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You may ask, what about those “16,000 Russian troops” in Crimea that the press kept screaming about? (another 150,000 Google results for that mantra) Again, those 16,000 were already stationed in Crimea according to the terms of a Treaty which allows up to 25,000 Russian troops to be based there.{141} So, again, those 16,000 were already there, and never actually deployed.

From the media coverage, one might have imagined that the 2nd battle of Stalingrad had taken place; or perhaps Gettysburg? But the final casualty numbers for this epic “Battle of Crimea” speak for themselves:

Killed in Action: 0 / Injured: 0 / Taken Prisoner: 0 / Shots fired: 0 / Russian Troops invading Crimea: 0

That was some “invasion”, eh? Almost as deadly as America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, wasn’t it? Indeed, more people actually died in Senator Ted Kennedy’s submerged car than did in Putin’s “invasion” of Crimea.

Weeks after the “immaculate invasion”, the happy people of Crimea voted to return to Mother Russia with a 97% majority. Even the majority of Tatars supported the referendum.{142}

Then came the next mendacious mantra from the piranha press, “Russia Annexes Crimea” (1,000,000 Google results for variations of that term). Technically, the incorporation of a smaller body into a larger one could be considered an “annexation”. But the connotation of the word generally has a negative bent. A better way, a more honest way, to describe what had happened would have been to say that Russian Crimea reunited with Mother Russia. The manipulation of words left most people with the false impression that Russia conquered Crimea by force, instead of the truth; namely, that Crimea happily “conquered” itself for Russia!

The “annexation” was followed by more threats from Obama and the pygmies of the EU. But China, India, Argentina and Brazil calmly expressed an understanding of Russia’s position. One can easily imagine scores of leaders from smaller nations, the ones who fear the US-EU monster, secretly pumping their fists in glee as they mutter sotto voce, and behind some very thick closed doors, “Go Vladdy! Go Vladdy!”

Talk of again deploying missiles bases in Poland has returned. And two US Senators (Mark Kirk & Dan Coates) actually wrote a letter to FIFA (Governing Body of Football/Soccer), demanding that Russia be expelled from the upcoming 2014 World Cup of Soccer in Brazil.{143} FIFA refused.

The most dangerous talk now is coming out of the mouths of some of America’s new puppets in Kiev. Yulia Tymoshenko, the former puppet Prime Minister, darling of the 2004 “Orange Revolution and recently liberated White Collar jailbird, stated that it was time to begin killing Russians in Eastern Ukraine and to start a nuclear World War against Russia. The cunning bleached blonde Lady MacBeth of Ukraine was not so imprudent to say such things publicly of course, but evidently, the Russian must have their own version of NSA spying capability. Secretly caught on tape, the fuming Billionairess ranted to a political ally:

It’s about time we grab our guns and kill go kill those damn Russians together with their leader (Putin)…. I’m ready to grab a machine gun and shoot that mother fucker in the head.

Ukrainians must take up arms against the Russians so that not even scorched earth will be left where Russia stands. I hope I will be able to get all my connections involved. And I will use all of my means to make the entire world rise up, so that there wouldn’t be even a scorched field left in Russia”.{144} (emphasis added)

The genocidal remarks have been immortalized on YouTube (see for yourself) and Yulia herself confirms their authenticity. If she were merely just some low level NGO street activist, one could laugh her rant off as meaningless. But the fact that she remains one of Kiev’s most influential political players, with high powered connections in the West (she wasn’t kidding about those), has got the Russians of Eastern Ukraine very nervous.

Tymoshenko knows that if she can start murdering innocent Russians in Eastern Ukraine, Putin would be forced to really invade. And that’s when all hell will break loose! For that is when “The International Community” (bow your head) will be forced to honor its military guarantees to defend “the sovereignty of Ukraine”.

1: Russian Crimeans celebrate their reunification. 2: The press calls it an “annexation”. 3: Tymoshenko talks about using her “contacts” to bring about a war against Russia.

The baiting of Putin to invade Ukraine would utilize the same template which Globalist Britain and France used to bait Hitler into invading Poland on September 1, 1939. Just one week before World War II broke out; Britain had pledged direct military involvement in the event of a German invasion of Poland (The Anglo-Polish Common Defense Pact).{145} Before the ink on the deal had even dried, guerillas units in Poland (likely Bolsheviks) had begun mutilating and murdering innocent Germans who had come under Polish rule following the cruel “peace treaties” which followed World War I.{146} Germans living near the Polish border also suffered incursions and violent attacks.

Dismissed as “Nazi propaganda” at the time, these terrorist attacks and massacres did indeed take place. The killings cannot be denied, so “historians” simply edit them out. Suffice it to say that the Germans took the bait and that’s how the party got started.

It’s wasn’t “Nazi propaganda”! German civilians trapped in Poland suffered horribly.

It would again be too much of a digression of time and focus to explore the omissions of the official World War II saga. The mere mention of the “H-word” has probably got most readers “a peeing in their pants” already. So, for the sake of argument and for the sake of staying on topic, let us unequivocally accept the conventional portrayal of Adolf Hitler as the Devil Incarnate. To ease the reader’s mind, we’ll even place some pointed horns on his head and a pitchfork in his hand. Feel better now?

That being said, the fact remains that from the days of the 19th century Crimean War, through the Spanish-American War, through World Wars I & II, to the Cold War conflicts of Korea & Vietnam, and up to the more recent NATO assaults in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa, Libya, Syria, etc; “The International Community” (you know the routine) does not go to war for altruistic motives.

Not now, not ever.


If, at this closing point of our time together, the reader should find himself still obediently clinging to those State sanctioned Fairy Tales about “the Good Guys” going to war to “free the slaves” or to “Remember the Maine” or to “make the world safe for democracy” or to “defend Poland” or to “liberate Europe” or to “stop Communism”, or to “free Kuwait”, or to “get Bin Laden” or to “Prevent Weapons of Mass Destruction” or to “protect Ukraine” — then your humble author, with all due respect, has a bridge across the Strait of Kerch to sell you.