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She nuzzled her face in between the soft pillows and turned to take one of the large nipples into her mouth, feeling it harden in response to her attack. Now it was her turn to push the older woman back onto the rug and demand that she yield to the desires that she felt within herself. Her passion overpowered her. She sucked the nipples first of one and then the other tit into her mouth in hungry eagerness to taste their fruits. She was in a hurry. She wanted to go all the way, experience all that the older woman had to teach her. She pulled back the gown and laid her woman lover naked before her eyes.

God! Belinda had never seen anything so beautiful in her whole life. Such perfection! The huge fullness of her breasts, her taut nipples, the soft smoothness of her ribs tapering down to the neat circle of her waist. Her belly button was a well of hidden secrets in the gentle upward swell of her woman-belly with its gentle sloping down to the dark thicket of her sex. Her hips swelled out from her tight waist in full luscious curves of womanhood to her round, full thighs and long, smooth legs, but her eyes returned again and again to the hidden nest of her pussy hair.

Belinda imitated the motions of Miss Ferguson and kissed her way down her chest to her belly until her nose was tickled by the wiry dark hairs that cushioned and hid her cunt. Then she was frightened. She didn't know what to do how to investigate the treasure that awaited her hungry mouth without seeming to be ravenously lustful. She withdrew, shaken by her own deeply felt desires.

Mary Frances lay back and let the young girl take the initiative, wanting to see how far she would go on her own. How far her natural instincts would take her. She felt the moment of hesitation and took the girl into her arms once again and hugged her close, pulling herself up over the girl's now tense body, kissing her mouth to mouth with slow but deep passion until she felt the last of the unsureness pass away. Then she kissed her own way down way down the virginal trail from nipples to cunt, feeling the desire mount in the girl as her breathing became faster and shallower. She put her hands on each of the girl's thighs and let her tongue plow through the clump of soft red cunt hair until she felt the tip of it part the plump outer lips of the girl's pussy and touch the tip of her clitoris.

She kept her mouth and tongue in the same position as she swung her body over Belinda. Gently she pulled her legs apart, opening her cunt to her searching mouth. The girl was hot and wet with passion already. Mary Frances licked up the glistening dew on her tongue and lapped it over the hardening bump of the girl's little clit. It was much smaller than Mary Frances', hardly more than a fingertip urgent in its wants between the juicy lips of the girl's quim. She dipped down momentarily for the pleasure of licking her sensitive tongue across the opening of the violated cunt hole. It was relaxed and open to her attack, but she preferred to concentrate her attention on Belinda's throbbing clit.

Then she lowered her own dripping pussy down to Belinda's hungry mouth. Belinda was swept up on a giant wave of sexual arousal and plunged her tongue into the older woman's pussy, licking and sucking on the woman's amazingly long clit. It stuck out between her cunt lips so that she could actually take it into her mouth and suck on its hard little shaft. She buried her bare face in the creamy pussy and devoured as much of the slippery cunt juice as she could lap up and swallow. Soon she was covered with cunt drippings from ear to ear, but she was only aware of the electric tingling of her tongue and mouth as it worked over the hairy lips and wet cunt above her. Her own box was wi de open and filling with that heavy urgent feeling she had not had since that night on the beach with her brother Brant.

In her passion she didn't forget Mary Frances, though. She tried to bury her whole head up inside the cunt of the woman who had saved her soul. She would had cut her own wrists gladly if Miss Ferguson had wanted her too, but fortunately Mary Frances only wanted a good muff-dive for herself. And Belinda gave her the best that her virginal mind could think of, following the lead and the moves that the older woman had made on her. She felt the warm, wet cunt ooze down into her mouth and felt the body above her thrashing in climax along with hers. Their twin orgasms lasted for a million years, it seemed to Belinda. It was far, far better than anything the boys she had dated had been able to give her. Of course she had only let them play with her clit with their hands she had never had anyone go down on her before. She made up her mind that this certainly wasn't going to be the last time.

Mary Frances and Belinda lay together on the rug in front of the fire for a long time, gently licking and kissing each other's pussies as the force of their climaxes slowly left them. Then they turned face to face and kissed so deeply that Belinda thought that her heart was going to leap out of her panting body and be devoured by Miss Ferguson. Then finally, sleepy and dazed with total release and fulfillment, Belinda toddled off to bed after one last hug and kiss from her new found friend and lover. She was starry-eyed with the new feelings which had been turned loose inside her and found herself completely enslaved to Miss Ferguson.


Peter sat in class the next morning looking over the other students again. He hadn't slept very well the night before. He rubbed his eyes and tried to stay alert. All the kids were in the same classes. Miss Ferguson taught the morning classes, English, French, history then they had lunch. In the afternoon, Mr. Kristopoulos taught science and physical education. Of course, Miss Ferguson taught the girls' P.E. class.

There was that good-looking red-haired girl sitting across from him. She had the creamiest, faintly golden skin he had ever seen, and God! What a pair of knockers she had on her! He bet that her cunt was just as smooth and soft as the rest of her skin, but juicier and redder with curly red hairs all over her plump pussy! He felt his cock stirring again in his pants.

One other girl really turned him on. Her name was Valerie, he had discovered. Her hair was as jet black. She was thin while the other girl was soft and round, but Valerie's tits stuck up pert and delicious. But her mouth was full and rich red, and her eyes were simply enormous and as black as her hair.

Which one would be better? The red-haired girl named Belinda, all soft and cuddly and generously rounded, or the dark girl, Valerie, with her hot twitching butt and boobs like snow cones? Valerie looked like she knew a lot more about the old game than Belinda did. Belinda was so quiet and dreamy-looking, but Valerie's eyes were snapping with hidden excitement every time she looked at one of the boys, even Peter.

Peter squirmed his ass against the seat of his chair, his cock coming up hard and juicy no matter how much he tried to keep his mind on school. Yes, Valerie made all kinds of sexy promises and hints with that tight little body of hers every time she just fucking breathed! He would have to introduce himself to her and see if he could make any time with her.

Miss Ferguson was trying to get through an explanation of some French verbs, but she could see the eyes of the boys and girls glazing over one after the other. They might be interested in a lot of things, but French verbs weren't one of them.

Peter began daydreaming. He imagined himself on a remote tropical island with a beautiful dark-haired girl. In his fantasy, he began slowly caressing his cock.

In short time he felt the tremendous load in his balls moving up to the root of his prong and the first jerkings that preceded the surges of sperm that he was going to blast out. He bit his lip and imagined he was coming in a cunt. He fucked his hips forward and shot his first jet of cream! He was cumming.