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The most influential Oligarchs from the Yeltsin era were Boris Berezovsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Alex Konanykhin, Mikhail Fridman, Anatoly Chubais, Vladimir Gusinsky, Vitaly Malkin and Vladimir Potanin. These financial gangsters controlled metals, oil, natural gas, timber, coal, manufacturing, government and much more; raking in billions as many citizens of oil-rich Russia went without heat during the winter. Hungry families were forced to move in together with strangers. Criminality was rampant.

There is simply no exaggerating the severity of the Russian collapse. Russia under the Ivy League-Oligarch Alliance was reduced to an absolute basket case. But that wasn’t the half of it. In addition to the rape of Russia’s economy and natural resources, the NATO war machine and its proxies were to soon encroach upon the borders of the slowly dying Russian nation, and even within Russian itself.

1: Time Mag: “Yanks to the Rescue” With friends like that who needs enemies? 2: The lovable old drunk Yeltsin was no match for the Wall Street-Oligarch-Russian Mafia Axis. 3: Satter’s ‘Darkness at Dawn’ documents the sad tale of: “a country impoverished and controlled at every level by organized crime”.


NATO’s Encirclement of Russia

Few people realize just how heavily Clinton’s NATO bombed Yugoslavia.

With Russia prostrate and weak, NATO was free to throw its weight around as it pleased. During the mid 1990’s, Yugoslavia was subdued by heavy NATO bombardment.

In 1998–1999, NATO and its proxy terrorist army, the KLA, then succeeded in chipping away the region of Kosovo from Russia’s ally, Serbia. Yeltsin’s demoralized and declining Russia was utterly powerless to prevent these events. The former Yugoslavia has since been chopped up into the US-NATO-EU puppet states of Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Macedonia. Russia’s former allies would all become Russia’s potential future enemies.

Now, let the upcoming statement of fact penetrate into your brain. For unless you can truly grasp this undeniable reality; a proper understanding of Western hostility towards Vladimir Putin and current events is not possible. Here it is:

The Yugoslavian model of slice, dice, and swallow is precisely what the Globalists envisioned for the dying Russian nation!

One more time:

The Yugoslavian model of slice, dice, and swallow is precisely what the Globalists envisioned for the dying Russian nation!


Adding to Russia’s woes was an ‘Afghan style’ guerilla war which broke out in the Russian territory of Chechnya. Foreign Islamic terrorists joined well armed domestic guerillas in demanding “independence” from Russia. With so many regions and ethnicities based in the Asian portion of Russia, this separatist movement had to be suppressed. If history is any indication, it is likely that the clandestine services of Saudi Arabia were arming and training the Chechen “freedom fighters”. Of course, the Saudis don’t do anything without the approval of America’s own clandestine services. Russia’s “ethnicities problem” was, and still is, a situation which the Globalists had always worked to exploit; you know, the old “Divide & Conquer” routine? The chief strategist behind this insidious pressure tactic was Lev Dobriansky, a Georgetown Professor notorious for his pathological hatred of Russia. In 1967, Dobriansky (CFR) published The Vulnerable Russians, in which he advocated in favor of fomenting ethnic tension within the USSR. He referred to the diverse ethnic makeup of the Caucuses/Central Asian Russia as “weak spots”.{40} It is very telling that Dobriansky, a friend of Brzezinski’s, chose the word “Russians” instead of “Soviets” as part of the book’s title.

These types of Dobrianskyish-Brzezinskish proxy wars remain an important “ethnic weapon” in the West’s arsenal. Proxy wars allow the West to wage war through the buffering layers of Saudi Intelligence and their mercenary “rebels”; leaving no evidence as to who is actually pulling the strings. “Don’t look at me. It’s the Chechens!” The legal term is “plausible denial”. Or as Mafia hit man “Willi Cicci” from the classic film, The Godfather, so aptly put it; “Right. Yeah. A buffer. The family had a lot of buffers.”

1: Who armed the Chechen separatists to the teeth? 2&3: Dobriansky (center) holds court. In ‘The Vulnerable Russians”, Dobriansky described multi-ethnic Russian Central Asia as a “weak spot” to be exploited. The ethnicities game is still being played.

Things go from bad to worse for Russia. With the nation dying, Chechnya blowing up, and Yugoslavia disintegrating into Globalist control, the dastardly diplomats of the CFR broke the promise that had been made to Gorbachev; the one about never expanding NATO so much as “one inch to the East.”

In 1999, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic were swallowed into NATO, amid much debate within the organization itself as well as strong Russian objections. The potential for anti-Russian missile bases and adversarial armies had just taken a giant leap eastward, and there wasn’t a damn thing Russia could do about it.

Russian’s Central Asian frontiers had remained relatively safe, but not for long. Brzezinski and his anti-Russian friends plotted yet another renewal of “The Great Game”. Poor Afghanistan! She is soon to be invaded, again!

The relentless drive to encircle Russia with hostile puppet states, proxy armies and missiles is a grand multi-year project.

In Brzezinski’s 1998 book, The Grand Chessboard, the architect of the Soviet-Afghan proxy war laid out a grand plan for the US to control Central Asia, and presumably set up bases ringing China and Russia. Realizing how difficult it would be to get Americans to support yet another foreign adventure, “Zbig” hinted of a coming “massive external threat” and the “shock effect of Pearl Harbor”.

The arrogant master of the universe wrote:

“…it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geo-strategy is therefore the purpose of this book.”{41}

“…how America manages Eurasia is critical. A power that dominates Eurasia would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania (Australia) geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in Eurasia, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil”.{42}

“…To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient Empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geo-strategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals (puppets), to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.{43}