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As Rex stood, feeling dumbfounded, at the window, she saw him.

Because of the look on her face, Patrick turned around, and saw him, too.

“You little bastard,” he yelled, “you sneaking little bastard!”

Patrick moved fast, running toward the front door, then onto the porch, then around to where Rex stood rooted to the ground.

He stood like a cement statue when Patrick grabbed him by the shoulders, and half pulled, half pushed him. “What the fuck are you doing here? Did you follow me? Listen to me, you stupid kid, if you tell Dad about this, I’ll kill you!”

“Tell him about what?” Rex said, starting to come to life again.

He pushed his brother away, which made Patrick push him again.

“I’m warning you, don’t say one word about seeing me here. You don’t know I was here, you don’t know anything about Sarah being here, you were never here!”

“Okay, I was never here,” Rex said, ducking out of the way.

He backed up until he was out of reach. Although he was no longer a “little” brother, although he was within an inch of Patrick’s height, he was still a string bean compared to his brother’s more filled-out body. At nineteen, only a week away from heading off to college, Patrick looked like a man. At seventeen, soon to be eighteen, Rex still looked like a teenage boy. But he felt man enough to say, in a low, taunting voice he hardly recognized as his own, “I was never here-if you never come back here.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Patrick moved threateningly forward.

“Just what I said.” Rex stood his ground. “If I ever see you leave the fields again and come over here, I won’t keep quiet about it. You stay there doing the work you’re supposed to do, and I’ll keep my mouth shut about this forever.”

“You wouldn’t tell them, you little fucker.”

“Try me, asshole.”

Patrick hesitated, and Rex knew he’d won. At last, he’d won a battle with his brother! He knew he’d probably have to pay for it someplace down the line, but for right now, it felt terrific.

Then he glanced in through the screened window and saw her.

She had moved back into shadows inside the house, but he could see her eyes staring out at him. He couldn’t read them. There weren’t any answers or explanations in them, not that she owed him any.

He was suddenly painfully aware of how filthy he was, how smelly and sweaty.

He turned back to look at his brother.

“Well,” he said, a little cockier than was safe for him, but he couldn’t help but swagger anyway. “You coming? We’ve got extra work to do today, thanks to you screwing around over here.”

Patrick looked as if he felt as murderous as Rex had felt when he drove over.

“Yeah, I’m coming. I’ve got to get my shirt.”

Rex walked back to his truck, feeling so victorious it was all he could do not to pump his fist. But just to be sure, he didn’t leave the property until he saw that his brother was right behind him. They finished their separate baling jobs, went home, ate supper, and went their ways that night, without speaking to each other.

Their parents noticed only the relative peace, and not the animosity.

When Patrick left for K-State, Rex drove back to the Newquists’ ranch.

He didn’t expect to find her there. He hadn’t told Mitch or anybody else about seeing her there. So he was shocked, yet again, when he drove up and she opened the front door.

She was living there, she told him that day.

It was a secret from certain people, and she asked him to swear not to tell anyone.

Eventually, he went out to see her so often that she presented him with periodic lists of supplies for things she needed or wanted, which was how Rex happened to purchase a red scrunchie for her long dark hair.

Chapter Eighteen

May 31, 2004

Abby knew something was up that evening the minute she spotted certain familiar cars parked around her house. She’d been out in a distant wildflower field gathering blossoms to hang from the rafters so they’d be dry for making wreaths for Christmas, and the time had gotten away from her. She had hurried back in her truck, expecting to jump in the shower and rush to her sister’s house for dinner.

But her sister was here, instead.

There was her sister Ellen’s Volvo station wagon, and there was Cerule Youngblood’s red convertible, there was Susan McLaughlin’s black Caddy, and there was Randie Anderson’s white pickup truck.

It wasn’t her birthday, so it couldn’t be a surprise party.

And it was suppertime, on a holiday, when they all should have been home cooking, or over at their relatives’ houses…

Was something wrong? Was that why they were here?

Heart thumping with worry, she hurried into her own house.

Four female faces turned to look at her, all of them smiling in various stages of welcome, but their smiles looked tense to Abby. Between them, they represented a goodly chunk of the movers and shakers of Small Plains: there was her own trim, efficient older sister, the mayor, dressed in her trademark Western shirt, tan trousers, and brown leather cowboy boots. There was Ellen’s best friend Susan, who owned her family’s funeral and cemetery business. There was Randie, married into the Anderson grocery clan, and Cerule, who worked at the courthouse, both of whom had been friends of Abby’s since high school.

They had the three birds in the kitchen with them, which pleased Abby.

Ellen was at the sink mixing drinks of some kind-margaritas from the look of the tub of mix on the counter. Susan, in her black funeral director’s suit, was pulling glasses down from the cupboard. Randie was seated at the kitchen table trying to keep Gracie away from the salt she had poured into a dinner plate in preparation for dipping the rims of the glasses in it. Cerule was on her cell phone, saying a quick good-bye and flipping it closed as soon as she saw Abby in the doorway.

“We heard you turn in the drive,” Ellen said, by way of explaining their drink-making organization, and then she turned back to measuring out alcohol.

“I thought I was having dinner at your house,” Abby said to her.

“You need a drink,” Cerule announced.

“I do?” Abby saw that Gracie, stymied from eating salt, was now going after Patrick’s expensive sunglasses. She darted toward the kitchen table to rescue them. “Why do I? Why are you guys here? What’s up?”

“There’s something we have to tell you,” Susan said, without quite looking at her.

It was then that Abby realized that Susan wasn’t the only one avoiding her eyes. Ellen was, too. And although Randie and Cerule were staring at her, they were observing her like a specimen under glass.

“What’s up?” she repeated, with more urgency. “You’re making me nervous!”

The others looked toward the sink, expecting Abby’s sister to take charge. In the silence, Ellen turned around. She exchanged glances with the other women, and then finally looked straight at her sister. It made Abby’s heart beat faster to read worry and concern in Ellen’s eyes.

“What?” she demanded. “Is it Dad? I just saw him this morning…”

“No, no,” Ellen assured her. “Dad’s fine. It’s nothing like that. It’s…he’s back, Abby. Mitch is in town. He was at the cemetery, at Nadine’s grave this morning. Susan saw him.”