He crossed to the man with the small head and spoke to him and resumed station. None of the others moved: there'd been no signal to move, because they believed in meet.
'A few minutes late: say three, four. But he could be wrong: an official was moving some people away from the edge of Platform № 3 and in the far distance a whistle sounded, its thin note drifting on the wind and funneling into the arched mouth of the station. Fifteen seconds or so later I saw signal wires jerk on their pulleys.
12:44 but chronometric time was no longer usefuclass="underline" a train was now on its run in and it was probably the express. It was now a matter of sighting it and adapting my movements to its approach so that I would be nearing the barrier as it drew in, nearing the barrier without changing my pace. It would be perfectly normal to turn sooner, hearing the train, or to quicken my steps a little, impatient to meet my friend; but I preferred to keep the pattern unchanged because I'd now made them familiar with it.
Similarly any train would do for my purposes since what I needed were the attendant confusion. and the erection of the sliding walclass="underline" it didn't have to be the express; but the pattern had been established to focus on № 3 barrier and I didn't want to use a new one, a different one, because even the most experienced tags are human and therefore fallible, mentally predicting the actions of the target and basing their own on his. The consequent lulling effect produces a subsequent shock when the actions become inconsistent with their prediction: in the Hocherl reaction test the electro-encephalograph will shift critically when the conditioned subject sees the pointer change its motion after a mere twenty-five beats, and this is always confirmed in verbal questioning: 'I thought it moved to the left again and I saw a kind of phantom image for a fraction of a second.'
The pattern was going to be changed on the other side of the barrier and the visual + psychological shock would produce a time gain of much more than a fraction of a second. I might never need it but that kind of reasoning is sloppy and can be fataclass="underline" preparation for any important action has got to be one hundred per cent and the instructtors at Norfolk have a phrase for it 'A bull at a gate's never yet got out of the field.'
From here the snow looked grey, a mottled and slanting veil covering the mouth of the station, and through it came the outline, its size increasing, dark grey on light. Other people were moving towards the barrier, their voices rising, and I made a final turn and came back, noting the group's disposition, the narrow gap between the two men on the left and the people in the middle, the wider gap towards right centre. Distance now closing, obstacles registered: big suitcase near the women on the right, unattended baggage trolley halfway between the two men and the gates, ticket collector's stool close against barriers, all.
Train slowing, coasting to a crawl, conrods lazy, snow caked on the front of the locomotive and thick along the carriage roofs — someone moved at the edge of the vision field and I looked back at the clock and down again, porter, not one of them, not one of Foster's men. Three more paces and I stopped, filling the gap, the wider gap towards right centre, the one I would use.
Of course they might have put someone into the platform area and it was a risk but a calculated risk so discount. Discount and wait.
And don't muck it.
Wait for the first door, the first one, not till then. When it swung open I moved.
He shouted at me but that was anticipated and there was nothing he could do because he couldn't leave his post at the barrier and within the first ten seconds I was behind reliable cover as the passengers began filling the platform between the train and the ticket-gate area and then I heard him again but the nearest official was two carriages away on the forward end and by now I was walking, taking my time, keeping to cover but nearing the mid-section carriage where most of the passengers had got out.
'She'll be here. She said she would meet us.'
A woman wept, a fat woman buried in her thick coat, the tears bright on her face, no, she won't be here, it said in the paper, you saw the paper.
'I tell you she couldn't telephone because the lines were down at Inowroclaw and besides they don't arrest the students, they know there's no harm in them.' Snow on the wet platform where boots had dislodged it from the footboard. I climbed and turned left, away from the head of the train, edging along the corridor with my back to the windows, then a clear run for the length of half carriage, then people again, and baggage.
'But it was in the brown one, I remember putting it in here.'
'I haven't got the brown one.'
'Then you've left it in the compartment.'
'We'll have to go back.'
They were so slow, so slow, they moved slowly, they had arrived, but I was just starting. Somewhere behind me a guard was using his whistle. Assumption: there were ten of them and they'd deploy in open formation with the flank men covering Platforms 2 and 4 and the centre group concentrating on 3 and working the narrow area limited by the train's length and the two adjacent lines. Estimation: I had another ninety seconds and there were two more carriage lengths to go. I would need to hurry now.
'Mind what you're — '
'Sorry, I've left something — '
'There's no need — '
Oh yes there was need.
Sweating badly, the limits so very fine, calculated but hazardously fine, the centre group through the barrier by now and working their way along. One or more would check underneath the train and that would slow them a bit but it wasn't a bonus, it was allowed for, part of the ninety seconds, eighty, seventy.
Baggage stacked in the coupling bay, climb over it, not so many here now, one more carriage, stifling, the heat full on and the windows misted, watch for the orange-colour poster through the misted glass, get a bearing on that.
Bloody well think.
Back the way I'd come, five seconds, the top bag from the stack in the coupling bay, a big one with retaining straps, two seconds, forward again with a total loss of twelve seconds but with the advantage of an altered image-component. Orange glow on the window. Fur kepi tilted to the back of the head, coat unbuttoned and hanging open, swing the bag down first on to the platform, the breathing heavy and the gait shortened to a fat man's waddle, look directly towards the barrier, nowhere else.
From the main hall the acute-angle perspective had given something like a ten-yard error and although I'd allowed for it I now found that the entrance to the subway was well beyond the orange poster but there was nothing I could do about it. The last of the passengers from this end of the train were giving their tickets in and going down the steps and I waddled after them, puffing a lot, stopping halfway to drop the bag and change it to the other hand, coat flapping open, picking up the bag and going on. Impression of people near, some would be passengers moving up the platform to this end of the train, destination Rzeszow, one or more would be Foster's men but discount proximity, whole thing depended on the altered image.
It was a single gate, concertina trellis and half open but with enough room to go through at a run. I wasn't going to run.
'I have come from Bydgoszcz. I have no ticket.' Heavy Berlin accent. The bag made a thump as I put it down, getting my breath.
'Didn't you have enough time?'
'Were you late for the train?'