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She didn’t know what to do. Actually, she wanted to hurt him, do something to pain him as he had pained her… retribution… reprisal… But that was unthinkable, because the only kind of retribution or reprisal which this untenable situation warranted was doing the same thing-or at least, the same type of thing-that Barry had done. In plain terms, it meant making love to another man; and she simply couldn’t do that.

Or-could she?

No, no, no, no! her mind repeated, over and over. No, that’s liquor talking, liquor and shame and hurt talking, I really shouldn’t have had all these drinks … oh God, I don’t know what to do! I don’t know how to cope with a situation like this, who would ever have dreamed that I would have to?

Kim felt tears brim in her eyes, spill down over her cheeks. Crying wasn’t going to do any good, she knew that, but she felt so wretched and miserable at that moment, so indecisive, that the tears were something of a defense mechanism to momentarily flood out the terrible hurt and still leave the questions unresolved. She let the tears flow freely, pouring from her eyes like cascading winter rain, sobbing brokenly without removing her hands from around the glass.

Dimly, she was aware of movement on the couch beside her; dimly, she felt a hand touch her shoulder, an arm go around her and draw her close; dimly, she knew the clean, faint cologne smell of a man in her nostrils. But the arm was strong and the odor was not at all unpleasant, and she allowed herself to be pressed close against a firm, supporting chest, lowering her head there and crying deeply, despairingly…

Jack Goren felt the warm, resilient body pressed tightly to his own, felt the firm, rippling muscles of her shoulder beneath his encircling arm, smelled the heady fragrance of her hair and her body. Goddamn! Oh, it was going to be good, all right; it was really going to be good! Jack Goren felt a throbbing ache in his balls, and the blood was beginning to pound hotly in his rising cock, making little tingling sensations race back and forth across the swelling head.

Damn, he couldn’t wait much longer, that was for sure. He had to have her pretty soon now, because if he didn’t he was going to blow his whole load in his pants, sure as hell. But he sensed that she was open and ready for suggestion now-she was ashamed and a little drunk and mad as hell-and that it wouldn’t take much to convince her what was sauce for the goose was sauce for the gander.

Goren began to whisper softly against her hair, letting the soft strands tickle his nostrils, intensifying the warm, pleasant ache in his now-almost-fully-erect cock. At first the words were soft, mesmeric, quieting sounds, consisting of “shhhh, honey” and “don’t cry, now, don’t cry” and “everything will be all right, baby, you’ll see.” He took the glass from her fingers and placed it on the coffee table; almost immediately, she raised her hands and clutched at his polo shirt, bunching the cloth between her spasmodic fingers as she wept against him. He knew that the words, his nearness, were having an effect on her-though of course she couldn’t be realizing it at the moment, would realize it only later when his forthcoming plays would have sent her beyond any recall. She was trusting him now, trusting his words and trusting the touch of his arm about her shoulders… just the way he wanted it.

Goren began then to stroke the satiny side of her shoulder and upper arm, gently, comfortingly. And in the same tone of voice that he had been using, but with different words now, he intoned, “Don’t think about It honey. Don’t think about the way your husband and my wife looked there on that blanket, the way their faces looked In the sunlight Don’t think about what they were doing, licking and sucking one another, touching one another. Don’t think about your husband and my wife, honey; don’t think about It at all…

Goren could feel the firm, warm breast pressing against his rib cage, could feel the nipple hardening somewhat there, and he smiled as he continued to talk. His words were having the desired effect on her; she was thinking about Barry and Lynn, of course, just as he had known she would: She was seeing them mentally as they had looked there at Salmon Creek, Sixty-Nining… and the images were in turn causing unmistakable, if unwanted, arousal in her own body.

Almost ready now, he thought; she’s almost ready now…

Despite her tears, the tortured confusion of her mind at the events of the afternoon, Kim was beginning to slowly experience an almost dreamy torpor as she remained enveloped in Goren’s strong, gentle embrace. His words seemed to flow like soft warm butter into her ears, soothing, hypnotic; she was aware that he was telling her not to think of what she-they-had seen, of Barry’s and Lynn’s joint infidelity, but the vision was nonetheless there, unerasable, brought into crystal clarity by his soporific voice instead of dimmed into her subconscious. She didn’t want to think about it, God knew that, but she just couldn’t help it… she just couldn’t help it. She sobbed into the thin material of Jack Goren’s polo shirt, finding a certain security in his masculine nearness and the gentle stroking of his hand on her bare shoulder and upper arm.

And, strangely, perversely, the images in her brain were starting to have a certain physical effect on Kim as well. She could feel twitching, excited sensations deep within her belly, and her vaginal orifice begin to secrete droplets of lubrication, moistening her panties under the black stretch slacks, causing her to open and close her thighs, open and close them in a gathering sexual rhythm. Her nipples hardened under the sleeveless jersey. She tried to will her body to cease its tingling ardor, but the images were too vivid-and Jack Goren’s maleness was too close, too exciting… yes, exciting was the right word, Jack was really quite an attractive man, certainly not repulsive in any way, and so kind and gentle and good…

Goren felt Kim Sutton trembling beneath his arm, trembling with something else now beside the racking sobs of her misery, and he thought exultantly: Now’s the time! She’s ready, she’s realty ready… oh Christ, I’m going to throw a tuck into her that she won’t soon forget! I’m going to shove it all the way up into her belly until she screams for me to cum, and then I’m going to fill her up with boiling hot sperm! She’ll throw rocks at her old man when I’m done fucking her, goddamn right!

He continued to stroke her shoulder, letting his hand slide slowly and lightly down along the length of her arm, knowing that the motion was having an electric effect on her. She had stopped crying now, although her face was still buried against his chest and her hands still clutched his shirt, and he sensed rather than heard a quickening of her breath under his caress. He brought his hand up, sliding it along her back now, down, down almost to the curve of her buttocks, bringing it up to tease along the ridge of her spine. And all the while he was whispering words into her hair, words becoming bolder and bolder: “Don’t think about them, Kim, the two of them making love… no, fucking, Kim, that’s what they were doing, honey, they were fucking orally but you mustn’t think about your husband’s hard penis in Lynn’s mouth, and you mustn’t think about Barry kissing and licking between my wife’s legs. You mustn’t think about any of that, honey…“

She was breathing faster now, all right, he could hear it and feel the heat of her breath through the shirt. Well, if there was ever any time to throw caution to the wind, it was now. Right now!

Goren brought his hand up to her shoulder again and then, casually, lightly, he put it on the swelling mound of her breast and began to rub the pliant globe tenderly through the encasing jersey and bra. He heard the sharp intake of Kim’s breath, felt the sudden stiffening of her body and the convulsive kneading of his shirt in her hands. But she made no effort to pull away, and he grinned widely, evilly, knowing that he had won, that she was his, irrevocably now. He kept caressing her breast, running his thumb across the hardened nipple, his heart pounding in his chest and his cock leaping like a wild thing seeking escape from the cumbersome cage that was his shorts and trousers…