Mortified, filled with the shame of having committed a sexually obscene act, she wished she were dead. Perhaps she would never be able to face any boy again, let alone sit with one in a car or on the beach.
She stopped crying and was calmer, trying to rationalize from her small experience of life how, in a few minutes, her happiness had been completely destroyed. It could not have been all Tom's fault, she supposed, remembering how she had occasionally stared furtively at the swellings in the front of the boys' pants. Had she always wanted to place her lips against a boy's cock? Penis, she corrected herself. Oh heavens, the thought of it was bringing to life a strange feeling inside her. Did she want to kiss, to open her mouth and wetly kiss the pulsating flesh of an erected penis – did she really want to do that? She brushed the thought aside. I'm just being adolescent, she told herself, and thought of going inside to greet her parents. Should she tell her mother of her humiliating experience? Gosh! What would she say? How could she explain it anyway – that she had voluntarily leaned down and given Tom a passionate kiss on his cock? Penis. Linda Spender! You're becoming as vulgar as the beach girls! she remonstrated with herself. They used the most awful words. Like "fuck". And Tom had called out that he was cumming. She began to cry again, the shame of it all causing her to feel faint. She buried her head in her arms, sobbing until the tears could flow no longer.
The house was strangely silent; it was usual for her parents to leave the lights on in the living room and to be there when she returned. The curtains hadn't been drawn across the glass doors leading out onto the terrace, and now she became aware of music playing – a record, one of their favorites. She supposed they were sitting quietly in the dark, listening to it. The thought of being with them cheered her. She would open the terrace door quietly and surprise them. She had made up her mind not to mention the incident in Tom's convertible, putting aside the inevitable explanation why she didn't ever want to see him again.
She turned the door handle gently so there was no hinge squeak as she pushed the door open a few inches. She looked about the large, semi-darkened room, her gaze riveting on the two entwined figures on the settee. She was transfixed, unable to move or turn her eyes from the scene of utter debauchery. Her father and mother! Naked! Her father's head was buried down between her mother's widespread legs – she couldn't quite see what he was doing but a shaft of light from outside illuminated her mother's head to reveal the older woman's face contorted into a terrifying grimace. Obviously they must be drunk, or even drugged with pot! she thought crazily. At first the horrified teenager didn't believe that the couple on the settee were her parents, hoping against hope that they might be some outrageous overnight guests, but she was soon disillusioned.
She saw her mother pull the head up from between her legs, and she caught a glimpse of her father's face. His chin and cheeks were glistening from her mother's secretions.
"Let me…" her mother murmured, then broke off, not completing her request. But long association made words unnecessary; her father understood what she wanted. He got up from his position and climbed on top of her… but not the way he should, Linda realized with horror. He was backwards, his knees on either side of her mother's head, and his cock – Linda couldn't stop the word from jumping into her mind – his cock was long and hard looking, and it was poised directly above the older woman's face.
Instead of trying to avoid it, Linda's mother opened her mouth and moved it directly below the jutting member, and the girl watched in shock as her father slowly lowered his hips, pushing his pulsating cock between her waiting lips. At the same time, the young blonde's father buried his face once more between her mother's legs.
Linda stayed at her position by the door, unable to move, terrified her parents would see her but unable to tear herself away from the lewdly hypnotic spectacle. They are out of their minds, completely insane, she almost screamed aloud as she watched her wantonly sucking mother now caressing her father's balls. Testicles, the young girl's mind automatically corrected itself. The older woman was moving her husband's cock around in her mouth, the changing bulges in her obscenely working cheeks quite visible to her daughter watching from the door.
Soon her father began to moan quietly, his head still buried down between her mother's legs, his buttocks quickening in their rise and tall as he thrust his swollen member wildly in and out of her contorting mouth. He was beginning to gasp for air, and he was forced to raise his head, crying out as he did so.
"I'm cumming, Susannah! Oh you wonderful girl; I'm cumming! I'm cccuummmmiiiinnnggg…"
Linda expected her mother – drunk as she must surely be – to actually choke in her desperate fight for air, or certainly to tear herself away from that thickly jerking penis, but incredibly, she stayed there with the impaling hardness in her mouth and swallowing, actually swallowing the surging load of semen. Linda continued to stare as though hypnotized by the debauched sight of her own mother behaving like a degraded whore. And her father! His cock was still hard and seemed frighteningly long as he drew it from her mother's mouth.
With the feeling that her parents had deserted her, that her world had finally crumbled to ashes, Linda managed to shake herself from her state of numbed shock and leave the depraved spectacle behind her. Silently, she closed the door and went to the main entrance of the house where she carefully let herself in, turning off the terrace lights before creeping softly up the stairs to her room. The desolate blonde teenager removed her clothes in the dark and sank back onto the bed to stare blankly up at the shadowed ceiling in a state of shock and incomprehension, until at last blessed sleep came to carry her off into forgetfulness.
The early morning rush to complete packing, take showers, eat breakfast and get to the airport precluded any discussion about the previous night. Linda's mother did manage to ask after Tom, and her father wondered how Linda had got into the house and into bed without anyone hearing. Linda was trying to avoid her parents, an intention that went unnoticed in the scramble to catch the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service – Qantas – airliner. Linda made a half-hearted attempt to scribble a note to Tom before she left, but it was no use. She was weighed down with an overwhelming sense of guilt, at the same time feeling shocked and disappointed with him. Each time the incident came into her mind she pushed it away, only to be haunted again and again by the scene in the convertible as well as the low depths to which her parents had sunk.
She didn't ask them about their farewell parties, the only thing said being her mother's comment.
"I swear I'll never mix cocktails and champagne again as long as I live. I don't even remember going to bed last night."
Neither the mother nor daughter noticed the smile on Arnold Spender's face. He was quite used to her pretense that she didn't remember a thing… especially after they had enjoyed a particularly wanton session of lovemaking… and the more uninhibited she had been the night before, the less she pretended to remember.
Linda, however, wondered if her father had also suffered a blackout, if what she had witnessed had been performed while they were both semiconscious under the influence of alcohol. She felt a little relieved at this thought then paled at the remembrance that she, herself, when she kissed Tom's penis, was perfectly sober. She could not lay the blame on drink or drugs, and she was beginning to realize that she couldn't really blame Tom.
They arrived at Honolulu in the early afternoon, allowing time for the three of them to go to the beach before dinner. Linda's parents were pleased to see that she was getting over her dark mood. The poor girl was missing Tom quite badly, they both thought, and went out of their way to indulge her with little gifts, including a color Polaroid land camera. They dined late, taking a long while over the meal, since they were to change to a different flight after midnight. There was plenty of time, explained Arnold Spender, as he didn't have to be in Sydney until Sunday.