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He forced himself to look around her shop, at anything but the laughing group of people around the Madonna, before he walked over there, plucked her up and carted her out of her shop to somewhere private.

She’d done well for herself. Emma’s stamp, mixed with Becky’s, created an atmosphere both women seemed at home in. He could see women flocking to the store, much to the horror and amusement of their male companions. He walked over to the mantelpiece, seeing a silver picture frame his mother would probably appreciate as a gift for her birthday. Something about the picture in it drew his attention.

He leaned forward, trying to see why the Victorian lady in it looked so familiar when he felt a small hand touch his arm.

“Is everything okay between you and Simon?”

That husky voice, combined with her soft touch, had his cock once more threatening to burst out of his jeans. He looked down into her face and saw nothing there but concern. Before she could move, he put his hand over hers, trapping her at his side. He was ridiculously pleased when she didn’t try to pull away.

“Everything is fine between me and Simon.” As long as he keeps his paws off of you.

She looked away, back towards the group, and bit her lip. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

Her voice was hesitant, shy in a way she wasn’t when she talked to Simon or the reverend, but her expression begged him to say yes. A fierce wave of protectiveness rose in him, and his hand tightened over hers. He nodded.

He allowed her to pull them to the side, quiet and private but still in plain view. She looked up at him again, obviously uncertain before she focused, damn it, back on his scar. “Um, do you have any idea how Simon feels about Becky?”

She peeked up at him again before dropping her gaze once more. A flush rose in her cheeks and she bit her lip again.

He took a deep breath, striving to control the possessiveness that roared through him. “Not a clue.”

Her softly muttered “Damn” had him nearly smiling, it was so filled with aggravation, but the possessive monster in him couldn’t get past her possible interest in his best friend. “He’s not for you.” He could feel wisps of his power flowing out of his control, trying to force her to acknowledge the truth of his words.

Emma looked him full in the face for the first time since he’d entered the store. He knew he sounded like a caveman, and probably looked like a jealous jackass, but he couldn’t help it; little Emma did that to him.

Then she laughed at him. Not one bit intimidated, frightened or cowed.

“Not me, you idiot.” His eyes widened in astonishment as she turned back to the group around the Madonna. “Becky. She’s had a thing for him since high school, but she can’t seem to act on it and he’s never shown any real interest.” She looked back up at him. “Until recently, that is. So, I wanted to know, you being his best friend, if you know how he feels.”

He felt his whole body tense at the devilish calculation on her face. “What are you planning?” He

maneuvered his body, and hers, until they were in the corner, effectively cutting her off from the crowd behind them. His power was back under control, but his curiosity was roused.

She puffed out an impatient breath, focusing once more on him. Some of her shyness had evaporated, but in its place was an irritation he wasn’t used to seeing in feminine eyes. “Becks and I are going to the annual masquerade. Mr. Friedelinde invited us, for the first time. I’m hoping I can get either Simon or Becky moving in the right direction, but I don’t want Becky hurt or embarrassed if Simon isn’t really interested.” She looked up at him, her little chin tilted as she demanded a response. “So. Is he?”

Max turned back to look at his Beta. From the way Simon was sniffing the air around Becky, he’d say Simon was very interested. He looked down at Emma, who was tapping her foot impatiently. “Yes.”

Relief flickered across her face and her body relaxed as if he’d lifted a weight off her shoulders. “Thank God. They’d be perfect together.”

“What makes you say that?” Truly curious, he watched as she turned thoughtful.

“Simon knows he can have any female he wants just by snapping his fingers, but Becky backs away from him every time he approaches. He’s never quite certain where he stands with her. He gets bored so easily with the ones that fall in the palm of his hand that he winds up dumping them pretty quickly. He can’t predict what Becky will do, so she’d never bore him. Also, Becky loves his work and understands how much time and devotion it takes to make the kinds of things Simon does, so she wouldn’t resent that if she knew he’d be coming home to her. She would challenge him; keep him on his toes, while he would cherish her like she should be cherished. No one’s truly loved her before, or shown her her own worth.”

Emma focused on him again, her expression gleefully vengeful. “But if he hurts her, I’ll scoop out his nuts with a grapefruit spoon.”

The change from dreamer to avenger had Max grinning even as his balls drew up at the visual image she’d created; although, from the way Simon was acting she had nothing to worry about. “Remind me not to get you mad at me.”

“Oh, no, I’m not the one to be afraid of.” She motioned him closer with a crooked finger, and he obligingly bent closer, getting a whiff of her rose scented perfume as he did. “Becky had a friend in college who showed her how to use a goat emasculator,” she whispered softly in his ear.

Max reared back, staring at Becky and then back down to the innocent looking little devil nodding solemnly in front of him.

He threw his head back and laughed harder than he had in months.

Max climbed into Simon’s truck with a grin.

“What the hell did Emma say to you to get you to laugh like that, anyway?” Simon asked, his tone aggravated.

Max shook his head. “Nothing you’d be interested in, I’m sure.”

“Try me,” Simon snarled.

Max snarled a warning to his Beta, who had the grace to look guilty.


“Want to tell me what that was all about?”

Max wasn’t asking, and Simon knew that. He sighed. “Becky. She won’t talk to me, barely looks at me and leaves the room the minute I enter it. Hell, if she can arrange it she makes sure she’s gone before I get there!”

“So you’re not interested in Emma?”

The look Simon shot him was part amazement, part horror, and Max relaxed, his fears that Simon was interested in Emma eased. It was the look a brother would give someone if asked if he thought his sister was hot.

“Emma wants to do something to bring the two of you together. I thought I’d verify that it’s what you want before I start helping her.”

“Man, if you and Emma can get Becky to agree to give me a chance, I’d be forever grateful.” Simon shook his head, frowning ferociously. “I have no idea what I did to turn her off me so thoroughly, but if something doesn’t give soon I’m going to lose it.” Simon looked thoroughly miserable. “I’m pretty sure she’s my mate.”

Max mentally rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “We’ll see what we can do.”

He ignored Simon’s sideways glance, his Beta’s slow grin too close to a smirk. “Emma sure grew up pretty, didn’t she?”

Max tried his best, but he couldn’t hold back his grin. “Yes, she did.”

Simon nodded his approval. “She’d make a great Curana .

Max smiled. The idea of Emma as his Curana, ruling at his side, mated to him for all eternity appealed mightily. Not one to waste time when he wanted something, he began outlining his plan to win over their women

Chapter Two