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Ronelle. An Accepted with the rebel contingent who had a potential strength level of 22(10). Born in 969 NE, she went to the White Tower in 984 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and six as Accepted, she was taken from the White Tower by the sisters who fled after Siuan was deposed. She shared a bed with Emara in a room with Satina and Mulinda in the same house in Salidar as Elayne and Nynaeve. She was almost strangled in her sleep by her bedsheets when the bubble of evil hit Salidar. Ronelle would have been tested for Aes Sedai had she remained in the White Tower.

Ronja. An Aiel blinded in the Last Battle. Trying to recruit more people for the battle, Berelain asked him who could make the gai’shain fight; he told her that no one could.

Roof of the Maidens. A building exclusively for Maidens of the Spear; no men were allowed entry, other than gai’shain. These roofs were found in different locations, such as Cold Rocks and Rhuidean in the Waste.

roofmistress. The Aiel term for the wife of a sept chief who ruled the stronghold of that sept.

Roon, Mother. The Wisdom-equivalent in Jarra, Ghealdan. Noam bit her when she tried to help him.

Rorik. Magla Daronos’ broad-shouldered Warder. When cockroaches infested Romanda’s tent and the women screamed, he ran in with his sword at the ready, but had no idea what to do about the insects.

Rorn M’doi. One of the places in history that Sammael, the Destroyer of Hope, devastated, earning him that name.

Ros, Fridwyn. See Fridwyn Ros

Rosala. A Seanchan with the duty of disciplining da’covale. Suroth told Liandrin to go to Rosala and ask her to beat her.

Rosana Emares. A Lady of the Land of Tear who was raised to High Lady after the capture of Illian. Her House sign was the Hawk-and-Stars. About 5'6" tall, and lanky, with a wide nose and blue eyes which were rare for a Tairen. She led her armsmen herself, rather than using a Master of the Horse, though she did not actually go into battle. She had a helmet and breastplate and a mace which she could use. A blunt woman, Rosana told Eben that he needed fattening, ordered Jonan to stop slouching and asked whether Aes Sedai had approved their grim coats. She listened to the story of Dumai’s Wells as if examining a possibly counterfeit coin. She had assumed a place in the councils of the High Lords, though Tairen High Ladies seldom did so. Rand left Rosana in Illian to keep the peace.

Rosara Medrano. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah with a strength level of 32(20). About 5'7" tall, with black hair, dark eyes and brown skin, she liked to cook. Unlike other Browns, she was not dreamy, but rather had a tempestuous nature and a temper, which she usually controlled well, although her eyes could flash with anger. She was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells following Cadsuane Melaidhrin. Rosara was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding. When she saw Logain, Aes Sedai and Asha’man arrive in Cairhien, she rode quickly to tell Samitsu.

Rose Crown of Andor. The crown worn by the Queen of Andor.

Rose of the Eldar, The. An inn found in Ebou Dar. Mat, Nalesean and others sat outside it and drank while watching the house of the Kin.

Rosebud. A dun mare ridden by Selucia.

Rosel of Essam. A woman who wrote two hundred years after the Breaking about a ciphered document that held secrets the world could not face. She claimed that more than a hundred pages of the document survived the Breaking, but only one page remained for Verin to study.

Rosene. One of Berelain’s serving women. Plump, plain-faced and dark-eyed, she looked like the other serving woman, Nana. Although not pretty, the two animated Berelain’s usually taciturn thief-catchers. Rosene served Perrin breakfast after he had slept in Berelain’s tent; she or Nana spread the word that Perrin had done so. When Perrin was trying to locate Masema and his men, Rosene told him, amid much smirking and tittering, that she thought they were two or three miles away.

Roshan. Samitsu’s Warder. He had not wanted to be a Warder until she decided she wanted him for one. Samitsu left Roshan in the city when she visited the rebel camp near Cairhien; when the bubble of evil hit, she wished that she hadn’t.

Rosi. The name that Tuon intended to give Joline as a damane.

Rosil. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who replaced Tiana as Mistress of Novices under Egwene.

Rosoinde, Garenia. See Garenia Rosoinde

Ross Anan. The youngest son of Setalle Anan. He was fourteen years old when Mat stayed at his mother’s inn. He helped the serving girls in the inn and worked the fishing boats with his father, depending on the time of year and need.

Rossaine, Clan. A clan of the Atha’an Miere.

Rosse. A member of Jarid Sarand’s personal guard. Faced with Jarid’s growing insanity, Rosse and Jarid’s other men rebelled against him, and tied him to a tree. The men then went off to fight in the Last Battle.

Rossin. An officer under Rodel Ituralde in Maradon. Ituralde directed him to find out why a trumpet sounded an early retreat, leading to great losses for Ituralde, but he was killed in a skirmish before he was able to do so.

Roundhill. A village Perrin visited. The smith there was careless, and had burn scars on his hands

Rovair. A stout follower of the High Lord Darlin in the rebel camp below Cairhien. When Min and Rand visited the camp, Darlin told Ines and Rovair to give them their horses. Rovair answered with a toadying smile for Darlin and a cooler but still greasy one for Rand.

Rovair Kirklin. Masuri Sokawa’s Warder. A compact man with receding dark hair, he usually had a ready grin, but was glum over Masuri’s treatment by the Wise Ones. He and Masuri went with Perrin when he met with Masema; on their return they found Faile had been kidnapped, and Rovair was one of the scouts who looked for her. Masuri and Rovair met with Masema in secret, and the two went with Perrin to So Habor. Rovair traveled into Malden through the aqueduct; he was with Perrin when Perrin was reunited with Faile.

Rowahn. An Aiel leader after the Last Battle, seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean. Tall and red-haired, Rowahn tried to keep to some of the core beliefs of the Aiel; he wore the cadin’sor and was clean-shaven, but when his hold was attacked and burned by the Seanchan, he picked up a sword and used it to preserve his daughter Tava. He tried to keep the people of the hold together, but they all walked away.

Rowan Hurn. A member of the Village Council in Emond’s Field. He joined Perrin’s army at Malden; Perrin tasked him with making sure that Galad had released the prisoners before his trial.

Royal Inn, The. An inn found in Four Kings, Andor. The Darkfriend Howal Gode went there looking for Rand and Mat.