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‘Quite sure. Was there more than one meeting, perhaps?’

‘What? Well, no. To tell the truth, I can’t remember meeting him at all. I think I may have mentioned that to Bren yesterday.’ His eyes narrowed cautiously now as he glanced at Bren sitting by Brock’s side.

‘There is a record of everyone who enters and leaves the Verge offices, and Mr Clarke’s secretary is quite clear on the matter. Apparently you had so much to talk about that you overran your time, and Mr Clarke was late for an important appointment. You remember now? Maybe you have a pocket diary you could check?’

Oakley’s hand began to move, then stopped. ‘Well, if you say so, Chief Inspector, I suppose I must have met him. There was so much going on just then… Is it important? I suppose you’re going back over all his contacts, are you? Now that he’s been identified as the culprit?’

‘The odd thing is that you kept no record of your meeting, apparently. In the files you left behind, at least.’

‘Really? Well now, let me see…’ He made a big show of reaching into the briefcase he had set at his feet, and coming up with an electronic personal organiser. ‘May twenty-third?’ There was silence as he tapped and scrolled and fiddled around. ‘Oh, here we are. You know, you’re right. I’ve got an appointment here for “V.P.” at eleven a.m. Would that be it? Yes, I remember that week-chaos, it was. And I believe I do remember going to the Verge offices soon after I took over as LO. To orientate myself.’

‘It was only four months ago. What did you and Mr Clarke talk about?’

‘I couldn’t say exactly. General stuff about the case, I suppose.’

There was a long silence, then Brock said in an undertone that Oakley might not even have been expected to hear, ‘You disappoint me, Mr Oakley.’

Kathy couldn’t see Brock’s expression clearly on the small monitor, but she knew the impression Oakley would be registering, of withdrawal, of values being readjusted, of options reconsidered; all uncomfortable.

‘Perhaps…’ Oakley forced confidence into his voice. ‘Perhaps if you told me what this was about… What you’re after, exactly. ..’

But Brock ignored him and, as if suddenly bored, got to his feet and walked heavily over to the window, hands thrust deep into his pockets, and stared bleakly out at the rain.

Bren cleared his throat. ‘This morning I asked you about another person you claimed you hadn’t met-Debbie Langley.’

It was at this point, Kathy decided, that Oakley finally began to realise that none of this had anything to do with giving him business. He stiffened visibly, and she imagined the brain cells beginning to fire at panic speed.

‘Do you still deny meeting Debbie Langley recently?’ Bren barked. Oakley didn’t reply. ‘Let’s save time,’ Bren persisted. ‘I have here a copy of a statement signed by her on September thirteenth, ten days ago. She says you got her to sign it. Did you?’ Still Oakley said nothing. ‘Did you pay her to sign this, Mr Oakley? Did you give her money?’

At the time, Kathy wasn’t sure if this was a good approach-possibly, she admitted to herself, because it hadn’t occurred to her. But it galvanised Oakley. His face went very pale and he found his voice.

‘I understand now,’ he said, voice shaking slightly with the effort of controlling himself. ‘I understand what this is about now. You people… you always stick together, don’t you? I know what this is about. It’s that Kolla woman, isn’t it? She’s behind this, right? My God, hell hath no fury eh?’

Despite the jolt at hearing her name, Kathy was struck by how anger had changed Oakley. No longer the supplicant salesman, he seemed stronger, more formidable, even to have a certain dignity. She wondered if she’d misjudged him.

He stuffed his personal organiser back into his briefcase, a slight fumble betraying his agitation, then he was on his feet.

‘Where are you going, Mr Oakley?’ Bren asked.

‘I’m leaving,’ he said, and added, in a parody of Brock, ‘and you disappoint me, Mr Gurney.’ He turned and swept out of the room. Kathy heard his footsteps thump past in the corridor outside.

‘Well,’ Brock was saying as she walked into the interview room, ‘that was interesting. What did he mean by that, Kathy?’

She saw Bren deliberately turn his attention to his file.

‘He obviously thinks I engineered this. He’s a good friend of Leons. He must think I’m stirring things up to get at Leon or something.’ It sounded feeble, but it wasn’t up to her to spell out what was going on between Leon and Oakley.

‘He seemed very emotional,’ Brock said. ‘Have you two met before?’

‘Just the once, in the company of Leon. We exchanged a few sentences, that’s all.’

‘Hm. What did you make of him, Bren?’

‘Well, he didn’t need his gadget to tell him where he was on the twenty-third of May. He knew bloody well, and he remembers what he talked to Sandy Clarke about. The question is why he doesn’t want to tell us about it.’

‘Exactly. And if it were important, you’d think there would be some trace of it somewhere. Would Clarke have made a record of the meeting? A file note, or a word jotted on the back of Oakley’s card? Would he have discussed it with someone at the office, or with his wife? And we’d better speak to Leon about his signature on this statement of Debbie Langley’s, and anything else he cares to enlighten us on. But you can leave all that to us, Kathy. You can forget about it.’

If only, she thought, as she made her way back to her room, a feeling of foreboding growing in her.

She spotted him just as she reached the shelter of the canopy outside her block of flats. She was shaking the water off her umbrella when she saw him running through the rain towards her, the splash of his footsteps muffled in the downpour. The collar of his black raincoat was turned up, his black hair gleaming as he passed beneath a light.


‘Hello, Leon.’ Her heart sank as she took in the features of his face and remembered how beautiful he was.

‘Kathy, you’ve got to stop this.’ He was close, eyes bright and angry.


‘What you’re doing. It’s so stupid.’

‘I’m not doing anything, Leon. Do you want to come in?’

‘No! You went to see Debbie Langley, didn’t you?’

She nodded.

‘I wouldn’t have believed you’d react this way. It’s so incredibly vindictive! But there always was a hard streak in you.’

‘Leon, I don’t understand what’s going on, and I don’t understand what Paul Oakley’s been playing at, but I do think you should watch out. He’s -’

‘Don’t you threaten me!’ He stopped himself, as if remembering that he had to focus on one thing only, and not lose his temper. ‘Look, for whatever reason, you’ve made something out of nothing. I’m telling you, you’ve got it all wrong. I want to ask you, please, stop this. Get Brock and Bren to drop it.’

‘It’s gone past that. Paul hasn’t been truthful. He has to be straight with them.’

It was only when she was safely in the lift, her knees trembling, that she became aware of her unfortunate choice of word. She hoped Leon hadn’t thought it deliberate. He would take it as further evidence of her hard streak, she supposed. As the lift rose slowly through the floors another thought occurred to her, that Leon had stood over her in the way she had seen other men behave, trying to intimidate a woman by physical and verbal pressure. She had never imagined he would have been capable of that.

Later that evening, as she was about to go to bed, the bottle of wine finished, the Leonard Cohen CD milked of every bleak meaning, she jumped at the sudden ring of the phone. At first there was silence on the line, and Kathy wondered if Paul Oakley might be turning his hand to menacing behaviour. Then she heard a woman’s voice. ‘That’s you, is it, Kathy?’

She recognised Leon’s mother, sounding hesitant but also vaguely put out, as if it were Kathy who’d made the call, and at an inconvenient time.