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In February of 1917, Tsar Nicholas was forced to abdicate. Russia became a democratic Republic led by the socialist Alexander Kerensky. The Tsar and his family were taken into custody with the expectation that they would eventually be exiled. Probably due Rothschild’s influence, Britain, the Tsar’s supposed “ally” refused to grant asylum to the Romanov family.

In October of that same year, the Bolsheviks staged a second revolution. Kerensky was overthrown and the Bolsheviks seized the city of St. Petersburg. Their dictatorial power grab would trigger a civil war. When the Tsar and his family fell into Bolshevik hands, efforts to exile the Romanovs ceased.

The Royal Family was marked for death. As a boy, Tsar Nicholas had witnessed the bombing murder of his grandfather, Alexander II, in 1881. The same fate now awaited him and his beautiful family.

On the evening of July 16/17, 1918, the Romanov Family was awakened at 2AM, told to dress, and then herded into the cellar of the house in which they were being held. Moments later, Bolshevik killers stormed in and gunned down the entire family, their doctor, and three servants. Some of the Romanov daughters had to be stabbed and clubbed to death after initial gunfire had failed to kill them. News of the brutal murder of the Romanovs sent shock waves throughout Russia, and all of Christian Europe.

1: Lenin the Red rabble rouser. 2 &3: The Romanov family was shot and butchered by Bolshevik assassins
The Communist Party of America was also part of the Trotsky-Lenin ‘Comintern’

For the next 4 years, a civil war between the Reds and the “Whites” raged throughout Russia. Against this backdrop, the Communist International, known as “The Comintern”, was established in Moscow. The Comintern stated openly that its intention was to fight “by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international “bourgeoisie” (the entrepreneurial class) and for the creation of an international Soviet republic (world government).”

To win the Civil War, the Reds used strategic terror to intimidate their White adversaries into submission. On orders from Lenin and Trotsky, the “Red Terror” was announced by Yakov Sverlov. The Red Terror was marked by mass arrests in the middle of the night, executions, and hideously creative tactics of torture. As many as 100,000 Russians were brutally tortured and murdered during the Red Terror, carried out by the ‘Cheka’ (secret police).

Lenin and Trotsky’s oppression of the Russian people broke their strength and will to resist the Reds. ‘The Famine of 1921’ was partly due to the folly of central economic planning, as well as to a deliberate effort to kill off any Russians still not willing to support the Red takeover.

The Communists-Bolsheviks had run the money-printing presses to finance their civil war and welfare schemes. When inflation followed, they imposed price controls; causing farmers to lose money by farming. The shortages were compounded by the Reds’ seizure of seeds and food. The horrific famine was then used to selectively feed those regions submissive to the Reds, and starve out those loyal to the White factions.

Hungry Russians and Ukrainians resorted to eating grass and even cannibalism. The horror escalated when Lenin deliberately blocked foreign relief efforts. When the death toll reached 8-10 million,{10} Lenin finally relented. Were it not for the mostly American aid, the death toll for Lenin and Trotsky’s cruel folly might have doubled or tripled.

The demoralizing terror took a heavy psychological toll on the frightened people of the former Russian Empire. By 1922, many will have been broken into total submission to the Red monsters of the dreaded Cheka. At the conclusion of the Red Terror, Red Famine, and Red-White Civil War, Lenin and Trotsky formally established the Soviet Union with its capital city in Moscow. The former Russian Empire was now also known as the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).

The Communist giant spanned the Eurasian landmass. Of its multi-ethnic “republics” the Russian republic was by far the largest and most populated. The well-known criminal brutality of the Soviets shocked the world, as did the bold Communist declarations to overthrow all other nations from within; including the United States. For these reasons, three consecutive American Presidents (Harding, Coolidge, Hoover), all refused to diplomatically recognize the Soviet Union. It was not until 1933 that President Franklin D Roosevelt, with string support from the NY Times & Washington Post, granted recognition to the Soviet Union.

As Bolshevism fastened its death grip over Russia, the parallel movement known as Globalism was gaining added momentum in the West. During this time, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (now Chatham House) was founded in London and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was established in New York City, with “Father of the Federal Reserve” Paul Warburg serving as CFR’s first Director. To this day, these influential “think tanks” work toward global economic and political integration. To that end, these same players set up the ‘League of Nations’ (forerunner of the United Nations) soon after the end of World War I.

“Chatham House Rules” of secrecy govern the members of both of these exclusive clubs. Membership is by invitation only. Members may discuss generalities of group meetings, but are expected to remain discreet concerning who attends the meetings and what is said.

Up until the present day, the membership roster of the CFR & Chatham has consisted of top names from politics, media, banking, business, and academia. Membership has included Finance Capitalists, Communists, “Neo-Conservatives”, ambitious careerists, and starry eyed academic types. The chosen few recruited by these Globalist groups often find themselves on a fast track to greater fame and fortune. Prior to the actual establishment of the CFR, these Globalists had worked to destroy the Tsar. Today, their successors seek to destroy Putin.

1: The USSR was born out of mass murder and terror. 2: The 15 Soviet Republics span Eurasia. 3: The New York based Council on Foreign Relations worked to establish positive relations with the new Soviet Union.


The Rise of Stalin

After Lenin’s death in 1924, Joseph Stalin, Secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee, skillfully outmaneuvered Red Army leader Lev Trotsky to take leadership of the USSR. Stalin later expelled Trotsky from the Party, then from the USSR itself. Finally, he had his Marxist rival axed through his brain by a Soviet agent in Mexico.

The Stalin-Trotsky rivalry was more than just about power. The two Reds held conflicting, and irreconcilable visions. For Trotsky, world revolution was the primary and immediate goal. Stalin on the other hand put forth a theory known as “Socialism in One Country”. This policy held that given the defeat of all Communist revolutions in Europe in 1917–1921 except Russia’s, the Soviet Union should strengthen itself internally.

This was a shift from the previously held Marxist position that socialism must be established globally, and was in opposition to Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution. “Socialism in One Country” maintained that socialism can exist within a single country despite a capitalist global market. In short, Trotsky was a Globalist Communist, whereas Stalin was a Nationalist Communist. Stalin did indeed continue to support Communists throughout the world; but his vision of a future world government, if there was ever even to be one, was one in which Moscow reigned supreme, not London and not New York.