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He raises an eyebrow. "You're dressed in a torn sheet."

I'd forgotten all about it. I slip on the jacket and zip it up. It falls to above my knees. I reach underneath and pull the sheet out and drop it on the ground.

I help Max climb aboard. I take the seat beside him in front. He fires up the engine and the rotors spring to life. In a few minutes, we're in the air.

I don't bother to look back.


IT'S TOO QUIET, MAX IS CONCENTRATING UNNECESSARILY hard on the controls and I on the view outside the windshield. I know why. There's a lot Max and I have to discuss, I feel the tension like a third passenger. But I think we're afraid to begin. Afraid of the questions, afraid of the answers.

Max radios ahead once we're in the air and asks to be patched through to SDPD. He hands me the radio when the connection is made and Williams takes my call. I tell him only that we're on our way to Tijuana. He says he'll dispatch a car for us and rings off. Abruptly. No questions about how we are, no demand for details.

And there's something in the tone of his voice— concern, uneasiness—that makes me wonder what it is he isn't telling me. Something about Culebra, maybe? Or Burke?

The silence between Max and me is becoming oppressive. When I can stand it no longer, I turn to Max. "How did you end up at Martinez'? Was it Foley?"

He shakes his head. "Martinez got a message to me right after you left to meet David. Through a contact in Mexico. Said he wanted to meet."

"And you went? Just like that?"

He pauses, looks over at me. "Of course not. He said he knew about you. That if I didn't come, he'd put out a hit on you. That we can blame on Foley. Of course, it backfired on him. He never thought Martinez would use the information he was feeding him to come after me himself."

"But he did."

"Sent the helicopter to pick me up at the border. When Foley found out that Martinez had me, he went ballistic. Came to the compound and demanded to be paid. By this time, though, Martinez had come up with his new plan. Seemed killing me wasn't going to be enough. He wanted to make sure I felt the same pain he did. By killing someone close to me. By killing you."

"I knew Foley was following me. He could have picked me up a dozen times. Why did he choose Burke's little shindig? What connection did he have with witchcraft?"

Max shrugs. "I don't think he did. Marta came up with the plan to lure you to some sort of black magic ritual. And she knew Burke had a connection with Culebra." His voice takes on a cautious tone. "Of course, I knew you had a connection to Culebra, too. I just didn't know what kind of connection until now."

His tone is heavy with meaning. I wait for him to ask the questions he must want to. But when he doesn't, I break the silence by asking, "What happened to your ankle?"

"Broke it the first day I was there. Trying to escape. Fell down those fucking stairs. Don't remember much else after that. Foley kept me drugged up until I came to and you were there."

I'm doing a little mental calculation. "And you're sure it was Foley with you?"

He nods. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure he was there the whole time. Why?"

It's clear now why Williams sounded strange on the phone. He knows my anonymous caller wasn't Foley. It couldn't have been. He was too busy torturing Max to be following me around.

So who the hell was it who made the calls? And shot Alan? And why wouldn't Williams have told me when he had me on the radio?


Max's voice pulls me back.

"What's wrong?"

I see no use in holding back. "Remember when I told you I thought Foley might be following me? That he was trying to get me to lead him to you?"

He nods. "What about it?"

"Well, the calls continued. From what you just said, it couldn't have been Foley. But somebody was following me. He even shot a guy I was fighting."

"A guy you were fighting? As in apprehending?"

"Kind of. Anyway, that's not important. What is important is each time he contacted me he said something like, 'tell your boyfriend.' That's why I was so sure it was Foley. I thought he was talking about you."

I feel Max bristle. "And he wasn't? How many boyfriends do you have?"

"Max, you're missing the point. If the caller wasn't Foley and you aren't the boyfriend he was referring to, who is? Williams sounded really strange on the radio. I've got a bad feeling."

He asks in a quiet voice, "You think it might be David?"

I nod. "He's the only other man I know that I'm seen with on a regular basis." I, of course, leave off the nonhuman species. No need to go into that with Max.

"Any idea who you've so thoroughly pissed off recently that he'd go after you like this?"

"No." It's true. Tuturo and Guzman were captured with very little trouble. The thing that happened with Alan was unexpected and spur of the moment. It doesn't make sense.

"We'll be at the airport in a few minutes," Max is saying. "If Williams is there, we'll get the answers."

He says we'll get answers. It's oddly reassuring. I had the feeling the moment this helicopter touched down would be the last moment I spent with Max.


MAX AND I HARDLY SAY TWO MORE WORDS TO each other the rest of the flight. But it's not awkward, the way it was when we first took off. It's strange that we should be united in our concern over a man Max barely knows.

When the copter touches down, it's met with a contingent of police vehicles, Mexican and American. I don't know what Williams told the Federales to allow American access, but whatever it was, it worked. We're whisked away first into a terminal building where Max is questioned briefly by Mexican officials, then their DEA counterparts. He gives them coordinates to Martinez' jungle compound. I'm allowed to stay with him though no one directs questions to me.

There is a Mexican female officer who, seeing my wardrobe predicament, produces a pair of jeans and a T-shirt from somewhere, along with, even more remarkably, underwear that actually fits. I accept them gratefully and duck into a restroom to change. When I come out, she hands me a pair of huaraches. The sandals have obviously been worn, but anything's better than going home barefoot. I slip them on and offer her the jacket in exchange. She takes it.

Because he is hurt, Max is released fairly quickly. He declares his intention to seek medical aid in the United States, and within an hour, we're bundled into the back of a SDPD car.

Williams has not come to meet us.

Ortiz is the driver of the black-and-white. He waits for us to get settled in the back before turning in the seat to greet us. He glances with concern at Max's splinted ankle. "Are you in much pain?" he asks.

Max shakes his head. "I'm fine. Have you heard anything about Anna's partner, David? Does he know she's okay?"

Ortiz raises an eyebrow and looks at me. How does he know?

The question confirms my worst suspicions. "Did something happen to David?" I reply bluntly and out loud. "Tell us. Quickly."

Ortiz frowns. "I am sorry to be the one to tell you," he says. "But something did happen while you were gone. David is dead."



I'm staring at Ortiz. This isn't right. David dead? Williams would never have sent Ortiz or anyone else to relay that news. He, better than anyone, knows what I went through to save David's life when Avery attacked him. He knows how important David is to me.

You are lying. Why?

Ortiz shifts uneasily in the seat and reaches to put the car in gear.