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In that moment, Kim realized what Goren would next do, what the ultimate target of his fervid liquid kisses would be. Repugnance seized her for a moment… no, it was wrong, wrong… and she tried to draw his head away, pull him up over her as she had done to Barry when he attempted to perform the heathen rite of cunnilingus upon her. But Goren would not be drawn away. He remained where he was, kneeling now between her wide-spread legs, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her inner thighs, his eyes feasting on the dripping, pink, fluted lips of her cuntal mouth.

“No, honey,” he said, talking to her cunt instead of to her face, as if it were a being, an entity, unto its own. “I’m going to kiss and lick your pussy, just like your husband kissed and licked my wife’s pussy. I’m going to bury my tongue in your cunt, I’m going to lick your cut, I’m going to suck you until you have an orgasm, Kim, until you cum and cum and cum…“

Once again, Goren’s vile, lascivious words made Kim tremble with wild, wanton desire. The degradation of the act she was about to have perpetrated on her defenseless crotch suddenly seemed to pale into insignificance; everything seemed to pale into insignificance in that moment-shame, guilt, fear, disgust-all of these meant nothing. The only thing that seemed to matter were the intense fires which his words, his actions, had set to flaming in her breasts and in her belly and in her cunt. She was aroused, wildly, crazily, insanely aroused for the first time… and she didn’t care, she didn’t care “Yes,” she whispered in her stranger’s voice. “Oh yes, Jack!”

“Yes what, baby?” Goren asked, unable any longer to contain his animalistic grin of triumph but knowing that pretense was no longer important. "What do you want me to do?”

“I… I want you to… to suck me, Jack.”

“Suck you where, Kim? Where?”

“My… my pussy!“ Kim cried, her eyes closing again, her hips grinding a lewd sensuous circle down against the couch, her head beginning to loll from side to side with expectant lust. “My pussy, Jack, my pussy! I want you to lick my pussy! Oh, Jack, lick it, lick it!”

Still grinning hugely, Goren drove his head savagely downward, his lips mashing onto her vaginal lips, his tongue ramming deep into her vaginal orifice in the ultimate French kiss.

“Aaaaagggghhhhh!” Kim screamed as his long hot tongue slashed into her, harder and harder, and her body reacted with convulsive lurches. Her hands grasped his hair, tried to pull his face deeper into her lust-soaked loins. Oh God, it felt good, it felt so goooddd! Oh God, how could she have ever denied Barry this… how could she ever have denied herself, this? It wasn’t ugly, it wasn’t sick … it was sooooo goooooooddddddddd!

Goren continued his wanton tonguing of her moist trembling slit, his hands slipping up over her belly to her full firm tits once more, cupping and squeezing them almost brutally now while his mouth and tongue continued the wet assault of her wide-spread furrow, making obscene sucking sounds that seemed to fill the room and Kim’s mind with a weird cacophony of sound. She clenched her small hands into white-knuckled fists in his hair, pulling some of the salt-and-paper strands loose in her convulsive actions, as Goren’s probing tongue located the erect, pulsating button of her clitoris. She whined sharply, agonizingly, as he took the tiny bud between his sharp white teeth, holding it tightly there, and began to run the tip of his tongue round and round it in continuous circles. Her head began to flail in total abandonment from side to side, and Goren opened his mouth yet wider, moving his tongue downward along the smooth, heat-moistened slit to the throbbing hair fringed opening of her vagina. He began to orally tuck her, harder and faster, faster and harder, sliding his hot, hard, wet tongue up into her dilated, clasping hole, listening to her making unintelligible whimpering sounds as he swirled and flicked his member around the velvet-like interior of the pulsatingly soft cunt lips. He slipped his hand beneath her thighs, pushing them further up until they were now draped over his shoulders, the whole of her flowing vaginal plane in naked abandonment to his churning face, and then he cupped her soft white buttocks in both hands as he thrust his tongue deep, deep into the searing liquid depths of her cunt.

Kim’s cries of animal pleasure now filled the living room. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God! her brain screamed over and over against Goren continued to mouth and tongue her sweating, dripping furrow. And then, as her buttocks jerked and spasmed beneath his plunging poker of a tongue, he drew the member out and drew it licking downward to the secret, tiny puckered ring of her virginal anus. She sucked in her breath in a gulping swallow, moaning in rapture, past all caring now even though a small part of mind cried out that this was dirty, vile, perverted… she flung her loins up at him as hard as she could as he brought his tongue into seething wet contact with the forbidden opening, thrusting it into the tight little hole, splitting it wide to accept his phallic member.

Kim’s body quivered uncontrollably now beneath the overpowering assault, and her body was spasming furiously with torrent after torrent of sensual pleasure that had seized control of it Goren licked and sucked and drove his tongue into her tight, pungent little asshole, reveling in the abandoned gyrations of her lust-controlled body, knowing that the moment of her climax wasn’t far off. Well, that was fine with him; he would make her cum with his mouth first, and then, later, with his cock. He began to drive his tongue harder and harder into her anal passage, and then, abruptly, drew it out to return to her now saliva drenched crotch and the downy soft hairs fringing her pulsing cunt lips. He paused for a brief moment to stare up along the sweat-slick valley between her high breasts at the twisted grimace on her lovely face. Oh Christ, she was really digging it! She was wallowing in it, all right; it won’t be long now, not long at all. He lowered his head and resumed his labor once more.

Kim writhed and squirmed beneath the insanely licking tongue until she thought she would surely go mad from the sheer ecstatic rapture in her love-starved loins and stomach. God, she had to have release, had to have it soon! Her head continued to flail like a broken puppet’s, grinding her crotch up into Goren’s lusting face and tongue, and she felt the gathering billows of her orgasm rising, rising, and then cresting and She was there!

She was cumming!

A deep, almost half-human scream erupted from young Kim Sutton’s throat and she locked her hands hard in Goren’s hair, drawing him into her crotch with all her might. Her juices began to flow from her wide-spread cunt, inundating Goren’s face and tongue, flowing down along her tortured rectum to pool in fragrant stickiness on the couch cushions beneath her. She screamed again, and again, and Goren sucked and licked and burrowed until, at long last, the cumming was over and she sank back with a long, exhausted, satiated sigh, releasing his hair and opening her thighs to allow him to remove his head from between her fevered legs.

Goren lifted himself onto his knees, grinning down at her, the juices of her orgasm making his face and his mouth glisten wetly in the room’s soft light.

“Well, honey?” he asked. “How did you like it?”

“Oh… God!” Kim moaned, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. “Oh God, Jack, it was wonderful!”

Goren grinned lewdly. "Well, it’s going to be even better,” he said. “Because I’m going to fuck you now, Kim. My cock is like a petrified log, and I want to fuck you with it. If want to shoot my load of hot, sticky sperm deep into your belly. I want to fuck you now, Kim…“

“Oh God yes, do fuck me, please, fuck me!”

And as Goren lowered his body down onto hers, Kim thought with total surrender:

I wish you could see this, Barry, I wish you could see me about to be fucked by Jack Goren after he made me cum with his mouth on my pussy. I wish you could see it, Barry, I really wish you could because I liked it, I loved it! I loved every delicious moment of it, Barry, you adulterer, you son of a bitch… it would serve you right.