
contribution of, to racial progress, 78:1.1 (868.3)
corporeal staff’s removal from planet on arrival of, 50:3.5 (574.7)
death of, 76:5.0 (851.7–853.1)
default of, 75:0.0 (839.1–846.7)
degradation of, 75:7.6 (845.6)
dependence of, on the tree of life, 73:6.1 (825.6)
diet of, in Eden and the second garden, 76:3.7 (850.3)
differences in, 51:1.3 (580.6)
effect of, on human progress, 81:5.1 (905.6)
execution of race upstepping plans by, 51:3.4 (583.3)
fifth day of, on Urantia, 74:3.6 (831.3)
first day of, on Urantia, 74:3.2 (830.5)
fourth day of, on Urantia, 74:3.5 (831.2)
function(s) of, during fourth dispensation, on Jerusem, 51:7.1 (587.12)
in rule of a first stage light-and-life world, 55:4.4 (627.2)
functioning of twelve Melchizedek receivers after the default of, 93:0.2 (1014.2)
future presence of, with mortals on the Paradise adventure, 93:10.9 (1025.5)
Garden sojourn, length of, 74:8.14 (838.6)
as gardeners, 68:5.9 (769.1)
influence of, on the co-operation of man and woman, 84:7.8 (940.4)
joint functioning of, in finaliter companies, 31:5.3 (349.2)
as joint prime ministers of their world, 51:7.2 (588.1)
knowledge of, of the acceptance of their repentance, 76:5.1 (851.7)
learn about the planet, 74:3.0 (830.4–831.7)
leave the Garden, 75:6.2 (844.4)
local system origin of, 73:0.3 (821.3)
Michael’s personal message to, 76:5.3 (852.2)
mission of, to Urantia, 51:0.3 (580.3)
nutrition of, 76:4.3 (851.1)
opinion of, of the Garden, 73:5.7 (825.4)
original, immortality of, 51:1.5 (581.2)
pair assignments of, 51:1.3 (580.6)
physical representatives of the universe government, 76:5.6 (852.5)
planetary, Material Sons, 31:5.2 (349.2)
arrival of, and procreation by corporeal staff, 66:4.5 (744.4)
mission of, 39:5.3 (437.2)
names of Material Son and Daughter, 51:0.1 (580.1)
planetary progeny of, as directors of subordinate centers of light-and-life planets, 55:3.16 (626.5)
preparation of, for the planetary adventure, vs. conditions on Urantia, 74:1.4 (828.5)
problems of, 74:5.4 (833.4)
reactions of, to loss of Adamson, 77:5.4 (861.4)
relation of early Greek settlers to, 80:7.5 (895.5)
release of, from planetary duties, 55:4.18 (628.6)
repersonalization of, 76:6.2 (853.3)
a reproducing order, 37:9.9 (415.1)
reproof of, by the "voice in the Garden," 75:4.2 (842.4)
rulers of planets in light and life, 55:4.4 (627.2)
second day of, on Urantia, 74:3.3 (830.6)
of the divine Sons to visit Urantia, 51:3.9 (584.2)
presentation of the Trinity made by, 104:1.2 (1143.5)
and secondary midwayers’ origin, 38:9.4 (424.4)
semimaterial, not transportable by seraphim, 51:2.2 (582.2)
serial numbers of, 74:1.1 (828.2)
service of the tree of life to, 73:6.1 (825.6)
seventh day of, on Urantia, 74:4.4 (832.4)
sixth day of, on Urantia, 74:3.7 (831.4)
Solonia’s conference with, 75:4.8 (843.2)
source of traditions about installation of, 66:2.8 (742.8)
special senses of, 76:4.5 (851.3)
survival of, 76:6.0 (853.2–854.1)
Teacher Sons as advisers to, after second stage of light and life, 55:4.12 (627.10)
third day of, on Urantia, 74:3.4 (831.1)
time of arrival of, on Urantia, 74:0.1 (828.1)
trinitization potentials of, 31:5.3 (349.3)
Urantia, examination of, for the Adamic adventure, 73:0.1 (821.1)
a son and daughter of, as associates of Machiventa Melchizedek, 55:7.3 (632.2)
Urantian progress as influenced by failure of, 66:8.3 (752.4)
verdict on the work of, 51:0.3 (580.3)
violet race founded by, 76:4.1 (850.7)
associates, number of, repersonalized with Adam and Eve, 76:6.2 (853.3)
bestowal, effect of, on Urantia’s biologic condition, 75:8.2 (846.1)
blood in Andites, vs. that in modern races, 78:4.1 (871.7)
South American settlers’ reception of, 64:7.5 (727.2)
in western India, 79:2.3 (880.1)
caravan, time consumed in journey to the Euphrates by the, 76:1.1 (847.3)
children, nonflesh eating of first generation of, 76:3.7 (850.3)
citizens, planetary helpers’ association with, 39:5.1 (436.5)
release from permanent-citizenship status, 31:5.1 (349.1)
culture, chief center of, 78:1.3 (868.5)
default, compensation for consequences of, 34:7.6 (382.6)
effect of, on Urantia, 120:2.3 (1327.3)
handicapping of Urantia life-modification plans by the, 65:5.1 (736.4)
influence of, on human disease, 65:5.2 (736.5)
on Urantia brotherhood, 39:5.4 (437.3)
on Urantia planetary government, 114:0.4 (1250.4)
partial, and the blending of the higher racial types, 80:9.12 (898.7)
roll call of the survivors of, 76:6.2 (853.3)
Urantia races as affected by, 34:7.4 (382.4)
descendants, blue man’s standing with the, 64:6.21 (725.2)
dispensation, beginning of, 61:7.18 (702.8)
resurrection of the, 189:3.1 (2024.3)
failure, reaction of Andon and Fonta to, 63:7.1 (717.2)
families, contribution of, to racial culture and improvement, 51:5.6 (586.3)
family grounds, area of, 74:6.1 (834.3)
gift, the goal of evolutionary growth, 66:5.16 (747.6)
infusion, effect of, on Nodite culture, 77:4.1 (859.4)
inheritance, sin’s effect on, 67:7.6 (761.5)
factors in Urantia’s superior stocks, 75:8.2 (846.1)
of humor, art, and music, 48:4.13 (548.8)
lieutenants, Serapatatia’s rating among the, 75:3.3 (841.3)
-life infusion, evolutionary creatures’ modification by the, 40:7.2 (448.9)
life plasm, hope for counteraction of vegetable-disease organisms by, 65:5.2 (736.5)
migrations, date of conclusion of, 78:3.5 (871.1)
status of, twenty-five thousand years ago, 78:3.3 (870.6)
mission(s), 51:3.0 (582.5–584.2)
attachment of fifth order of angels to the, 51:3.5 (583.4)
Caligastia’s opposition to, 51:3.4 (583.3)
complexity of the, 75:1.1 (839.2)
conditions confronting the, 75:1.1 (839.2)
relation of secondary midwayers to, 51:3.6 (583.5)
retention of purpose of, by leaders of the second garden, 78:2.2 (869.11)
offspring, circulation and blood sustenance of, 76:4.3 (851.1)
diminution of acuteness of special senses of, 76:4.5 (851.3)
influence of, on civilization, 78:1.3 (868.5)
peoples, blending of surviving evolutionary races with the, 52:1.3 (589.12)
planetary offspring, and Mystery Monitors, 52:3.2 (593.1)
progeny, biologic betterment a function of the, 51:5.3 (585.7)
confinement to the garden of mating activities of, with evolutionary races, 51:5.3 (585.7)
evolutionary race improvement the task of the, 52:3.5 (593.4)
nonmating of, with inferior evolutionary strains, 52:3.5 (593.4)
pure-line offspring, provision for housing the, 74:6.1 (834.3)
race, of evolutionary worlds, founders of, 37:9.10 (415.2)
humor a legacy of the, 63:4.2 (713.8)
need for upstepping of evolutionary races by the, 51:4.4 (584.6)
racial uplifters, advantage to Urantia of the labors of the, 68:1.6 (764.2)
regime, collapse of, and removal of planetary helpers, 39:5.2 (437.1)
garden headquarters of, 50:4.2 (575.3)
on normal worlds, secondary midwayers co-operation with, 38:9.10 (425.2)
prime purpose of, 52:3.3 (593.2)
stock, black men’s lack of infusion of, 64:6.26 (725.7)
hereditary legacy of, in race chosen for mortal bestowal of Creator Son, 21:4.3 (239.9)
infusion of, into human races, 81:3.8 (904.4)
purpose of importation of, 21:4.3 (239.9)
red man not upstepped by, 64:6.9 (723.8)
upstepping of blue man by admixture of, 64:6.23 (725.4)
vestiges of, in modern white peoples, 80:0.2 (889.2)
yellow race’s legacy of, 64:6.16 (724.6)
strains, resistant qualities of, and mastery of disease, 52:5.9 (596.7)
training of ascenders, 45:6.0 (515.7–517.2)
uplift plan, Caligastia’s contribution to miscarriage of, 66:8.4 (752.5)
uplifters, and exaltation of the evolutionary races, 51:4.8 (585.4)
the violet race, and involuntary servitude, 51:4.7 (585.3)
world center, amalgamation of, with the Prince’s, time of, 51:6.4 (587.2)