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No. Not likely. I was horrified until I realized he was smiling. “A ride sounds good,” I said.

Grabbing my school bag and umbrella, I took a step outside. As soon as my foot hit the pavement, the hellhound launched, charging right for me. My breath hitched, and in that moment time stood still. The warding necklace pulsed at my throat, and Michael’s halo pulsed a bubble of white flame around both of us, stopping the beast in its tracks. Then Michael drew his sword and sliced through the hellhound’s neck. It vanished into a puff of slimy black smoke before its head could even hit the ground.

From out of nowhere, a second hellhound materialized to our left. Where had it come from? It lunged for my throat. Jolting, I staggered backward and almost fell, but Michael caught me.

He flared his halo around us again and the hellhound backed up, snarling. Testing the fiery barrier, it inched closer, snapping its jaws at me. Michael raised his sword to strike, as another hellhound appeared to the right.

“Get inside,” he said to me.

I turned to make a run for it, when another hellhound formed between me and the door. Roiling smoke blocked my way.

“I can’t.”

“Hold still,” he said.

In a single arcing motion, Michael’s sword sliced both left and right, taking out two of the hellhounds. Smoke, black as coal dust, exploded everywhere. I held my breath. Reaching over me, he slid his body around mine and lunged at the third, piercing its heart. Black fluid oozed an oil stain from its chest. It took a step closer, and with a shudder it collapsed on the walkway before it flickered and disappeared.

Thinking it would come back any second, I stared at the empty space the last hellhound left behind. When Michael stepped into view, his sword was already gone. I wanted to know where the weapon came from, if he carried it all the time, but I couldn’t think of that. Not yet. I was too busy swallowing the bile at the base of my throat and trying to deal with what had just happened. Not knowing what to say, I looked at up him. He always seemed so strong, like nothing could hurt him. After he fought Damiel, I had a sense that fighting was a part of who he was—perhaps what he was here to do. I also knew that a part of him was thousands of years old, but with his hair damp from the shower and curling at his temples, he looked my age and very human. It made him seem vulnerable.

“Thanks,” I said.

He shrugged. “They usually won’t try to cross the halo, but with you here…”

“You used me as bait?”

When he looked at me, his eyes still held all that vulnerability, as though my accusation hurt. “I’d never do that.”

All business again, he surveyed the area before leading me to the car, and it was like he’d put a wall up between us. A cool and formal wall that said he was just doing his job. I wasn’t sure if it was the shock of seeing the hellhounds again or what had passed between us the day before, but something unsettled me.

I wanted to speak but didn’t know what to say. The silence between us grew, and I wished he would say something, anything, to lighten the mood. The cold gray light from the sky made him look paler than normal, and I noticed the stubble on his jaw line, rings under his eyes. He hadn’t been home.

“Did you get any sleep?” I asked.

He shook his head. “It was a busy night.”

“None at all?”

“We used to be called the Ones Who Never Sleep. But sometimes I need to rest.”

“Is that one of the side effects of being part human?”

He gave me a puzzled look. “Why do you ask?”

“Arielle said something about it.”

“She did, did she?” He smiled at that. “When?”

“Last night. She wanted to see if I was okay.” Everything she’d told me was too wondrous, too strange. I was still processing. I had huge pangs of guilt for wanting him so much, but I needed him to know that kissing me hadn’t hurt me. “I am. Fine. By the way.”

“Good,” he said, but his expression was unreadable.

When we arrived at school, the parking lot was already full so Michael pulled the car into a no-parking zone around back to drop me off. As soon as the wipers stopped, rain pelted the windshield, making it nearly impossible to see outside. Sitting beside him in a parked car, I was close enough to smell his skin. It reminded me of our kiss the day before, and I wanted to be close to him so badly it made my head spin. I had to get out of the car.

Gathering my things, I opened the door and stepped outside. The rush of cold wet air forced a gasp from my lungs. I ran for shelter.

Michael followed. “Wait.”

I stopped, and he slowed his pace as he approached, taking shelter under the wooden awning.

“About what happened yesterday,” he said. “It’s for the best.”

I wasn’t sure how to take that. On one hand, I knew the stakes were high, but on the other, I couldn’t bear not seeing him. “You’re not going to ignore me again, are you?” Like my dad does.

I’d lost my dad the day he chose another woman over our family. Bill had a life of his own at school, and Mom was always working. Maybe I was destined to lose people no matter what I did.

“Of course not,” he said, folding his arms protectively across his chest. “But I can’t change what I am.”

I let out my breath, not realizing that I’d been holding it. “I don’t want you to,” I said, and opening the door I ducked into the school.

When I arrived at my locker, Elaine was shaking water droplets off her umbrella. I said a polite, if cool, hello. Her mousy-haired friend Lor joined her almost immediately.

“Did you hear about Fiona?” Lor asked, her face shining with the excitement of new gossip. I flinched.

I thought about turning back to my locker and pretending not to listen, but I didn’t. Instead, I made my eavesdropping obvious, as they tried to ignore me.

“God, the way she left—on a stretcher. I mean, everyone saw her.” Elaine gave a big dramatic shudder. “I’d be mortified.”

“How can you talk about her like that?” I snapped at them. Elaine wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate any way she could, but I didn’t care. “She was nice to everyone, even you.”

“Get a grip,” Elaine said all high-and-mightily, then turned to Lor. “We were just sayin’ it won’t be easy for her to come back. Now that everyone knows.”

“Whose fault would that be?” I said, straining to keep my voice down. “You’re the one who’s been saying shit, spreading lies about her.”

“We don’t spread lies,” Lor protested.

“We find out the facts that people want to know,” Elaine said. “But if someone’s life is a total screw-up and people want to know about it, we can’t help that.”

“Fiona’s life’s a what? You don’t even know her!” I wanted to choke both of them so badly my hands were shaking. I balled them into fists.

Elaine grabbed Lor’s arm and, even though I was at least two inches taller, she somehow managed to look down on me. “Come on, Lor. We don’t have time for her issues,” she said, and they headed down the hall, arm in arm, snickering.

As I grabbed my books from my locker, I remembered those horrible black things—minions—that Arielle had shown me the night before. Perhaps Elaine had one of them on her. If they attacked Fiona, surely they attacked other people as well. With those bitches Elaine and Lor around, coming back to school wouldn’t be easy. Fiona was going through enough. There had to be something I could do to help.

Maybe there was. I had an idea. I only hoped Michael would go for it.


In math class, I realized I’d forgotten to text Heather back about my “date.” She was so curious she texted me as soon as our teacher’s back was turned.

I replied with a quick message that said didn’t happen.