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Stalin’s brutality instilled fear not only in the enslaved people of the Soviet Union, but also in the hearts of fellow Communists that the paranoid Stalin believed could challenge his leadership. The egomaniac renamed a city after himself (Stalingrad), and erected statues of himself in town squares. From time to time, Stalin “purged” many of his own Communist comrades, as well as wives. He dumped his first wife, and drove his second, (as well as one of his sons) to suicide. In years to come, Stalin’s chilling crimes against humanity will make Lenin’s Red Terror and Red Famine seem like minor infractions by comparison. As part of Stalin’s first “5 Year Plan”, the small farmers of the Soviet Union were forced into a collectivization scheme. The Soviet government controlled production and prices. Land, livestock, and equipment became State property. Reluctant farmers (kulaks) were smeared in the Soviet press as “greedy “capitalists.” Those who continued to resist the state’s directives were murdered or imprisoned in Stalin’s infamous Gulags.

Thousands of private farmers were killed, but the really massive death tolls occurred during the early 1930’s. Like all centrally planned economic schemes, in which “experts” think they know better than the actual farmer, Stalin’s collectivization schemes yielded low living standards for the Soviet people.

Recall our earlier discussion of the 340 ft. tall Cathedral of Christ the Savior Church in Moscow. Commissioned by Alexander I, it had taken more than 40 years to build and decorate its marble, granite, and gold plated interior. In 1931, the anti-Christian Soviets chose the location of the Cathedral to be the site of a monument to Lenin & Communism, known as the Palace of the Soviets. On December 5, 1931, by order of Stalin’s minister and brother-in-law, Lazar Kaganovich, the Cathedral was dynamited and reduced to rubble. Russian Christians grieved in silence over the cruel destruction of their religious and cultural icon.

Ironically, due to poor planning and lack of funds, the Palace of the Soviets never materialized. The site was turned into a huge swimming pool instead. We will once again return to the site of Christ the Savior Cathedral, later on in the narrative.

In 1932, the same Lazar Kaganovich, (The Wolf of the Kremlin) initiated a deliberate famine targeting farmers of the Ukrainian Republic of the Soviet Union. The Holodomor (Ukrainian translation ‘Killing by hunger’) was caused partly by the folly of Stalin’s latest communist scheme, and partly due to a deliberate, strategic terror plan engineered by Kaganovich.

Encyclopedia Britannica estimates that 7-8 million people, 5 million of them Ukrainian, were starved to death by Stalin’s famine.{11} Some estimates run as high as 10 million. The famine-genocide was aimed at starving anti-communist peasants in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia itself.

Unlike the Lenin/Trotsky terror famine of 1921, this time around there would be no outside assistance permitted into the Soviet Union. Millions died a slow death as people resorted to cannibalism. With this famine, Stalin and his henchmen destroyed any last remaining resistance to the Red Revolution.

Despite Soviet denials of the famine, and a news blackout in most of the Western press, the truth of the Holodomor was indeed known to America’s financial, academic, journalist, and political elite. Due to their sympathies towards the misguided ideal of Marxism-Globalism, major American press outlets such as The New York Times, RCA-NBC Radio and CBS Radio turned a blind eye to Stalin’s brutality. Rather than condemn Stalin, much of the Western intelligentsia longed for the opportunity to partner up with the Soviet Union and build a more integrated “New World” together.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the revered literary giant and survivor of Stalin’s Gulag, sheds some much needed light on the West’s complicit silence towards Bolshevik atrocities:

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They Hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse…

More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.

It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. (emphasis added)

The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”{12}

Solzhenitsyn’s defiance of Stalin made him both a literary and historic icon the world over. But some of his more controversial writings have been censored in the West.

Digressing a moment from Stalin, it is critical that we again reinforce the fact that this movement to create an economically and politically integrated world is not so much a “conspiracy theory” as it is an open secret. Indeed, in 1928, famed British writer HG Wells authored a book on the subject entitled, The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. The well-connected author of War of the Worlds, Time Machine, and The Invisible Man, then followed up on this theme in 1939, with another non-fiction treatise entitled, The New World Order.

Unlike most Globalists, Wells, a member of Britain’s elite Fabian Society, spoke openly about his utopian dream. Wells revealed:

“This new and complete Revolution we contemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is outright world socialism; scientifically planned and directed”.{13}

Wells continues:

“The term ‘Internationalism’ has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a World Government.”{14}

Countless similar quotes, from some of the biggest political, financial, artistic, literary and scientific luminaries the 20th century, would be enough to fill an entire volume. There is simply no denying the existence of this self perpetuating drive towards the centralization of Global economic and political power.

This is certainly not to suggest that every starry eyed idealist promoting this vision is an evil conspiratorial bloodsucker, though some indeed are. The vision of a peaceful world where diverse nations come together to facilitate travel, commerce and ideas among themselves is a noble ideal; one that Putin himself shares, by the way. The problem with the New World Order that has been advancing over the past century is that it works towards an intense Global centralization of financial, political, cultural and military power that will ultimately reduce all peoples into a proletarian mass of rootless, cultureless, alienated worker-bee tax & debt slaves; New York City writ large.

The New World Order isn’t going to be a bunch of diverse young people standing in an open field happily singing “I’d like to buy the world a Coke”. That may be the romantic delusion of many good people, but it is indeed a delusion and a dangerous one at that. Wells’ NWO is about super centralized power; plain and simple. Keep this Globalist theme in your memory bank, because it will come back into play when future events, and ultimately Mr. Putin himself, are re-introduced later on in the narrative.