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“You have not the least idea how great a delight,” I said slowly, knowing I had to go along with her if I was to do anything for either Tammad or myself. “I had never thought to see him so, the one who so arrogantly took me from my people to serve his base desires. So you have fallen slave, eh, l’lenda? How demeaning for you—and how deliciously proper.”

My laugh put a darkening on his skin and a scowl on his face, but that was nothing compared to what it did to his mind. Reading him made me want to close my eyes and swallow hard, but I didn’t dare; all I could do was continue to laugh, and hope the chains holding his wrists to the post above his head didn’t snap. The way he was straining at them there was no guarantee they wouldn’t, and that despite the ugly welts all over him. He wasn’t a good, obedient slave, that was for sure, and I couldn’t even ease his pain. His mind was so wild with outrage and indignation that I couldn’t get through the barrier he was inadvertently projecting. I let the laughter die away and turned to Aesnil.

“I will happily join you come the new sun to watch this—beast—provide a spectacle for our pleasure,” I told her. “You are indeed generous to a guest beneath your roof, and I will not forget how much is owed you for this gesture: Let us leave this place now—the smell of their sweat sickens me.”

Aesnil smiled and nodded and began to turn away with me, but the sound of Tammad’s voice stopped us.

“Wenda, you are not yet done with me,” he growled, causing us to turn back to look at him. “Do not come to see me fight, else your pleasure will be considerably diminished when I reclaim you. Run, instead, and attempt to hide from me—and learn for the final time that I will find you wherever you go. You will not escape the reckoning due between us.”

He stood there glaring down at me, all self-righteous pride. The stiff-necked fool refused to entertain the least possible idea that the helpless female might be trying to give the mighty warrior a band in getting free, and that made me mad. As far as he was concerned I was useless, fit only for standing around and waiting until he did something. He didn’t deserve my help, but he would get it anyway—as well as a little something extra.

“I rarely find it necessary to run from a chained slave,” I told his anger, deliberately looking him up and down. “Slavery becomes you, and will undoubtedly be your lot for quite some time. Tell me, Chama: has he yet been given a slave for the latest of his victories?”

“The slaves await the victors now, chained by the neck in their cells,” Aesnil told me. “These vendraa would already have been returned there had I not ordered that they be made to await my pleasure. Do you wish the slave given him removed again?”

“No,” I answered, still staring at Tammad. His anger was just as strong as it had been all along, but my own anger gave me the added strength I needed to break through his iron defenses. I fought with his definitely opposed will, the sweat breaking out on my forehead, only partially aware of seeing him bare his clenched teeth, and then I was through, deep inside his unprotected mind. He struggled in his chains at the post, as though physical movement would help repel mental invasion, but he was much too late even if he’d been right. I poured my suggestion into his mind, strengthening it and underscoring it, and then withdrew slowly and deliberately, showing him I could come and go at will. Blazing fury followed me out of his mind, but the heat of the blaze couldn’t touch me.

“No,” I repeated to Aesnil, taking a deep breath. “Leave the slave as she is. He will continue to feel desire for her, and will need to attempt her use before proving to himself that he is now incapable of using a female. A sudden feeling of inadequacy will come to him each time he attempts it, so strong a feeling that it will overcome his desire. The sight should be quite amusing.”

“Excellent.” Aesnil laughed. “Exquisitely fitting. How clever you are, Terril. Let us leave them now to their own devices and return to my palace.”

“A lovely idea,” I agreed, turning away from Tammad, who was struggling so hard to get loose that the post was groaning. He was absolutely livid with rage and humiliation, and it was a considerable relief to walk away from him. He would not enjoy his next few hours of life, but my position with Aesnil had become much more secure. With a little luck, I’d never have to do anything like that to him again—not that he didn’t deserve it. If he’d had a little faith in me, it wouldn’t have had to happen in the first place.

Once we got back to the palace I found it necessary to join Aesnil in the royal suite for a glass of wine, but was able to put the time to good use. Through casual questioning I discovered that the other two men taken with Tammad—one a “normal” blond and one unusually dark-haired like me—had been brought to the palace to be servant-slaves when it was discovered that they weren’t vendra quality. Aesnil was curious about the dark-haired one, and grew indignant when I told her he was a man of my own land who had betrayed me to Tammad. I added that I would like to have that one in particular as a servant right after seeing Tammad fight for his life the next day, and she agreed immediately then asked what I had in mind for the turncoat. I painted a picture of humiliation and degradation that set her chuckling with pleasure, then excused myself to return to my rooms. Aesnil had told me a bath would be available any time I wanted it, and I was quick to say I wanted it immediately.

By the time I got back to my rooms a slave was already there, waiting to take me to the bath chamber. I found a closet filled with gowns, chose one in a cool ice blue, then let the slave carry it as she led me and my guards through the corridors. I’d looked in both rooms before leaving in hopes of finding Daldrin, but the man hadn’t been anywhere around. I’d chewed my lip over his disappearance, but hadn’t let myself worry the question long. I needed his help desperately to free Garth and Len from the palace, and couldn’t consider trying it without him. If something had happened to cause his permanent disappearance, I’d find myself with plenty of time for worrying then.

My guards were left outside a single door which led to a small area with another single door in it. The slave opened the second door to reveal what looked like a candle-lit, furred and pillowed resting area, and after closing the door behind us she carefully set my gown in one corner, then gestured me after her to the third and final door. The resting area had been warmer than the entrance area and corridor, but behind the third door lay a large tub below floor level and more heat than I’d already experienced. I entered slowly, looking around at the windowless walls hung with silks and large candles, seeing two other slaves jump to their feet as the third closed the door behind us. All three of the slaves were naked, and in that room it was a good idea.

“Allow us to assist you, dendaya,” one of the slaves murmured, coming closer with the other two to help me out of my gown. I didn’t particularly want their help, but the sudden heat was making me drowsy, adding to the tiredness I already felt from my battle with Tammad. It was easier letting the slaves have their way, and before another minute had gone by my sandals were also gone and I was being directed into the water. I sank down in the tub with a sigh and put my head back, then let all my worries and aches soak out of me into the warm, soothing water.

The slaves let me relax a while, then slowly and gently began washing me. It felt wonderfully good to be taken care of that way, and by the time my hair was also done I was ready for a nap. I let myself be urged out of the water and into a thick, soft cloth being used as a towel, then followed one of the slaves into the resting area. I had my eye on a comfortable-looking pile of gold and white pillows, but the slave asked me to stretch out on the carpet fur so that lotions could be massaged into my skin. I agreed with a sigh, loosening the towel as I lay down, telling myself the massage would be worth the loss of the pillows. I got as comfortable as possible on the carpet, letting my eyes close as the slave left, probably to get the lotions.