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No longer able to endure Stalin’s gang rapes, 1000’s of East German women committed suicide.

Under explicit encouragement from Moscow, criminal elements of the Red Army and NKVD Security forces went on to gang-rape an estimated 2,000,000 East German women and girls.{19} This ghastly crime was, for the most part, covered up by the US press and later erased entirely by the Orwellian Court Historians of Western academia.

The fighting in the Pacific ended soon after two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in August of that same year. On the very day of the 2nd atomic bombing (Nagasaki), the opportunistic Stalin broke the Soviet-Japanese Non Aggression Pact of 1941; marching into Japanese held Manchuria and claiming strategic territory. The Soviets also occupied the northern half of Korea, with the advance blessing of the US. This eventfully led to the Korean War.

All of the nations involved in World War II suffered huge losses, with Germany and the USSR losing the most. In Russia, the war against Germany, just like the war against Napoleon, came to be known as “The Great Patriotic War”. In spite of Stalin’s lack of popularity in modern day Russia, the Russian people remain proud of their victory. The fact that Stalin’s own aggressive ambitions were responsible for inviting the German invasion is generally not well understood; even in the West.

In all countries, and in all ages, historical myths die hard.

1: Hitler & his Generals suspected that Stalin was about to invade Europe. 2: The attack on Pearl Harbor brought America into the war, and to Stalin’s rescue. 3: Alaska monument commemorates the Lend Lease arms & supplies shipped from Alaska through Siberia.


The Cold War

Throughout World War II, America, Britain and the Soviet Union cooperated very closely. During the late war conferences in which the post war world was already being designed, enormous concessions were made to Stalin. With so much of Europe in ruins, the “Master Plan” plan was for the Western Globalists to establish the blueprint for a European Federation that would emerge decades later. The giant oak tree that we now know as the modern day ‘European Union’ actually started out as a tiny acorn embedded within the CFR’s ‘Marshall Plan”; the post war “recovery package” for Western Europe.{20} It was also during this period that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was established. American foreign aid and CIA foreign intrigue have dominated Western European affairs ever since

At the Yalta Conference of 1945, FDR “gave away the store” to “Uncle Joe” Stalin.

In the East, it was agreed that the nations now under Soviet occupation (Eastern Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia and Hungary) would, in time hold elections and eventually be brought into “the community of European nations” as well. The naïve Globalists were expecting the post-war “New World Order” to be a smooth and easy parliamentary marriage between the Reds of the East and the Pinks of the West.

But trouble soon arose on the way to One World Socialist paradise. You see, Stalin was not one to take orders from the London-New York syndicate. This intramural conflict of Global visions goes back to the Stalin-Trotsky conflict we visited earlier. There would be no “democratic socialism” in Eastern Europe like there was to be in the West. One by one, under Stalin’s guidance, the nations of Eastern Europe became Communist dictatorships; vassal states of the Kremlin in Moscow.

The western Globalists were disappointed over Stalin’s Soviet Nationalism. Another shooting war in 1947 was simply not an option. And thus began the “Cold War”; an international rivalry between two competing, imperialistic “Mafia families”. Contrary to the childish popular Western narrative, this second Cold War (the first one being “The Great Game” against Tsarist Russia), was not at all a contest between “Capitalism” and “Communism”, or “the good guys” vs “the bad guys” (though Stalin and friends certainly were bad-asses!)

Indeed, some of the most fanatical Cold Warriors of the West would be as left leaning as Kark Marx himself ever was! Veteran Left Wing “Cold Warrior” Globalists such as George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski were, and still are, motivated solely by a desire to subdue Eurasia. Anti-Communism never had anything to do with it.

Adding to the difficulty of confronting Stalin was the fact that so many secret Communists had infested America’s government, media, and academic institutions. Again, this is not “conspiracy theory”. This fact of history, though downplayed, has indeed been confirmed by declassified Army Intelligence reports as well as opened Soviet archives.{21}

When the Globalists thought they could work with the Soviets, they turned a blind eye to the organized Communist infiltration of America’s institutions. After all, the Globalists shared most of the same ideas and beliefs as Stalin’s little agents did. So why bother stopping them?

With a powerful military occupying Eastern Europe and so many friends and loyalists in the West, Stalin and the Soviet Union were here to stay. Thus was born the strategy known as “containment”; a 1947 policy hatched by George Kennan of the Council of Foreign Relations. Now let this next excerpt sink in because it’s critically important to understanding current world events. Kennan, perhaps the preeminent CFR foreign policy giant of the 20th century, wrote:

“The main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of a longterm, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies.”

To that end, Kennan called for countering the USSR through the “adroit and vigilant application of counter-force at a series of constantly shifting geographical and political points, corresponding to the shifts and maneuvers of Soviet policy.”

Such a policy, Kennan predicted, would “promote tendencies which must eventually find their outlet in either the break-up or the gradual mellowing of Soviet power.”{22} (emphasis added)

In other words, what Kennan was saying to his fellow Globalists was this:

“Boys. We need to deal with reality here. We’re in for a very long struggle; maybe 30 or even 40 years. The only way we can conquer the Soviets is to surround them externally, and subvert them internally.” (author’s words, not Kennan’s)

1: The Cold War was born when Stalin decided to keep Eastern Europe. 2: Marshal Plan Propaganda posters call for a United Europe. 3: Cold War Chess Master Kennan develops a long range plan.

In 1949, the Soviets detonated their first atomic bomb. Now a war with the USSR was really out of the question! Bombing disobedient nations into submission, as was done to Germany, Italy and Japan, was not an option when it came to the USSR. Not when a single Soviet nuke could turn all of London, and eventually New York, into a radioactive wasteland.

In April of that same year, the western military alliance of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed. Lord Ismay, the first Secretary General of NATO, once remarked that the purpose of NATO was to “keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”{23} Certainly, the people of Europe had a legitimate fear of Stalin, and thus, a legitimate need for a defensive alliance. But modern day NATO (US and junior partners) can no longer be called a defensive organization. Just ask Messrs. Hussein & Qaddafi!