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"Show us how, Kris!"

"Shoot it, man!"

"Fuck her, Kris!" the boys were shouting and laughing as he switched from one girl to the next on the bouncing trampoline and fucked his cock into one after the other of them. He was grinning like a fool and loving every minute of it.

The boys were getting tired of watching and were scrambling on top of the trampoline with the girls. They didn't need to have anyone pulling on the springs to make the thing bounce then! They were all up there fucking like crazy and laughing and coming and switching partners and having a ball.

After they had all gotten their rocks off a few times, they started to slow down. That was when Valerie and Peter entered the gym. They were naked, too. Leaves were stuck in theft hair; they had some dirt smeared on them, and Peter's back was marked up pretty good where Valerie had spurred him on in their fucking.

"See! I told you we wouldn't need to worry about putting our clothes back on!" she crowed to Peter.

He stood there with his arm around her waist absolutely stunned. His worn-out cock began to stiffen in spite of the work out he had just had. That was a hell of a sight all right. All of the boys and girls and Kris all fucking like rabbits together on top of the trampoline. He thought that he had been out in the sun too long and had fucking fried his brain!

"To the office! To the office!" Valerie shouted, and her troops obeyed her command. Cocks were pulled out of slurping pussies, and they all scrambled down from the trampoline, Kris a willing member of the mob by then. They surged through the halls until they reached the door of Miss Ferguson's office. The door was locked, and the boys started to knock it down until it suddenly opened.

There stood Miss Ferguson herself, naked, cum dripping out of her pussy, and an arm around Belinda on one side and Brant on the other. The brother and sister were as naked, as the school mistress. The students burst into cheers at the sight. Miss Ferguson didn't look like she was tracking too well. She was having a little difficulty taking it all in, but they swept her up, together with Belinda and her brother and joined them into the orgy.

It lasted all afternoon and well into the night. When the last young boy shot his last feeble load into Mary Frances' swimming pussy, most of them had fallen dead asleep all over the floor. He sighed and went to sleep with his head nestled between her pillowy titties. He was none other than Peter. He had fucked every single girl in the school at least once, Valerie a couple more times, and three comes straight in a row into the divine snatch of Miss Ferguson. For once, he wasn't the slightest bit horny.

Things changed around the school after that. Even Mary Frances had to admit that the changes were for the better, though it was Valerie who dictated them to her at a school meeting the next morning. Mary Frances had just sat there and smiled and smiled and smiled and agreed to everything that was proposed.

Of course, most the changes revolved around Miss Ferguson's hidden television network the students put a monitor in the study room and that put an end to Miss Ferguson's self-centered enjoyment of sex. At long last the students had a school they could enjoy.