'Georgina! Georgina!' Roger held out his hands to her and he was almost weeping. 'Do you realize what this means, and that we two have helped to bring it about? With Villeneuve's fleet destroyed our dear country is made safe at last. England need no longer fear the horrors of an invasion.' Hoarsely, half sobbing, he burst into song:
'Rule Britannia: Britannia rules the waves
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.'
ARROW BOOKS LTD 178-202 Great Portland Street, London Wl
First published by Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd 1966 Arrow edition 1968
For copyright reasons this book may not be issued to the public on loan or otherwise except in its original soft cover
© Dennis Wheatley Limited 1966
Made and printed in Great Britain by The Anchor Press Ltd., Tiptrce, Essex