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“What is it?”

“You aren't wearing a bra?”

Siesta looked blankly at him.

“What is a bra?”

“Eh? Eeeeehhh? You know, to the breasts, like this, protect it...”

But, Siesta still looked blankly at him. It seems there are no bras in this world.

“I do wear drawers and a corset under my shirt when I am in my maid outfit though...”

Then she blushed.

“But, I am not wearing anything right now. Drawers would show if I wore it along with this short skirt...”

“What are drawers?”

“Eh? Um, undershorts.”

Aah, those things that look like expanded spats.

Haah, so her breasts are like this when she isn't wearing a corset. Saito thought while looking up at the sky. He felt that he would get a nosebleed if he didn't do so.

More importantly, there are no bras? I see. Now that I think about it, when I was washing Louise's underwear, I have memories of washing panties, chemise, and corsets, but no memories of bras. I thought it was because she didn't have breasts, but it seems bras themselves don't exist.

Also, while noble girls can wear laced underwear, it can't be the same way with commoner girls like Siesta, right? Eh? She isn't wearing anything right now?

Wh-which means......

“You're so mean, Saito-san... I do not possess any small laced underwear like the nobles do... Yet, you have me wear such a, such a short skirt...”

In other words, she isn't wearing it.


Inside his head, fanfare resounded like banbakabaanbanbonbanbanbakabaan.

First place. Siesta-san, first placeー

Siesta tightly leaned her body on Saito. Hugged his shoulders. Slowly, Siesta drew her lips closer to Saito's.

“U, um... Are, are we going to do it here?”


“Well, yes, I am a village girl, so, um, I don't mind the location, but, um...”


“A more, um, cleaner place that people wouldn't go to would be better. Ah, but this is just a wish! So if Saito-san says this place is good, then I am fine too. Aah, I'm scared. After all, this is my first time. Mother, forgive me. I'm going to finally be snatched away here.”

It seemed she was really misunderstanding things. Saito only wanted her to return the sailor uniform here. But Siesta thought she was going to be snatched away.

The moment he thought that he needed to explain...

Behind them, the cover of the other barrel popped straight up.

“Wh, what?!”

When Saito turned around, the fallen barrel cover directly hit his head.


Then from inside the barrel, a silhouette stood up as the ground shook thunderously. Actually, the only thing that shook was the barrel, but it felt like the actual ground was trembling. That was just how angry the person inside the barrel was.


Saito muttered with a trembling voice. Siesta was frightened by Louise, whose head was poking out of the barrel, and hid in Saito's shadow.

“Wh-why are you inside a barrel...?”

“I was tailing you and saw you secretly hide inside a barrel, so I copied you and hid inside the barrel beside you. I was really careful to not make a sound. But, I hit the barrel in anger a bit. The 'nyaa, nyaa' part.”

Aah, that cat's cry was Louise. All of it, completely, she had heard our conversation just now. Louise's face was pale with anger. Her eyes raised up, her whole body was trembling like an earthquake. With a completely trembling voice, Louise murmured.

“That's quite a wonderful pigeon you're raising, isn't it. Heeh. A lovely outfit as a present, huh. Fine. I am kind, so I'll forgive something like that. I don't really mind you ignoring your master and sending your pigeon presents.”

“Louise, listen.”

“But, that pigeon said this. 'You have me wear such a short skirt'. Without any underwear, 'you have me wear such a short skirt'. The best. That's the best joke this century.”

“Louise! Listen! Please!”

“Relax. It won't hurt. With my ‘Void’, I won't leave a speck of you left.”

Setting up her “Founder's Prayer Book”, Louise began to chant her spell. Sensing danger to his life, Saito instinctively grasped Derflinger hung on his back.

Siesta had become scared and hid herself in a shelter.

“What is with you? Are you planning to oppose your master? Isn't that interesting?”

Louise muttering that was scary. More than a battleship, more than a dragoon, more than an orc demon, more than Wardes... Louise was scarier than anything up to now.

Saito's body trembled stiffly.

What's with this intensity...

I-i, is this “Void”...

“Partner, give up.”

Derflinger whispered in a bored manner. Demonstrating foolhardiness, Saito pulled out his sword.

“Vo-vo-vo-void isn't anything! Bring it on!”

The rune on Saito's left hand shone... Louise swung her wand down half-way though her chanting. Boom! And the area in front of Saito exploded.

Being swallowed by the flash, Saito was blown off the landing and struck the ground below.

After striking the ground, Saito's face distorted with fear, and he stood up and ran away. Louise peeked out from the landing and shouted.


Like I'd wait. If I wait, I'd die. Absolutely die.

Primeval fear took over Saito's mind. Saito, while falling over, desperately ran.

Louise chased after him.

Guiche was trying his very best in Montmorency's room to woo his lover.

About how Montmorency's appearance was like a rose, like a wild rose, like a white rose, how her eyes were like blue roses, anyways, he used roses and complimented her, and then he extolled her by using the spirit of water as comparison.

Montmorency, being no exception among the Tristain nobles, was proud and conceited, so she did not hate flattery. However, her back was turned to Guiche, and she, acting, looked out the window wearily. It was the “Compliment me more” sign.

Seeing this, Guiche searched his head even more and unleashed words to attract her affection.

“In front of you, wouldn't the spirit of water run away? See, this hair... It is like a golden grassland. It's a sea of glittering stars. Aah, any female besides you can no longer enter my eye.”

Guiche kept going in and out of the room, and he had already spat out enough lines to make a drama. I guess this should be enough Montmorency thought.

Slowly, still facing backwards, she gently held out her left hand to Guiche. “Aah” Guiche let out a moan of wonder and kissed that hand.

“Aah, my Montmorency~...”

Guiche tried to bring his lips near hers, but it was stopped by her finger.

“Before that, let us drink some wine. Since you went through the trouble of bringing it here.”

“Of, of course!”

On the top of the table, a vase with flowers in it, a bottle of wine, and two ceramic glasses were placed.

Guiche had come to Montmorency's room carrying those in his hand.

Guiche hurriedly poured the wine into the glass. Doing so, Montmorency suddenly pointed out the window.

“Oh? A naked princess is flying in the sky.”

“Eh? Where? Where, where?”

Guiche's eyes widened and stared outside the window as if to eat into it. W-h-a-t i-s “any female besides you can no longer enter my eye”, it seems that I have to use this. While thinking that, Montmorency secretly poured the contents of the small bottle she had hidden in her sleeves into Guiche's wine cup. The transparent fluid dissolved into the wine.