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distance. On the deck I can make out Amada and Arion talking. I wonder

what it’s like being free after so long. I could go on board and ask


“I happen to recall,” Brendan says, “our grandfather telling me

not to forget about my family. You helped me remember that. So I’m

going to repay the favor.”

“Where are you going?” I ask, edging closer to where he balances

on the railing.

“Nowhere.” He stretches his arms to the clear sky. His red hair is

like a flame in the wind. “Everywhere. But I can guarantee it will be


Perhaps I share in Brendan’s desire to discover new worlds.

Adventure is like adrenaline in my blood. So much for sleeping until

school starts again.

I look back at my home. Take in the brilliant lights of Luna Park,

the sweet smell of corn dogs and cotton candy. A little storm wasn’t

enough to stop Coney Island from bouncing back.

I look at Layla, biting her lip playfully. Marty gets up on the

ledge beside Brendan.

“What about the whole ‘protecting the land and sea’ stuff?” I yell

at them.

“Believe me, ain’t nobody messing with this Coney Island shore any

time soon,” Marty says.

“Although Arion has told me of some displaced landlocked in

Australia,” Brendan says. Then he looks at Layla. “Or Galapagos, if

Lady Layla prefers. The seas are vast and they’re ours.”

I smile. I smile for every person we’ve lost on the way here. For

my grandfather, for Kai’s dad. Blue and Vi. For Ryan.

I look at the white of the moon, for Gwen.

No matter what, I’ll always come back here.

Brendan and Marty backflip onto the sand. Layla and I hop over

after them.

“Last one on the ship swabs the deck,” Brendan yells as he sprints

into the water.

Marty pulls up his sagging shorts and shouts, “Cheat!”

I take one last look at Layla. She leans up to kiss me. We run,

her hand still in mine. And as we dive into the welcoming wave, I

don’t let go.

As always, thank you to my Ecuadorian and Sicilian tribe. I’m

incredibly lucky to have a family that supports and shares my books

with others.

A gigantic thanks to everyone in my Sourcebooks family. Jillian

Bergsma, thank you for your great notes that made this book better. A

huge thanks to the stellar production team for putting up with me.

Derry Wilkens for all that you do for me. Aubrey Poole for truly

getting Tristan and his friends from the beginning. We made a trilogy!

Tony Sahara for another kickass cover.

My Goodies-Adrienne, Nat, and Higgs-because all of our adventures

keep me sane.

Lauren McCall, thank you for reading the first draft of this book

and lending your notes. T.S. Ferguson for helping brainstorm the

killer title.

To my writing groups-the Apocalypsies and #write-o-rama-for being

there along this journey.

Kelly Skillen, for letting me use your house as writing den.

I am truly the luckiest mergirl in the world.


Zoraida Cуrdova

The Vicious Deep

Tristan Hart was gone for three days. Sucked out to sea in a tidal

wave and spit back ashore at Coney Island with no memory of what

happened. Now his dreams are haunted by a terrifying silver mermaid

with razor-sharp teeth.

His best friend, Layla, is convinced something is wrong. But how

can he explain he can sense emotion like never before? How can he

explain he’s heir to a kingdom he never knew existed? That he’s

suddenly a pawn in a battle as ancient as the gods.

The Savage Blue

In the quest for the Sea Court throne, Tristan has already watched

one good friend die. Now he must lead the rest on a dangerous voyage

in search of the trident that will make him king.

While Tristan chases his destiny, the dark forces raging against

him are getting stronger, and the sea witch of his nightmares is

getting closer. But his allies each have their secrets, and a betrayal

will force Tristan to choose between loyalty and ambition, friendship

and love. In the race for a throne, all’s fair in the savage blue.


Jessica Shirvington


It starts with a whisper.

“It’s time for you to know who you are…”

Strange dreams leave her with very real injuries and there’s a

dark tattoo weaving its way up her arms. The guy she thought she could

fall in love with just told her he’s only half-human-oh, and same goes

for her. And she keeps hearing a distant fluttering of wings.

Violet Eden is having a very bad seventeenth birthday.

But if angels seek vengeance and humans are the warriors, you

could do a lot worse than betting on Violet Eden…


The war between exiles and angels is on-and Violet Eden is wanted

by both sides.

Suddenly everyone she knows has something to hide, including the

one person she’s always trusted-her partner, Lincoln. No matter how

bad things get, though, Violet doesn’t run and she doesn’t quit. Even

if it means asking her enemy for help…


Her choices are harder. Her enemies are stronger. And no one can

know how much she’s hurting…

Both sides-angels vs. exiles-are racing to decipher an ancient

scripture that would allow anyone banished to the Underworld to

return. And at the very center: Violet. She only has one chance to

make the right choice…


In the war between angels and exiles, Violet is about to take on

her most dangerous adversary yet.

When Hell unleashes its worst, Violet must embrace every facet of

her angel self to save the people she cares about and the world as she

knows it. But death is not the worst thing that Violet will face. For

her, the question “Can love conquer all?” will finally be answered.


It is time to make the final surrender. But who will Violet

surrender to?

It has all come down to this, the final battle. Violet is the

rainbow, a bridge, and now there are those who would use her to travel

in the wrong direction. She will learn who she really is and what she

is capable of. The angels created a weapon in her that is now being

turned on them and Violet is all that stands in the way of the end of

the universe as we know it.


Mari Mancusi


Sixteen-year-old Trinity Foxx is used to her grandfather’s crazy

stories, so she doesn’t believe that the latest treasure he brought

home is a real dragon’s egg. Not until their home is invaded by

soldiers trying to steal it and a strange boy telling her the world as

she knows it will be wiped out in a fiery dragon war-unless they work

together to stop it.

Meanwhile, there’s a different voice whispering to Trinity,

calling to her, telling her what to do...because the dragon in her egg

is not ready to give up without a fight.


Trinity, Connor, and Caleb are trying to stay under the radar,

holed up in an abandoned West Texas farmhouse. Their only problem is

Emmy: a baby dragon that’s growing like crazy. When Emmy is caught on

tape and the video goes viral, they find themselves on the run again.

Their only hope comes from an old map leading to a man who has come

from the future to help them.

But with the government hot on their heels and Caleb’s growing

addiction to spending time in the Nether world, will they be able to

reach him in time? And will keeping Emmy safe end up being too high a

price for Trinity to pay?