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Chamber of Congregation — a kobold restaurant

Chokeweeds — a common way of labeling the "Excisor" political party

Choo-Choo — one of Button's ogre bodyguards

Christmas — a nightclub in Hellebore House

Clover Effect — that which prevents free travel between mortal world and Faerie

Coathook — a "half-wild" goblin

Coextensives — a middle-of-the road political party

Common Breath — the main language of Faerie

Creepers — a common way of labeling the "Symbiote" political party

Cuckoo — a Faerie handgun

Cut-stones — a gambling game

Daffodil House — family compound in Gloaming District, contains Daffodil, Jonquil, and Narcissus towers

Daffodil, Lord — head of one of the Seven Families

Daisy — a noble Fairy house

Daisy, Dyspurnia — one of the leaders of the Daisy clan, Zenion's sister

Daisy, Zenion — one of the leaders of the Daisy clan, Dyspurnia's brother

Dano — member of Theo's band

Darkwood Generation LPB — one of Lord Thornapple's power companies

Daughters of the Grove — a service organization of wealthy Flower-folk

Deeping Hollow — kobold city underneath New Erewhon

Delphinion — where Larkspur's territory is found

Districts — the roughly spiral divisions of the City, they go from "lightest" at the outskirts to "darkest" at the City's center: Sunrise, Morning Sky, Forenoon, Sunlight, Longshadow, Sunset, Twilight, Gloaming, Eventide, Moonlight, Midnight

Dobbies — fieldworker fairies

Dogwood, Findus — a power plant supervisor

Dolly — an ogre, one of the Daisy bodyguards

Donnus — Drusilla's boyfriend, studying to be a chirurgeon

Doonie — horsefaced road-fairies

Doorlatch — an older goblin, assistant to Button

Dowd, Eamonn Albert — Theo's great-uncle

Dowsing Academy — a prep school for young Flower nobility

Drusilla — Poppy's friend who lives in Forenoon

Eastwater-Merrowtown Station — a train station near Ys and the dock area

Elysium House — a Fairy government center

Evermore — a university

Excisors — the "anti-mortal" political party, aka "Chokeweeds"

Fachan — a type of fairy

Fenlands — the marshy lands outside the city

Ferishers — a type of fairy usually drawn to domestic chores

Fernwater Row — site of one of the City's main markets

Festival Hill — Hellebore country mansion in Birch

Feverfew twins — patients at Zinnia Manor

Field — a semi-geographical division of Faerie: Elder, Ivy, Reed, Vine, Hazel, Hawthorn, Oak, Holly, Rowan, Birch, Willow, Alder, Ash

First Unusual Era — an earlier age in Faerie history

Foxglove — a leading noble fairy house

Foxglove, Malander — son of one of the more important Faerie houses

Foxglove, Viorel — Lord Foxglove, head of the Foxglove family

Gatehouse, The — a restaurant inside Daffodil House complex

Gateway Oak — one of the fields of Faerie, also known as "Oak"

Ghostweed — a drug

Gigantine Wars — the wars between the fairies and the giants

Glaistig Haven Road — a street on the border between Twilight District and Eastwater.

Goblin Wars — wars between the ruling fairies and the goblins

Goblins — a type of fairy, brought to the City for manual labor

Goldenstare — goblin name for King Oberon

Goodfellow, Robin — the most famous pooka of all, now a boatman

Gossamer Hills — a brand of tea

Grandma Dowd — Theo's maternal grandmother, Eamonn Dowd's sister

Graywindle — the river at the border of Larkspur/Daisy lands

Great Hill — where the first fairies lived

Great Rowan — one of the fields of Faerie, also known as "Rowan"

Green Women — a kind of fairy

Greencoat — a kind of fairy

Grims — wild goblins

Gummy — a Foxglove ogre bodyguard

Hawthorn Scathe — one of the fields of Faerie, also known as "Hawthorn"

Hazel Wand — one of the fields of Faerie, also known as "Hazel"

Heath — Tansy's doonie driver

Hedgerow Avenue — a road near Elysium House

Hellebore, Antoninus — Lord Hellebore's heir, also known as "Anton"

Hellebore, Aurelia — Lady Hellebore, Nidrus' wife, Anton's mother

Hellebore, Nidrus — Lord Hellebore, head of the Hellebore family

Henbane Square — plaza outside Thornapple House

Hinky-punks — a kind of fairy

Hoarfrost Park — a park near Daffodil House

Hob — a kind of fairy, drawn especially to house-management

Hobbanies — another fairy drawn to management, related to hobs

Hobthrush — another fairy related to hobs

Hodkins — a type of fairy

Hogboons — a type of very small, very prickly fairy

Hollow-men — pale, human-sized, cave-dwelling trolls

Holly Crown — one of the fields of Faerie, also known as "Holly"

Hollyhock — one of the Seven Families

Hollyhock, Malvus — Lord Hollyhock, head of one of the Seven Families

Hollyhock, Dalian — Lord Hollyhock's nephew

Horizon Bar — a bar from Theo's past

Hornets — guns used by Special Constables

Hy Breasil — an island in Ys

Hydrangea — a Flower-clan with which Button had a formative experience

Index of Humours — one of the tests done on Theo in Daffodil House

Interdomain Highway System — road system built by order of the Parliament of Blooms

Irrha — an ancient disease-spirit

Ivy Round — a field of Faerie, also known as "Ivy"

Jacky Stonecrop — Theo's alias

James Macomber Eggles, aka Stumpy Jim — owner of body taken by the irrha

Jasper — a kobold artist, friend of Primrose

Jenny Greenteeth — a malevolent water fairy

Jenrette — Peter Vilmos' army cabin-mate

Jimmy Squarefoot — a particularly slow and stupid type of fairy

Jonquil — fairy family, part of the larger Daffodil Clan

Jonquil, Aemilia — Lady Jonquil, sister of Lord Daffodil

Jonquil, Zirus — Lady Jonquil's son, Lord Daffodil's nephew

Juniper — bartender at the Shed, a greencoat fairy

Khasigian — Theo's boss, the florist

Killmoulis — a water fairy

Klippies — tiny little fairy-folk

Knocker's Walk — a sight-seeing destination in the City

Kobolds — an underground fairy

Kohler — a San Francisco homicide detective

Kraley, Mrs. — Theo's mom's neighbor

Lady Birch — a fairy of the "Tree" nobility from Button's story

Laney — Catherine Lillard's friend

Larkspur, Lord — head of the Larkspur family, an Excisor

Last Gate, The — mystical passage to City in Dowd's book

Leshy — a forest fairy, also known as "woodwight"

Lillard, Catherine ("Cat") — Theo's girlfriend

Lillard, Mr. (Tom) and Mrs. — Catherine's parents

Lily, Garvan — Lord Lily, head of one of the Seven Families

Lilypad Sundries — a store in the City

Loireag — a water fairy

Loosestrife — one of the less powerful fairy houses

Loosestrife, Ltd. — a department store on Pentacle Street

Lungwort, Mr. — managing director of Zinnia Manor

Mabon — a fairy harvest holiday

Maeve — another name for Queen Titiania

Marchwardens — guards on Larkspur's lands

Mariposa — street on which Theo's cabin stands

Marshes, Dennis and Stephanie — couple who buy Theo's mother's house

Mighty Clouds of Angst — Theo's band

Mirrorcase — a fairy device for communication and divination