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French class! Peter's eyes snapped open as he realized too late where he was. He couldn't stop now. He creamed off in his pants. He just sat there with a stupid look on his face as his pecker pumped the sticky stuff out into his underwear. The sweat was pouring off his face as the jism poured out of his prick. He was soaking right through the front of his pants. What in the hell was he going to do? If he thought he had managed to embarrass the shit out of himself the night before, it was nothing compared to the mess he was in now.

He saw a movement beside him. The dark-haired girl had dropped her pencil on the floor. She was leaning out of her desk to pick it up, but her wicked black eyes were taking in a close-up look at him cum-stained crotch and hard cock inside. She grinned lewdly when she lifted her head back up. She had seen everything! His face flushed deep red and tears stood in his eyes. She would make fun of him, tell all the girls, and the girls would tell their boyfriends that the new boy had come in his pants in the middle of class.

Oh, God, I wish I was dead, he thought. But then Valerie pulled a big handkerchief out of her purse and wadded it up into a little ball in her hand. She leaned over to his desk and pretended to be checking something on the page of the book open in front of him. When she took her hand away, the handkerchief was left behind. She winked at him with one of her huge, black eyes and turned to face Miss Ferguson who was talking about some damned thing or other.

Peter grabbed the handkerchief and stuffed it into his pants, mopping up the load of cum as quickly as he could before anybody else got wise to what had happened to him. It didn't show too badly through his pants once his cock had shriveled. He left the handkerchief stuffed in his jockey shorts and looked at Valerie. She put her finger to her lips. She would keep quiet about it. He was going to have to talk to her, thank her for helping him out. She looked like the kind of girl he could talk to about sex without having her faint on his hands. Maybe that tough little body of hers promised more than the creamy redhead's did, anyway. She looked a hell of a lot more interested, and witchy, too!


"I may be over thirty, darling, but I'm not blind!" Miss Ferguson said with a smirk.

"I thought I saw a slight flush come into your cheeks, Miss Ferguson," Valerie replied sweetly.

"You want him, don't you?"

"You bet your ass I do!"

Miss Ferguson nodded her head with satisfaction. She had asked Valerie to stay behind after the girl's volleyball game that afternoon. They were standing in the shade from the gym, both of them hot and sweaty from their exercise and both of them sizing each other up concerning their positions in the sweepstakes that had Peter Bates as the first prize. They had few secrets from each other. They had been to bed together and had shared the massive Kris together. They didn't dislike each other, far from it. They were more like two athletes who respected each other's skills and strengths.

"You know, Valerie, I think he's a virgin."

Valerie cocked her head to one side and looked at the older woman. "What makes you think that?"

"My dear, I can just smell the cherry on him. He's quite excitable sexually, you must admit. I think he's straining at the leash so much because he hasn't yet run his first race."


"And how would you like to take that sweet, fresh little cherry?"

Valerie smiled and narrowed her eyes with suspicion. This was going to be too easy. There had to be a catch in it somewhere if she knew Miss Ferguson. "I thought you always got all the cherries around here, Miss Ferguson."

"I usually arrange things that way, but this time I want to supervise everything and sort of conduct his seduction like a conductor leading an orchestra, with me as the only audience, of course. I want to see you seduce him, but just the way that I tell you to do. Does that sound agreeable to you, Valerie, dear?"

"I'm not sure just what you have in mind."

"It's really quite simple. I want to tease the boy until he's walking around with his cock sticking out of his pants twenty-four hours a day. I want to see him stepping on his tongue as he drools for your body, darling. I get a great pleasure from watching the adolescent male quivering with lust."

"What do I get out of besides his cherry?"

"I've observed that Kris seems to be more interested in you than the other girls we have now. Yes, I know all about your visit to his bedroom the other night, and he didn't tell me about it. Now, ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. How would you like to have a little more time with Kris' big dick?"

Valerie licked her lips. "Now, that's more like it!"

"Come on, dear, let's shower and freshen up."

They entered the girls' locker room just as the last of the girls were blowing their hair dry. Belinda was the last one to leave, her thick red hair glowing in the light. Miss Ferguson liked to run her fingers through that hair. She had a little surprise coming up for Belinda, but the time was not quite ripe to tell her about it. She had been writing to Belinda's parents to arrange it. Mary Frances felt that aching full sensation in her clit as she thought of her plans. She waved to Belinda as the luscious redhead left.

Valerie was stripping off her blouse. Her dark tan was glowing in the heat of the exercise. She had dark stubble under her arms, moistened by the sweat. Mary Frances liked her girls to be clean shaven under their arms and made a note to herself to remind Valerie. The young girl's bra was just a simple cotton thing, no frills or lace on it. She hardly even needed it since her fresh young tits stood up so taut and fine by themselves. Valerie unhooked the bra and let it slide down her arms. There they were, those sharp little tits with such large nipples for a young girl. By the time that she was fully developed, she would have very large tits, but Mary Frances was plenty satisfied with the way they looked right now. Her nipples were a dark dusky rose in color, almost smokey in shade. The flesh around them was much lighter than the skin of her tanned shoulders and firm belly.

Valerie unsnapped her shorts and dropped them down her smooth lean legs. Mary Frances began to take deeper breaths. She especially liked legs like Valerie's. The thin, slim graceful ones that are just on the edge of taking on their full feminine roundness. All the shape was there, but just as a promise, a hint of what was to come.

Valerie's panties were just like her bra, simple, white cotton briefs, no frills, no lace. A little girl's panties but not on a little girl's body. The mound of her pussy stuck out from under her flat belly. The firm globes of her young ass stretched the white fabric in the back. There was not a wrinkle, not a stretch mark, not a flaw in the smooth fresh flesh. The sweat had made her panties slightly transparent. Miss Ferguson could see the dark thicket of tangled pussy hair under the thin cloth. Valerie looked up at her. Her black eyes flashed with mischief.

"I thought you were going to take a shower, too."

Mary Frances realized that she had been just standing there admiring the girl's figure and had forgotten to take her own clothes off. She began to fumble at her blouse buttons and had to press her legs together to give herself some relief from the insistent throbbing of her clit.

Mary Frances pulled off her blouse as quickly as she could manage. She was getting very excited from looking at Valerie's very willing body. She hadn't planned on a session with Valerie, but it looked like it was just going to be necessary. She felt her nipples come erect even before she could get her bra off. Her full breasts still had all of their youthful shape too. She stroked herself proud of the way she had taken good care not to get sloppy-looking. Her fingertips touched her jutting nipples and sent a shiver of pleasure thrilling through her body.