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“Don’t remind me of things I already know, Qamir!”

The skele-bros pull themselves out of the door.

“They’re not buying it,” I tell Frederik. “I’m going to break down

the door.”

Before he can stop me, I slam shoulder first into the metal. The

pain blinds me. I swallow a scream and stand back up.

“It’s solid steel molded by fairy fire,” Frederik says.

Then the door opens and the skele-bros stand beside it. They’re

the same height with skin that clings to their bones without the

imprint of muscle. They’re walking, talking mummies. Without the door

standing in our way, they smell like it too.

Qittar ushers us into a dimly lit room with plush, black velvet

walls and elaborate chandeliers. A quartet of blue-faced men fill the

room with deep, vibrating music that gives the room a pulsing effect.

Two dozen or so tables are lined up in rows of three. A silver

bell and a long-stemmed black rose sit in the exact middle of each

one. Different men-of sorts-take empty seats. A hard nudge shoves me

toward an empty table.

I nod at the fellow beside me. He has small tusks protruding from

his square jaw. His hair is down to his back in a thick, black twist.

He winks a silver eye and fixes the front of his T-shirt.

“First time?” he asks.

In front of me, a large slime-man passes gas and I hold my hand to

my nose, nodding. “Yep. You?”

“I was here last month,” Tusks says.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you doing underground

speed dating? You’re a pretty good-looking dude.”

He points to the small tusks on his chin. “My mom says it was by

the mercy of the Blood Goddess Hecinda that I didn’t inherit my

father’s nose.”

I snort then apologize.

“It’s quite all right. I’m just doing this for my parents. Our

dimension was turned into a black hole by a nasty conjurer. Now most

of us live in the Bronx. White Plains. But my mom’s all like ‘You need

to bring home a nice Vasiki woman.’ I’m related to all the women in my

clan. What about you? What’s wrong with you?”

There’s an essay I don’t want to write. “I’m Tristan.”


Then his eyes fall on someone, and when I turn to see, he’s got

his eyes fixed on Kai. She sweeps her hair over one shoulder and

twists one end over and over.

“Oh,” Ewin says. “Oh, I like her.”

“Welcome!” Qittar says to the crowd. He has the charm of a used

car salesman with a lot full of lemons and a one-way ticket to Mexico

in his pocket.

A man covered in hair from head to toe takes a mustache comb out

of his back pocket and combs the hair on his neck.

I glance at Frederik one table across from me and hope that my

alarm is conveyed in my eyes. He shrugs and holds out a hand that is

meant to pacify me but only makes me fidget in my seat.

“Don’t be nervous,” Ewin says to me.

“Gentlemen,” Qittar says. “Ladies. Welcome to the tried and true

tradition that is the ritual of the Goddess Selene.” He pulls the

microphone cord to move with him as he walks through the tables like a

game-show host.

“For millennia, our order has created trusted matches. Helen and

Menelaus. Catherine and Henry. Brad and Jennifer.”

“Those are not very good examples,” I whisper to the guy on my


“Now! These are the rules. The rotation starts when the lights

flicker. Qamir, my apprentice, will hit the buzzer. You have one

minute to be sure this is the mate for you.”

A nervous rustle of clothes suggests that his challenge has been


“And when you know she is the one, you give her the black rose. If

she takes it, then our work here is done and done. Nothing makes me

happier than matches made underground. S н , me gusta, xi huan, ani

ohev! ” His chuckle drags on but stops abruptly. “If she doesn’t-then,

not to worry! You get two more nights, not refundable of course. Yes,

you with the fur?”

Furry Man twiddles his fingers nervously as everyone turns to look

at him. “This is my first time. I know there are three nights. But

what if you don’t find your match in these three nights?”

Qittar clenches his teeth in a fake smile. “Under the rare and

extremely improbable chance that our beauties are not to your liking,

then have no fear! We are a monthly ritual. Please see Qamir about a

yearly discount at the door.”

Someone else raises a hand, but Qittar acts like he doesn’t see


Then, among the girls, I see her-Shelly! She’s in one of her

oracle shrouds that remind me of the saris our neighbor Mrs. Patel

wears. I know it’s Shelly-the pale white of her skin, the deep black

eyes so much like those of the Tree Mother in the Vale of Tears.

Except Shelly looks different. I only saw her two days ago. Is she

taller? Did she lose weight? She sees Marty and Fred, and when she

settles her eyes on me, it’s like I asked her to smell my armpit.

The lights flicker and suddenly there’s a giantess sitting in

front of me. She has one blue eye lined with a double cat’s tail and a

huge fake eyelash. She bats it and takes my hand.

“Una,” she says.

“ Dos-tres ,” I say nervously, trying to pry my fingers from her

viselike grip.

“Strange name.” She smiles. Her dress is Pepto pink against her

blue skin.

“You look nervous. Do you want a massage?”

Something about the cock of her single eyebrow has me blurting

out, “No!”

The buzzer hits and then we switch. Marty does his best penguin

impression for a goth girl who doesn’t know which way to run. A lady

in white skips me completely and goes straight to Frederik’s table.

The vampire glances at me with a smug-ass smile.

Off to the side, Una and the slime man have made a match. There’s

radio applause from the DJ station where Qamir pushes buttons.

“Kai!” I say when she sits across from me. “Thank God. Okay.

Plan-When Shelly sits here, I’ll give her the rose. Then we make a

break for it.”

“I don’t think the skeleton men are going to be too happy about

that.” She bites her lip. She’s still and keeps a hand over the hilt

of her sheathed sword. “They take this very seriously.”

“Then they should’ve just sent out Shelly when I asked.”

The buzzer makes us both jump, and she gives me a warning glance.

Finally, Shelly is at my table.

“You look beautiful,” I say genuinely. “Did you do something with

your hair? Not that you don’t always look nice.”

A lion’s grumble sounds in her stomach. “You shouldn’t be here.

This is an invasion of privacy.”

“Shelly, you have to listen to me. I went to your sister, the Tree

Mother, and she showed me things. I need you to put up a barrier so

Nieve and Kurt can’t see me coming. We’re all connected. Even Kurt,

that son of-Shelly, they could be looking at us right now!”

She purses her lips and glares into my eyes. “They’re not. Not

this moment, at least.”

“Then you see?” My voice is on the verge of squeakiness. “I need

you to help me make it stop.”

“The oracles are not supposed to interfere.”

I laugh. “Tell that to your big sister Lucine.”


She stares at the face of the black rose I’m extending. She knows

that I’m right. She reaches out and takes it. The radio applause

cheers as another couple gets together. Then I realize people are

clapping in our direction. I nod my head at Marty and Frederik, who

give each other a black rose. Frederik holds his hand out to Kai.

Kai makes it halfway across the tables when a demon man grabs her