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The Reagan administration increased the pressure by providing shoulder-fired stinger missiles to the Mujahedeen “rebels” in Afghanistan, teaming up with the Polish Pope John Paul II to incite anti-Communist rebellion in Poland, and financing the space based anti-missile laser system nicknamed “Star Wars.” The Soviets went “ballistic” (pun intended), but there was nothing they could do about it.

In 1985, the reform minded Mikhail Gorbachev was named General Secretary of the Soviet Union. The late 1980’s witnessed the sudden rise of previously underground protest movements bubbling up to the surface; aided and abetted by the West and its agents within those countries. The Afghan bloodbath was in its 7th year, the heavily centralized Soviet economy was struggling, and the people themselves were losing faith.

Gorbachev committed to a program of internal liberalization. He also signaled his desire to negotiate a massive missile reduction treaty with the West and to get out of Afghanistan. Reagan was ready and eager to make a historic deal when the two leaders met in Iceland (Reykjavik Summit). Gorbachev proposed a 50% initial reduction in the nuclear arsenals of each side. The catch was that the US had to abandon its missile defense program. This was not an unreasonable offer on “Gorby’s” part. After all, from the Russian point of view, an American space based missile defense system could spell doom for the Soviet Union as it would no longer be able to respond to a potential American first strike.

Reagan’s Globalist and Neo-Con handlers would have none of it. The SDI program (Strategic Defense Initiative) was what they hoped to one day bring any nuclear capable nation to its knees with. Keep this obsession with ‘Missile Defense’ in your memory bank, for it will come back into play, later on in the narrative.

The Summit ended in failure, but the two leaders met again the following year to reduce their respective missile counts on Europe. A close camaraderie developed between the two historic leaders who sincerely wanted peace for their respective nations. Unfortunately, neither Reagan nor Gorbachev was ever really in control of “the end of the Cold war”. It was still George Kennan’s legacy calling the shots.

The honorable and popular Ronald Reagan exited the world stage in January 1989. He was succeeded by his Vice President, the duplicitous CFR Globalist and former CIA chief, George Bush (Bush 41).

June of 1989 saw anti-Communist candidates win numerous victories in newly democratic Poland. This sparked a series of peaceful Soros/CIA aided “Velvet Revolutions” in Eastern Europe. The tactics of Poland’s “Solidarity” movements were repeated in various ways by opposition groups throughout the Eastern Bloc, eventually leading to the dismantling of the pro Soviet Eastern Bloc/Warsaw Pact.

1: The Pope & Reagan assisted the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. 2: Reagan & Gorbachev had an excellent relationship. 3: Though Gorbachev trusted Reagan, the Russians remained fearful about the future misuse of a US Missile-Defense shield.

April-June of 1989 was also when the Tiananmen Square student upspring broke out in China. As was the case with Eastern Europe, legitimate popular discontent was skillfully exploited by CIA operations and Soros money.{27} After 7 weeks, the Chinese government cracked down hard on the protesters. Soros’s organization then shut down and left China.

In November of that same year came the historic fall of the hated Berlin Wall, which had divided the Communist half of the city from the Western half ever since 1961. Divided since the end of World War II, Communist East Germany and democratic West Germany would finally be reunited in 1990.

In return for assurances that the USSR would not oppose German reunification, the Bush gang made an empty promise to Gorbachev. The US claimed that NATO membership would never extend “one inch to the east” to include the nations of Eastern Europe.{28} This was very important to Gorbachev because war with any NATO member means war with all NATO members.

With the Soviet Union facing imminent collapse, Bush and his crew took advantage of their free hand by attacking Iraq (under the false pretext of “freeing Kuwait”) and then imposing crippling sanctions upon the doomed Arab nation. An act of aggression like this would have been unthinkable during the heyday of the Soviet Union. The Gulf War was the first of a series of unchallenged American aggressions that were to take place throughout the 1990’s and early 2000’s.

On Christmas Day of 1991, Gorbachev resigned his position as he dissolved the Soviet Union into 15 sovereign Republics: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan.

Many of the weak and struggling nations of both Eastern Europe, and what was now the ex-Soviet Union, soon became easy pickings for the Globalists. The entrapment of the Western European nations within the Globalist European Union was already nearing completion. Now, the One Worlders were setting their sights on swallowing up the fresh meat of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and even Russia itself. For astute observers who truly understood geo-politics, Bush himself “let the cat of the bag” in several addresses to the American public. Here is a sampling of actual Bush quotes, made publicly, from this period:

“Ultimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the world order. Perhaps the world order of the future will truly be a family of nations.”{29}

“The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order — where brutality will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance.”{30}

“Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge.”{31}

“What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea — a new world order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause.”{32}

Bush’s sidekick and Secretary of State James Baker (CFR) also spoke openly about the new world economic integration that was now within reach. Baker referred to it as “an architecture stretching from Vancouver to Vladivostok”. For the geographically challenged, Vancouver, Canada represents one of North America’s western most points and Vladivostok represents one of Russia’s eastern most points.

The American public had no idea what this “New World Order” business was all about. But if the reader has been paying attention, he or she should know by now what this ‘Great Game” is about.

The Eastern Bloc and the Soviet Union were gone with the wind. Now it was time for the badly weakened new Russian Republic, with its nukes and its vast resources, to be taken out and disintegrated.

Enter Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin.

1: The Berlin Wall is no more. Gorbachev agreed to German reunification in exchange for a promise that NATO would not expand eastward. 2: Soon after dissolving the USSR, Gorby retired from politics. 3: Bush 41 spooked a lot of people with his repeated calls for a “New World Order” (advisors later told him to ditch the term).


The Rape of Russia

Bush 41 and Gorbachev exited the world stage during the early 1990’s. Bush losing his 1992 reelection bid to fellow Yale alumnus and CFR member Bill Clinton; and Gorby yielding the reins of the new democratic Russia over to the inept drunkard, Boris Yeltsin.