“She tells me she cannot take passage with us to Kel Ar’Ayen in the circumstances.” Temar smiled without humour. “She has to return to Hadrumal, since Planir no longer has any excuse to avoid appointing a new Cloud-Master—or Mistress.”
The notion that the Archmage might find himself too busy to interfere in our affairs wasn’t unwelcome as far as I was concerned.
“Are you going back to Hadrumal?” Livak looked at Allin.
The girl sniffed defiantly. “No. I’m going to Kellarin. I said I would and I’m going. I don’t care what Casuel says, I can be useful there.”
“You are always useful,” Temar told her with warm approval. “And I can settle Casuel’s objections.”
“How?” I was curious.
Temar grinned. “By telling him I’ve remembered that last D’Evoir he’s so keen to tie himself to had both sons and brothers. The man married into Den Perinal and his brothers took wives from Den Vaedra and Den Coirrael.”
“So by the time Cas looks up from whatever archives he can trace for those Names, your ships will be the barest memory of foam on the horizon,” I concluded. “Cas has ambitions to noble rank,” I explained to Livak, who was looking puzzled.
“Good luck to him,” she scoffed.
“Quite so.” Temar hesitated. “But if we want to set sail this side of For-Autumn I have a great deal to get shipped down to Zyoutessela and then carried over the portage way to the ocean harbour. Please excuse us.”
Livak and I stepped aside to let them pass, Temar absently taking Allin’s hand.
“I wonder how long it’ll take for those two to realise they really should be more than friends?” she mused.
“It depends whether or not he’s still got eyes for anyone else once he’s back with Guinalle,” I commented. “Allin’s a very minor moon to outshine her glamour. Though Charoleia’s little game certainly seems to have given him something to think about on that score.”
“Halice will make sure Temar notices Allin, if I ask her,” Livak said slyly. “And it’ll do that Guinalle no harm to have her nose put out of joint. If you sleep with a lad and then cast him off, you do it properly. Guinalle’s not playing fair by encouraging him to keep hoping when she’s no intention of taking him back. Usara’ll be only too glad to console her, anyway.”
I looked down at Livak. “Don’t you like Guinalle?”
“I barely know her.” She was unconcerned. “But she’s too much like certain wizards for my taste. Why does magical talent of any ilk make people think they’ve the right to tell other folk how to live their lives?”
“Temar’s not about to let Guinalle do that any more, not if the straight talking I heard him giving her the other day’s any indication.” I laughed. “Avila Tor Arrial was using Artifice to help him contact her and the enchantment nearly got away from her, she was so indignant.”
Livak frowned. “That’s the skinny old woman who always looks like she’s biting a sour apple?”
“She’s not so sour now,” I smiled. “And she’s not going back to Kellarin either, it seems. She’s staying here to look after D’Alsennin interests and, if I’m any judge, to be wooed by a certain Esquire Den Harkeil.”
But Livak’s thoughts were elsewhere. “Halice said she always found the Tor Arrial woman’s judgement pretty sound.” Which was high praise from Halice.
We walked on again and finally came to the end of the long stone-built quay. Below us the sea lapped on shelving sands where red-legged gulls picked over the line of weed and jetsam along the high-water mark.
For lack of anything more important to do, we stood there in close embrace while the busy life of the port went on all around us. Livak said something and I leaned back to lift her chin with one finger. “I don’t know how you ever expect me to hear anything, when you insist on talking into my shirt laces.”
She looked at me, new purpose in her emerald eyes. “We could go to Kellarin. We could be useful there, like the mage lass said.”
“We could,” I said slowly. That notion had already occurred to me, but I’d wanted to see how the land lay with Livak before suggesting it.
“Halice is there and I miss her,” Livak continued frankly. “I love Sorgrad and ’Gren like brothers, but it’s not the same. And you’re going to be wondering what D’Alsennin is up to wherever we are, aren’t you?”
I was about to protest then thought better of it. “True enough.” But I still wasn’t going to swear service to him. The Sieur was right; it was time to be my own man, and where better than in an untested land where no one knew me. I’d certainly had enough of the whispers that were scuttling after me in Toremal.
I looked more closely at Livak’s wide-eyed innocence. “And there’s something else?”
She smiled winningly. “You know this Mountain girl I mentioned? She was one of what Sorgrad calls Sheltya, Mountain Adepts in Artifice. She didn’t exactly come willingly, and it mightn’t be a bad idea to get an ocean between me and the rest of them.”
I tried and failed to stop myself laughing. “Let’s go home. I think you’d better tell me all about it.”