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With just that, Guiche was happy. There was still some hope left.

“My Montmorency~! You feel like considering it, I see!”

“If you understand, then leave! I was in the middle of something!”

Saying “Yes, yes, of course I'll leave. If you say so, I'll leave any time.” Guiche left the room hopping.

Montmorency reflected herself in the mirror.

“What is this... There's no way I could wear something so embarrassingly short-lengthed!”

Unintentionally, her face reddened. Though looking carefully, this outfit was quite cute. Guiche had purposely prepared this outfit for her sake.


Well, yeah, being told “I love you” like that, she was in a pretty good mood. They were going out originally, so she didn't hate him.

“What to do? Forgive him?”

But, she remembered the way Guiche cheated on her in the past.

Even if I go out with him again, won't everything just repeat all over again. She was fed up with getting worried over his cheating.

What should I do? While she was thinking that, she remembered the potion she had been mixing. She opened the drawer. She saw the secret medicine inside the perfume bottle that she had hid a moment ago.

Montmorency tilted her head and started to ponder.

Uーn, it is a good trade... I can also test for the effectiveness...

How about I use this potion a bit after it is completed, Montmorency thought.

The next day, everyone's attention focused on Montmorency simultaneously when she entered the classroom. Why, she had appeared wearing the sailor uniform.

The male students reacted quickly to this.

Sailor outfit and girl... Feeling a fresh tidiness at this exquisite grouping that they'd never imagined before, they stared engrossed at Montmorency. In regards to the way the guys reacted, the female students quickly felt jealousy and envy, and they glared at her.

Montmorency managed to monopolize the glances of everyone in the class, so she was in a good mood. Putting her hand on her hip, she looked upwards and pridefully put on airs and headed to her seat. Louise was also staring at Montmorency while gaping. If I'm right, isn't that the sailor outfit of the Albion army that Saito bought in town?

Louise poked Saito, who was beside her and shivering for some reason.

“Hey, aren't those the clothes you bought? Why is Montmorency wearing it?”

“Ah, aah... Well, ehe, ah, Guiche told me to give it to him...”

Louise remembered that Guiche and Montmorency had been going out with each other.

“Why did you give it to Guiche?” Saito started shivering even more.

“Eh? Because, he said he wanted it...”

Louise felt something suspicious from Saito's attitude.

“Heey, are you hiding something from me?” She glared ferociously at him.

“Eh? Eeeh? I'm not hiding anything! Come on now...”

Saito felt damp cold sweat streaming down him. He didn't think Montmorency would wear it to class.

Crap, if Louise finds out it was a present for Siesta...

Louise would definitely get angry. It seems that this girl finds it boring when I, her familiar, get along with other girls. Even though she doesn't love me or anything, she can't forgive that.

Definitely, just like Louise always says, “Ignoring your master and getting along with other girls” irritates her.

What the heck? Anyways, her desire was to monopolize her familiar, Saito interpreted. She was getting mad at him because her pet dog was more attached to others than her. Never in his wildest dreams did Saito think Louise harbored feelings for him. Very Saito-like, a considerably roundabout way to misunderstand.

Aah, when she found out I took a bath with Siesta a while ago, it was horrible. Resentfully, Saito looked at the restraints that were once again placed on him.

That incident... If Louise found out he had Siesta wear a sailor uniform and enjoyed the skirt spinning... His face stiffened in fear.

Hung on the ceiling, and send electricity at him repeatedly...

In the end, taste an attack of “Void”...

Get scattered like that straw bundle...

I might die...

Saito started shivering violently. Don't shiver, it'll be suspicious! The more he thought that, the more he shivered. In the end, should I have just presented that sailor uniform to Louise in the first place? No, the high-prided Louise would never wear it. Besides, Siesta fits the sailor uniform better. Her hair is black, and she's one-eighth Japanese. Louise's pink-blond wouldn't fit the sailor uniform. Her body is small too, so it would get baggy.


Th-that's it! Damn, that would be quite good too. Th-that would have been good too. Damn! Calculation error! What have I done......?

Saito shook his head to chase out those delusions. Either way, all I wanted was to enjoy the atmosphere from my birthplace. There is nothing to feel guilty about. It's a lie, but not.

His face was ghastly blue, he was violently shivering, and was muttering under his breath, so it wasn't just Louise that found him suspicious.

“Hey. What are you hiding? I won't forgive you if you hide something from me.”

Louise's eyes hung up.

“I-I'm not hiding anything.”

Too suspicious. Louise tried to question him again, but she had to give up when the teacher entered the classroom.

When school ended, Saito left an absolutely impossible reason of “I have to feed the pigeons” and disappeared out of the classroom.

“When did he get a pigeon?”

Louise muttered with a very grumpy face. For some reason, a really bad premonition could be felt.

Saito ran to the kitchen. He hadn't been able to talk to Siesta because she looked busy during lunch and Louise's surveillance was severe.

Seeing Saito, who was panting by the time he got there, Siesta's face shined happily.

“Waah! Saito-san!”

The head cook, old man Marteau, also came up to him and wrapped his thick arm around Saito's neck.

“Hey! Our sword! It's been a while!”


“Yai! Lately, you haven't been coming here! Siesta's always so lonely, you know!”

“Wahahaha” Came laughing voices throughout the kitchen. Becoming bright red in the face, Siesta, who had been washing stuff, grasped a plate tightly. Saito quickly drew his mouth near Siesta's ear.



“About those clothes... When you're done with your job, could you bring them with you?”


“Let's see... Someplace where no one will see us is good... In the Vestri plaza, there's a staircase leading up a tower, right? Bring them there.”

Siesta blushed in amazement.

Afterwards, Saito jogged off and disappeared.

“Aah... I'm...”

“What's wrong, Siesta. A promise for a rendezvous?”

Hooting came flying, but they no longer entered Siesta's ears. Her face completely reddened, Siesta whispered absentmindedly.

“What should I do? Aah, I'm, going to be snatched away...”

Now then, on the other side, Louise was walking around the school and searching for her familiar.

Ever since he said he was going to feed his pigeon, Saito had not shown himself.

Getting to the tower of fire, she peeked inside Mister Colbert's laboratory. Even if you call it a laboratory, it's just a worn-out shack. Whenever Colbert had free time, he usually hung out in there.