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1: Stalin didn’t like Trotsky’s Globalism, so he “whacked” him. 2 & 3: Lazar Kaganovich dynamited the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow.
5: Stalin & Kaganovich deliberately engineered the Ukrainian genocide famine. 6 & 7: HG Well’s 2 books argue for Trotskyite style Global integration.


World War II

By August of 1939, Germany and Poland appeared to be heading towards war over disputed territory taken from Germany after World War I. Behind the Poles stood the British-French alliance. And behind that, from “across the pond”, stood the ostensibly “neutral” US President Franklin D Roosevelt (distant cousin of Teddy). German leader Adolf Hitler understood how British & French intrigue could again entangle Germany into a destructive two front war (as had happened during World War I). To alleviate the threat in the east, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop and Russian foreign Minister Molotov signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact.

Stalin looks on as German and Soviet foreign ministers sign Non-Aggression pact.

Hitler despised Stalin, but he wanted to keep the peace with the USSR so that Britain and France could be held in check. Western Globalists were disappointed that Stalin had agreed to a Non-Aggression Pact with Germany. But Stalin had his own plans, and his own timetable. Rather than fight Germany now, Stalin wanted Germany and the Anglo-French Alliance to fight each other first; in preparation for the day when his Red Army could then march into all of Continental Europe.

War between Germany and Poland broke out in September of 1939. With the Polish army being routed by the advancing Germans in the west, Stalin cleverly broke the 1932 Soviet-Polish Non-Aggression Pact. While fighting the Germans, Poland was stabbed in the back as Soviet forces poured in from the east. Soviet NKVD units carried out ghastly massacres; the most infamous being the Katyn Forest Massacre, in which 10,000 Polish Army officers were rounded up and shot in the head.

Just two months after swallowing Poland, Stalin launched an invasion of Finland. As he had with Poland, Stalin broke another 1932 Non-Aggression Pact he had agreed to; the Soviet-Finnish Non-Aggression Pact. The Soviet invasion of Finland was massive, with 21 Soviet divisions consisting of 450,000 Red Army troops.{15} Stalin had expected to overwhelm Finland in a matter of weeks, but the brave and outnumbered Finns staged a heroic defense of their homeland. The “Winter War” turned out to be an embarrassment for Stalin. A treaty was signed the following March, but the Finns were forced to give up 10% of their territory.

There were subsequent invasions of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and eastern Romania. And yet, the sympathetic Western press remained relatively silent. The Globalists seemed more upset over the fact that Stalin refused to join Britain and France in the war against Germany, than they were over the Soviet Union’s own aggression!

1: Cartoon depicts Hitler and Stalin walking together with guns behind their backs. 2: Stalin later tried to pin the Katyn Forest Massacre on Hitler. 3: With no help from the pro Stalin West, feisty Finns in skis held back Stalin’s Red Army.

During the Spring of 1941, with Germany and Britain fighting each other in the air, at sea and now in Northern Africa, Stalin had quietly massed his Red Army along Germany’s eastern frontier, near the Romanian oil fields that supply Germany. Hitler grew suspicious of Stalin’s intentions. Stalin had already broken two non-aggression pacts; one with Poland and another with Finland. Soviet invasions of the Baltic States, and eastern Romania offered still more proof of what Stalin was capable of. Adding to the suspicions was the fact that an enormous build up of men and material was continuing to gather just inside of Russia’s border with German held territory. With Germany distracted and overstretched, Stalin was in position to menace all of Europe.

In June of 1941, Germany unleashed “Operation Barbarossa”: the invasion of the Soviet Union. Like an NFL football team just burned by their own attempted “blitz”, the Red Army was caught tightly bunched up into offensive positions (no strategic layers of depth). Within a matter of just weeks, millions of Soviet troops were taken prisoner, and the devastating loss of weaponry and equipment left the Red Army neutralized. Up to 65% of all Soviet tanks, field guns, machine guns, and anti-tank guns were either destroyed or captured as the Germans routed the Reds all the way back to the gates of Moscow, liberating the cheering Ukrainian and Baltic peoples along the way.

It was only the onset of the brutal Russian winter that forced the Germans to pause their stunning offensive. Hitler would later explain his decision to invade the USSR thusly:

“Already in 1940 it became increasingly clear from month to month that the plans of the men in the Kremlin were aimed at the domination, and thus the destruction, of all of Europe. I have already told the nation of the build-up of Soviet military power in the East during a period when Germany had only a few divisions in the provinces bordering Soviet Russia. Only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of world-historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something that was being threatened, but rather to attack that which seemed incapable of defense… I may say this today: Of the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost.”{16}

With the Soviet Union facing swift defeat at the hands of Hitler’s forces, President Franklin D Roosevelt moved quickly to rescue Stalin’s regime. FDR released Soviet assets that had been symbolically frozen after Stalin’s attack on Finland in 1939, enabling the Soviets to immediately purchase 59 Fighter aircrafts. The Lend-Lease program which supplied Britain with arms was now expanded to include the USSR..

By 1945, the staggering amount of Lend-Lease deliveries to Stalin amounted to 11,000 aircraft, 4,000 bombers, 400,000 trucks, 12,000 tanks and combat vehicles, 32,000 motorcycles, 13,000 locomotives and railway cars, 8,000 anti-aircraft cannons, 135.000 submachine guns, 300,000 tons of explosives, 40,000 field radios, 400 radar systems, 400,000 metal cutting machine tools, several million tons of food, steel, other metals, oil and gasoline, chemicals etc.{17}

Without this enormous infusion of US aid to Stalin, the Germans could have finished off the USSR after the Spring thaw of 1942. In addition to the direct military aid, Stalin would benefit immensely from America’s entry into the war after Japan (Germany’s ally) attacked the US Naval Base in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This “infamous” event was deliberately provoked by FDR so that America could finally be dragged into the conflict. FDR’s treachery is not a “conspiracy theory”. It’s a demonstrable fact. Look it up.{18}

To make a long story short, the industrial might of the United States, coupled with the limitless manpower and tenacity of the Soviet Union, would prove too much for Germany (and Japan) to withstand. World War II ended in Europe with the Soviet capture of Berlin in May of 1945; an event facilitated by General Eisenhower’s order to stop General Patton’s advance from the West.