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The shadows were lengthening as they came out of the forest and saw their home, serene and warm with late afternoon sun, nestling under the huge oak against the hillside.

" 'Tis yet there!" Cordelia breathed.

"Praise Heaven," Magnus agreed.

But Kelly suddenly struck his forehead with the heel of his hand. "Oy vay! How could I have forgotten?"

"How couldst thou indeed?" Puck asked. "Nay, elf, an thou hast any cause at all to be from us…"

"What is it, then?" Cordelia turned to him.

"The fairies' shoes! I had promised two flower-folk to have new slippers for them, for treading of the elfin ring this night! Nay, I must be off to my bench and last!"

"Do not dare!" Puck said, but Kelly was already darting off through the greenwood, crying, "Farewell!"

"He could not, after all, disappoint the two fairies." Cordelia scowled at Puck. "Thou art but mean, Robin!"

"I mean a great deal indeed." Puck glared after the fleeing elf. "Nay, an I catch that son of Erin and Israel again…"

"Thou must not injure one who hath shared our trials," Gregory protested.

"Aye, all but the final one."

"What dost thou speak of?" Magnus questioned.

"'Tis my concern, not thine—and mine alone, now." Puck set his face toward the children's house, looking grim. "Come, children. At last, I believe I have some chance of bringing thee safe to home."

The boys yelped with joy and darted off across the meadow. Fess and Cordelia followed a bit more slowly with the captives, Groghat floating between them, bumping in breezes.

As they came near the door, Geoffrey looked back to check on his spoils of war and frowned. "They do begin to struggle again, Magnus."

Groghat and Phebe were thrashing about against their ropes, and Lontar had opened his eyes, squinting against the pain in his chest.

"'Twill be merciful to restore them to sleep," Cordelia pointed out.

"Aye, and more safe." Magnus stepped up beside Lontar, glaring down at him. Cordelia let Groghat settle to the ground and rode over to stare at Phebe, and Geoffrey and Gregory took her place near Groghat. They all concentrated, staring at their captives. The thrashing dwindled, then stilled, and the prisoners' eyes closed again.

The Gallowglasses breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the door.

Cordelia paused. "Where may we put them?"

"Only the parlor is large enough." Magnus rubbed his chin.

Geoffrey clapped his hands. "What could be easier? We'll but clear the table and chairs aside!"

"Mayhap 'tis not the best…" Puck began, but the children had already darted in. He sighed and followed, hearing the clatter of furniture moving.

They floated them in by size—Phebe first, then Lontar. Fess lifted his head as the sorcerer's weight came off his back, saying, "Children, your parents might not wish…"

"What else might we do with them?" Cordelia called over her shoulder as the old man's feet disappeared into the parlor.

"We might build a shelter," Fess suggested as they came back out.

Magnus shook his head as he untied Groghat's tow-ropes from the jury-rigged collar. " 'Twould have to be a complete cabin to protect them enough from wind, rain, and chill, Fess. Thou wouldst not have us let them catch their deaths, wouldst thou?"

'"'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished," Puck answered, eyes flashing as he watched the giant float into the house.

"Thou art still thirsty for blood, Robin," Cordelia sighed as she passed through the door.

"And what if I am?" the elf growled to himself. "Better their blood than thine, sweet chucks! Sayest thou not so, Walking Iron?"

"In some measure," Fess agreed. "But I must admit, I'm glad to see so much of compassion in them."

Magnus and Cordelia came back out. The boy caught Fess's bridle and led him away toward his stable at the back of the house. "Come now, faithful one! It hath been a long journey. Warm housen and oil for thee now."

"The rest will be appreciated," Fess sighed. "I have much new data to integrate…"

They disappeared around the corner of the house. Cordelia turned to her unicorn, and Puck suddenly found something very interesting to study in the patterns of the milkweed that had sprouted by the front door.

"I must bid thee farewell for now, Beauteous One," Cordelia explained, "for my mother would be even more wroth, did she find thee within doors! And thy quest is done now, is't not?"

The unicorn nodded, pawing the turf.

"But oh! Thou wilt not leave me forever, wilt thou?" Cordelia caught the unicorn's head between her palms, gazing up into her eyes. "I shall be so lonely without thee—and shall be forlorn, an I thought thou wert never to see me more! Thou wilt not leave me lorn, wilt thou?"

The unicorn shook her head, and stepped forward to nuzzle her face and butt her velvet nose against Cordelia's chest.

"Aye, thou art still my dear one," Cordelia breathed. "Fare-thee-well, then, till I do see thee again!"

The unicorn stepped back and tossed her head as she turned, cantering away toward the woodland. Just short of the verge, she reared, turning back, and pawed the air, looking directly into Cordelia's eyes; then she turned toward the woodland, her forehooves struck the carpet of dry leaves, and she trotted in among the trees, glimmering in the twilight, and faded from view.

Cordelia stood gazing after the unicorn with tears in her eyes. "She will not forsake me, will she?"

"Not so long as thou dost not wish her to," Puck said softly.

"Oh! How could I ever wish her to!"

"Thou wouldst not," Puck agreed. "Yet the day may come when thou dost crave some other being with greater yearning."

Cordelia shook her head with passion. "Nay, never!"

"Mayhap," Puck sighed, "yet mayhap also… Well! 'Mayhap,' and 'mayhap!'Thy world could drown in so many 'mayhaps,' could it not? And thou wouldst not haply be happy thereby. Nay, come away, child! Thou wilt see thy unicorn many times again, I trow, for a span of years more, belike! Nay, come away—I doubt me not an thy brothers have need of thine aid."

He turned away toward the doorway, looking up at her expectantly.

Cordelia smiled down at him through her tears, dried her eyes, and went in.

She found the three captives laid out on the floor by the fireplace and her brothers staring at one another blankly.

"Why dost thou stand idle?" Cordelia demanded. "Has the forest taken thy wits, that thou no longer knowest what to do within doors?"

" 'Tis not even that," Magnus protested. "Nay, rather—'tis the management of captives that doth concern me. We dare not chance their awakening."

"There's truth in that," Cordelia admitted, "and who doth know how long 'twill be ere Mama and Papa return?"

"The more reason to be sure of them, then." Geoffrey darted over to the corner, caught up Papa's walking stick, and stalked over to Groghat, standing beside his head, glowering down. "If he doth flutter an eyelid…"

"Thou'lt use thy 'sleep spell,' not thy cudgel," Magnus directed. "'Tis safer, and more sure. And I will stand guard over the sorcerer; he might yet give us a bad turn or two." He stepped over beside Lontar.

"Thou must needs sleep, soon or late," Gregory pointed out.

Magnus frowned. "'Tis true. Let us bind them more securely. Geoffrey, dost thou know that coil of rope Papa doth keep in the shed?"

Geoffrey nodded and disappeared with a bang. Air boomed out a moment later, and he was back, a huge coil of rope over his shoulder. He dumped it on the floor and straightened, exhaling. " 'Tis heavy!"

"Aye," Magnus replied. "Thy pardon; I should have gone."

"Oh, nay!" Geoffrey said, irked. "Dost thou think me a baby?"

"Never, brother," Magnus assured him. "Now, then—let us do the giant first, whilst we're fresh. Gregory, thou must bind the knots. Geoffrey and Cordelia, now—UP!"

They all scowled in fierce concentration. Slowly, Groghat rose three feet off the floor The top end of the rope darted toward him like a striking Snake, whipped about his body, and tied itself in a square knot.

'Turn, now," Magnus grated.

All three older children tensed.

Slowly, Groghat began to turn, then faster and faster, like a table leg on a lathe.

Gregory frowned at the rope, guiding it as it laid itself in a neat coil all along Groghat's body. When it reached his ankles, he stopped turning, and the rope whipped itself into another knot.

"Now, down," Magnus directed.

The giant's body lowered itself to the floor again.

Cordelia, Geoffrey, and Magnus all heaved a sigh of relief. Geoffrey stepped in to cut the rope with his knife, and stepped back. Then Magnus said, "Now the sorcerer."

They didn't even scowl; Lontar's scrawny body floated up off the floor easily; the rope tied itself; Lontar began to revolve.

When all three lay cocooned neatly side by side, Magnus and Geoffrey took up their stations again.

"Thou still must needs sleep," Gregory repeated.

"When we do, elves may stand guard; there will be time for us to waken, now that these three are so securely bound," Magnus explained. "They shall call us at the slightest sign of wake fulness. Will they not, Robin?"

"What… ?" Puck looked up from chewing his fingernails. "Oh, aye! Be assured, the Wee Folk will be most eager to aid thee in keeping these three from waking in the High Warlock's house! 'Tis bad enough as 'tis," he muttered, turning back to gaze into the cold hearth, chafing his hands.

Cordelia frowned. "What doth trouble thee, Robin?"

"Naught that need worry thee," the elf answered. " 'Tis for myself to answer, children. Do thou not be concerned."

Cordelia still frowned but, unable to figure out what Puck was talking about, shrugged and went to the shelves to take up her embroidery. "Well then, sin that it may be some hours or, nay, even days yet, I will seek to pass the time." And she went to sit down by Phebe's feet, keeping an eye on the milkmaid and plying her needle, singing happily.

For himself, Gregory drifted up to the mantelpiece and sat there cross-legged, tailor-fashion, back straight, hands in his lap, gazing down at his brothers and sister fondly, smiling.

Puck looked up at him with a grimace, knowing Gregory's mother had forbidden the mantelpiece, claiming that if it had been intended for sitting on, his father would have carved a chair in it. The High Warlock had instantly volunteered to start whittling, but his wife had vetoed it with a glare and a remark about soot on boys' clothes. Her husband had pointed out that a little soot probably wouldn't make much difference, but mother had been firm, and the mantel had remained a forbidden zone. Puck remembered that now, and started to say something, but caught himself and heaved a sigh. What was one peccadillo more or less? He went back to a glum contemplation of his fate.

Around them, the room darkened into evening. Finally, with an impatient snap of the fingers, Puck summoned some brownies who skipped to light the fire and a few lamps, then disappeared back into their crannies.

Magnus and Geoffrey each sent their prisoners back into sleep again. Phebe began to twitch, and Cordelia looked up at her, briefly. The woman went back to sleep.

Which is how matters stood when the door opened and the High Warlock and his wife came in, with glad cries upon their lips.

The glad cries froze as they saw the scene before them.

Puck took one look at their faces, moaned, and shot up the chimney with a wail of despair.

The children looked at one another wide-eyed, suddenly aware that their behavior might have been a little less than ideal.

Then Mama closed her mouth, and took a deep breath.

But Papa beat her to it. "And just what do you think you've been doing?"

Gregory's chin began to quiver. "We… we are sorry…"

"We will not do it again," Cordelia promised with tears in her eyes.

"We did not mean to…" Magnus explained, with trepidation.

But.Geolfrey squared his shoulders in defiance and stated, "Thou didst not say we couldn't!"